Fierce Battle part 1

[Great Summon: Henwen]

It was like a whisper but it reached everyone in the graveyard loud and clear. Not even a second later massive figure of a boar comes out from the light magic circle caused.

It had red skin full of battle scars. Two big and incredibly sharp-looking horns on its head. Its fangs were longer than human limps and could end your life easier than breathing. Its height was approximately ten meters. Dwarfing everything around of it.

"What the heck?! Why does a final boss appear here?!" (Jason)

"We are screwed." (Aiken)

"We should get Oscar and Nox then leave immediately!" (Lydia)

"I agree with Miss Lydia. We can't fight against this summon. It's power comparable to peak High-Class spirits." (Convict)

It had massive dark claws on its legs. Inferior spirits immediately run away from those claws. Henwen opened its four purple eyes and focused on Lydia and the others.


Henwen slashed its claws towards them aiming to destroy them in one move. Seeing the big and sharp claws coming towards her Lydia froze. This was the moment she felt hopeless and on the verge of death. The claws of Henwen seemed like the scythe of the Death God to her.

Her heart was beating like a drum. Her mother's face appeared on her mind. Her sad smile, her lonely eyes... 'I am coming to your side, mother. Sorry, I am coming earlier than I wanted.'


Suddenly a pillar of water rose from the ground and stopped Henwen's attack. Everyone who saw the scene looked shocked. Being able to stop its attack was an incredible feat.

Oscar rushed at Lydia. She was standing right in front of the Henwen all this time. She looked at him. Her eyes gained a glimmer of hope.

'That's right. With him, I will be safe. But... I don't want to be useless. Mother, I will be powerful and help him achieve his goals. Together we will save people like you. So, sorry but I won't be coming to your side soon.'

She hugged him with all his might. He could feel her shaking from the fear but it soon disappeared. In its place, he could see courage. Her eyes shined with determination. This confused Oscar greatly. She just experienced a close death experience. So how?

"I will help you! I will be even stronger and help you achieve your goals."

"Er... Thank you. But we have to finish here before anything else."

"Yes, you are right!"

'She is different? Like she suddenly gained confidence and power. Not that it's bad though. Well, she is cute with that determined expression.'

"Let me bind it with Nature Magic."

"Can you do it? It's massive it might be difficult."

"Don't worry. I will handle this."

Lydia put her hand on the ground. She was wearing a jacket with the sleeves rolled up. Her veins on her forearm bulged and glowed green.

[Iron Root Binding]

Big gray roots come out of the ground and bind Henwen's limps. It destroyed the binding roots with just one move but roots keep coming from the ground. Without stopping roots keep binding Henwen and it keeps on destroying the roots.

"What the heck is going on?!" (Aiken)

"Believe me I don't know either." (Oscar)

"What? You don't know this either?" (Jason)

"She never mentioned this spell to me." (Oscar)

"You know that she is literally right beside you, right?" (Convict)

Lydia vomit a mouthful of blood and stopped her spell. Oscar immediately checked her health. Meanwhile rest of the team fighting against spirits.

Nox was fighting against Greuw at the remaining of the church. Oscar blasted a big part of it while he was rushing to Lydia. Nox looked Greuw in the eye. Even after summoning Henwen he still had large mana reserves. This was a troublesome opponent for Nox.

"As expected High-Class spirits are on another league of their own." (Nox)

"Kukuku! You have no idea. Let me show you the power of the High Class!" (Greuw)

Dense mana covered Greuw's body and changed it. He grew taller reaching 4 meters height, his body fats turned into muscles and enchanted his strength. Even his gray skin became dark and looked like an exoskeleton.

Nox nervously gulped. He can sense that Greuw uses a lot of mana on his transformation making their remaining mana reserves almost equal. But, he could also sense the power Greuw now possess.

After a deep breath, a crazy smile appeared on Nox's face. This was his usual smile while he was fighting against strong opponents. He gathered mana in his mouth and spit it as flame breath. Against this attack, Greuw didn't even flinch but just a second later a big golem made of shadows appeared behind his back. Golem was as tall as Greuw but more on the lean side. It threw a punch at the back of the Greuw. Caught by a surprise Greuw was blown away by the power behind the punch.

"It's good that golem caught him unguarded from his back but to think there is not even a scratch from my flame breath... Is his skin really some kind of an exoskeleton?"

Greuw got up from the ground and charged directly to Nox. But golem jumped between them took the impact head-on. At this moment a fire pillar engulfed Greuw's body. But before Nox could get his hopes high Greuw came out of it unscratched.

"A fire immunity? This is bad! I have to change my way of attacking."

Meanwhile, Aiken was facing another spirit. He looked like a small child and he was wearing loose-fitting cotton clothing as people wear at deserts. He had long golden hair styled as a ponytail.

"Are you a child? Do spirits even have children?"


"Ow, chill out dude. Have some gentle night breeze."

[Reverse Vacuum Punch]

Aiken threw a punch towards the child and at the end of his punch, he created a reverse vacuum. From the reverse punch came out strong and uncontrollable wind currents. The child was blown away because of the sudden attack.

"See, it is so good that you start flying with it."

A large pile of sand gushed out of the ground and attacked Aiken. He had a surprised expression on his face but it fade when his spirit partner Joey land on his shoulder. With a chirp of Joey, a barrier made of air appeared around him. This barrier was made of many small but fast-rotating wind currents. After all of the sand was blown away Joey released the barrier.

"Sand? By any chance, you might be a desert inhabitant?"

"No shit. I thought you humans were somewhat clever but you aren't. I am one of the proud desert spirits of-"

"You know what? I don't care. Just die already."

Aiken created a small tornado around the child to keep him still. Then he created a ball of fast rotating wind currents in his hand. After making the currents as fast as he can he pointed his hand towards the child. He created an air barrel around his hand targeted the body of the child. With a loud sound, he released the ball of wind currents and sniped the child. Upon contact with the child's body ball exploded destroying the body of the child along with it.

"Yes! One more down! Its so fun when he looked desperate at the end!" (Aiken)

"You are sick. You psycho." (Jason)