The High Pig Spirit

"So you two finally met. It seems I have a chance to kill you two easily! I can get rid of the two threats of our Rebellion!" (Greuw)

Oscar and Nox looked at the pig-faced fat man. He was Greuw, The High Pig Spirit. He was wearing a white suit and black necktie. His appearance other than his clothes closely resembles a creature of fantasy worlds. An orc.

"An orc?" (Oscar)

"Why is there a bunch of animal-headed individuals nowadays? First that goat and now a pig. What's next, a dolphin?!" (Nox)

The attack on the graveyard began twenty minutes ago. At first the team fight with inferior spirits. But as minutes started to pass they realized something odd was happening. Spirits weren't decreasing in numbers. Lydia would bind them, Aiken and Jason would combine their spells to burn them afterward. Nox, Oscar, and The Convict meanwhile dealing with the ones strong enough to not get caught up on the combo spells.

While fighting Oscar and Nox sensed a dangerous spirit so they chose to focus on it while others were dealing with the rest. If they took down the boss rest of his underlings would fall into chaos. But to their surprise, the one they sensed was a high-class spirit. An unexpected and bad surprise.

'Oscar, High-Class spirits are nothing like Inferior or Citizen Class. They are extremely strong and powerful. You have to be careful against him. Your previous battles can't be compared to him!'

"Thanks, Kairi. He is strong but this doesn't change anything."

With the warning of Kairi Oscar focus all of his attention on Greuw. With his crimson spirit eyes, he could determine how dangerous he could be. Still, Greuw had less mana compared to the rest of the High Class. So, Oscar relaxes his guard unconsciously. Catching this, Greuw made his move.

[Summon Familiar Guards: Piglin]

Greuw cast a spell and a big magic circle appeared beneath his feet. They were inside the big building they have previously seen. It was actually a church whose responsibility is burying the deceased. Spirits were using it as a base for a month already.

Circle expended and covered all of the ground floors of the church. From the inside of it come out of different figures. They all looked like Greuw, beings with pig faces. But Greuw was easily 3 meters tall, while these figures are at most 2 meters. They had gray skin just like Greuw. But they were full of muscles unlike him. They had dark and hollow eyes focused on Oscar and Nox. Long and sharp fangs were coming out of their mouths and they were drooling while looking at the duo.

"What the f-" (Oscar)

"This is bad. I didn't think he would have familiars. Be careful of them Oscar!" (Nox)

"Roger that." (Oscar)

There were five piglins and all of them rushed at them. Nox shot several fireballs and then cast another spell. Tentacles made of shadows come out of their shadows and bind them. They resisted but for a few seconds, this made them unguarded.

Oscar created two different lightning bolts and combined them making them stronger and less stable. He shot it to the piglins and fried them alive. Piglins all fell to the ground one by one. This was one of his prototype spells.

"I thought they would be stronger."

Just at the moment, Oscar said it piglins rose from the ground. Their charred skins fell off and were replaced with new and healthy skin. They completely regenerated in a few seconds.

"You had the talk, didn't you."

Nox said with a frustrated tone. Oscar's attack completely destroyed the binds he created to immobilize piglins. Now they are full of health and free to move. This will make the fight harder. Creating binds was easy but piglins had incredible physical strength that Nox has to continuously re-create the binds just to keep them still for a few seconds. Not to mention Greuw himself. After summoning his guards he didn't join the battle instead, he kept watching it from afar while drawing something to the stone tablet he held in his hand.

Nox created ten dark spikes and shot them towards the piglins. They easily pierced piglins' bodies greatly injuring them. But piglins didn't bother with their injuries and rushed the duo.

[Crushing Wave]

Suddenly a magic circle appeared in front of the piglins and from it came out a big wave of water. Water crushed all of them with its might. Piglins once again fell down to the ground.

"Are they still alive?" (Oscar)

"Yes, they are. We need something stronger." (Nox)

"Stronger... I have an idea." (Oscar)

Oscar gathered a large amount of mana in his hand. This quickly catches the attention of everyone. He created the strongest lightning bolt he created so far. It was more stable than when he combined two different lightning bolts. It was because this was still the same spell, keeping the magic stable.

Oscar shot the massive lightning bolt towards the middle of the piglins. Piglins were already starting to rise from the ground but this spell made them froze. The trajectory of the spell seemed wrong to everyone. It didn't hit any one of the piglins but some crystal on the middle of them.

"A crystal? Since when-" (Nox)


A loud explosion happened. Oscar's spells hit the crystal on the ground. It was a mana crystal and Oscar placed it there while he catch the attention of everyone with the mana he gathered for his spell. He used the same tactic he once used against Jason. Controlling mana string with his foot he arranged the perfect combo.

The explosion completely blasted piglins to minced meat. Nox could only watch this as his mouth was agape. Even he didn't notice the crystal until a lightning bolt hit it. His heart started to beat madly. He clearly underestimated him till now. If Oscar could do this every battle he could basically control every battlefield.

"Nice move." (Nox)

"I know right! I have been practicing on this for a while. It's almost perfect now." (Oscar)

'He has pretty dangerous tricks on his sleeve. If we fight all out can I really win? Does he still have an ace that he didn't show to me? More I think about him, scarier he gets.' thought Nox.

"Tch. You are truly a threat. I was right after all. I have to eliminate you!" (Greuw)

"Then come and fight with me! I will make sure you pay for what you and your underlings did!" (Oscar)

"How brave of you. But it doesn't matter. You will die here!" (Greuw)

"Oscar, stop him!" (Nox)

At that moment Nox found out what Greuw was doing from the beginning of the fight. He tried to warn Oscar and stop Greuw but he was too late. Before he could lunch a spell, Greuw activated the magic circle he carved onto the stone tablet.

A giant magic circle appeared on the sky top of the graveyard. It covered all of the graveyard and its perimeters. A blinding light released from the magic circle distributing every battle taking place on the ground.

"What the heck is this?!" (Aiken)

"A magic circle? But who's magic circle is this?" (Lydia)

"I don't think it's one of us." (Jason)

Everyone stopped and looked at the magic circle. At that moment Greuw's voice was heard by everyone and sent them chills on their spines.

[Great Summon: Henwen]