Fierce Battle part 2

"There is more Citizen-Class spirit than we expected. And their numbers aren't something we can take lightly. This can end badly for us." (Convict)

The Convict looked at the spirits surrounding the team. Most of them were now Citizen-Class spirits. And some of them were wearing similar clothing to one spirit Aiken blasted with his air bullet. Because of this, they were aiming for him.

Aiken fired a lot of air bullets at the ones trying to surround him. Their goal was to encircle him and push him to the corner by an endless barrage of spells. But unfortunately for them, he realized it before they could succeed.

[Furious Gale]

He pointed his palms towards the spirits. From his palms came out a raging wind. It was so strong that all of the spirits were blown away along with their shields of sand. After dealing with them he returned to the team.

"What should we do? Lydia is barely restraining that giant pig. Oscar is protecting her and Nox is fighting with a High-Class spirit. Do you have some kind of a plan?" (Aiken)

"I might have." (Convict)

At this time Oscar was listening to their talk. After killing a bunch of spirits with a [Crushing Wave] he turned towards them. Lydia was getting worse while holding the giant pig down. And they didn't really have the means to take it down. Oscar had spells of Undine but he didn't have enough mana to cast one with enough firepower.

"What can we do?" (Oscar)

"Technically, we can cancel summons of others if we can cast the same spell with exact same magic circle. But it's almost impossible to copy a magic circle to its tiniest details." (Convict)

"Would there be some kind of backlash?" (Aiken)

"As far as the one who copies has enough mana and he successfully copies there's no harm. If it succeeds the original summoner will face a backlash. Because you would be interfering with his pact with his summon." (Convict)

Oscar looked at Jason. The Ignition Eyes as Jason calls them, have the ability to ignite spells previously used in places. He can do it if he has enough mana. But for this to work they will need an extreme amount of mana. Because Jason will not be just igniting a previously used magic circle. He will hijack it and take its control. This would put too much strain on his eyes.


"I can do it if I have enough mana."

Oscar looked him in the eye. Jason already changed his regular eyes to Ignition Eyes so it was hard to understand his gaze. But to Oscar, it was clear as day. He was determined. Oscar sighed and took out a mana three crystals from his pockets. This was all left from his stash.

Jason had only one remaining from his own stash so four crystals in total. Lydia was using her crystals to keep the binding spell activated but it was getting harder every second. And unlike the rest of the team, Aiken didn't need any crystal because his body itself was producing mana.

Jason activated his eyes. His iris and sclera burned and turned red with only his pupil remaining black. He focused his eyes to his limit. The magic circle which used to summon Henwen was beyond complex so he gritted his teeth.

[Great Summon: Henwen]

His eyes were bleeding. The strain was greater than he imagined. Nonetheless, he gritted his teeth and endured it. Just a couple of seconds later magic circle appeared in the sky. It was the same magic circle that used to summon Henwen.

"What?! Another summoning?!"

"Did Captain Greuw summoned another one of his summons?!"

"No! It's those humans! They are canceling the Captain's summon!"

"Impossible! How can humans be able to do this?!"

With a cloud of smoke, Henwen disappeared. And with it, the magic circle vanished as well. Jason fell on his knees. His eyes were still bleeding. But with his help battle will be easier for them from now on.


A scream full of agony and suffering was heard by everyone on the battlefield. This was the scream of the Greuw. After the scream, the remains of the church blasted off with a big explosion. Nox jumped out of the explosion.

Nox cast an earth spell and created giant spikes of rock. They were all aimed at Greuw. Because of the backlash from the cancellation of the summon his body was in a terrible state. He had a physical body which is why he took even more damage.

The reason for the backlash is a summoner and his summons signs a contract that binds them to each other. This contract is directly related to the soul of the living beings.

A white barrier appeared around the Greuw and blocked every one of the spikes. Then another white light appeared. For a second it blinded everyone close to it. But when it fade, nothing was left there. Greuw simply vanished in the light.

Nox retreated to the rest of the team. He had a lot of wounds on his body. But his expression was dark.

"That damned pig! He escaped!" (Nox)

"Is it really that difficult to defeat him?" (Aiken)

"Yeah, all it did was summon mire if those piglins. But they are very hard to defeat and absurdly strong." (Nox)

At that moment, a lot of piglins came out of the remains of the church. There were about twenty piglins and thirty spirits more than half of them being Citizen Class.

"It's bad. We are surrounded." (Convict)

"I don't have much mana left. I can take five, at most." (Nox)

"My limit is three. That last spell took most of my mana." (Aiken)

"You guys fall back. I will deal with this." (Oscar)

Oscar gathered all of his mana and begin his spell. It was bigger and more powerful than his usual spells. Its mana consumption was itself on another league. Because it was one of the Undine Spells.

[Storm of Arcane Disruption]

Suddenly fierce and vicious wind currents appeared on the battlefield. Right after the winds, many small drops of glowing water appeared in mid-air. The winds merged with waters and became a ferocious storm.

This storm had the ability to disrupt any mana path or mana circuits in its range, possibly killing them right after the disruption. Its power is enough to wipe out tens of spirits or maybe hundreds of them.

This was Oscar's first Advanced Spell and is currently his strongest one. In just a minute all of the enemies were wiped out by the spell. He quickly canceled it. The only bad side of this spell is, it causes friendly fire. So he had to protect the team with a barrier at the same time.

"Damn... You are a monster!" (Nox)

"It was amazing! Since it was a storm, can I develop something similar?" (Aiken)

"You are... abnormal. You can already cast an advanced spell. Wizards of old-time needed years of training to be able to do something like this." (Convict)

With a confused face, Oscar looked at the remains of the church. He could feel a presence there. He didn't realize it when the battlefield was so chaotic but now it was easy to notice. But what confused him was it was the familiarity of this presence.

From the rubbles came out a young girl. She was lightly injured. She desperately tried to escape from the church only to get stuck under its remains. When she finally got out she saw something unbelievable for her.
