Let's Hunt!

It was already midnight and the moon was shining behind the clouds. It was the night of the day they spent at the school to not draw any more unnecessary attention. The team was on the hunt for inferior spirits who use humans as vessels. With the help of Nox and the Convict, they were searching around the forest.

They didn't invite Owain to the team yet. Jason and Aiken wanted to invite him but Oscar refused it by saying using magic would be bad for his health. Jason was confused but Aiken silently accepted his reasoning. After all his whole family is suffering from mana their bodies produce. It is something that kills normal humans.

At that moment Aiken realized something. Oscar recently showed some similar symptoms his family members often show. Maybe he was affected by the mana too? He shook his head. He can't be sure of anything without talking with Oscar. So he just kept his thoughts to himself.

Still, the deal between Aiken and Oscar is actually about this very matter. Oscar knows that this deal gained even more importance now. Both to save himself and Aiken's family. Of course, he didn't forget about the killers of Nora, Aiken talked about. After being done with all of this Spirit Realm thing he is planning to go after them.

"So, they fell this low. Use humans as vessels?! We have to wipe them out fast. Before words spread in the Spirit Realm." (Nox)

"What do you mean?" (Oscar)

"There are two main factions in Spirit Realm. But there are still many little factions that exist all around the realm. If they hear what these spirits are doing here they will swarm here." (Nox)

"I don't quite follow. What do you mean?" (Jason)

"What he means is, if those in the Spirit Realm hears using humans as vessels can cancel their weakness they will swarm to our world." (Oscar)

"That's right. If this vessel thing really works, Odin's Eye won't be the only thing that threatens the Human Realm." (Nox)

Jason audibly gulped. He was a little slow in the head but not an idiot. He could imagine the danger their world could face. Hundreds if not thousands of spirits hunting humans to use them as vessels. They have to prevent this at all costs. Jason took a deep breath. Calmed his shaking heart. Seeing this Osar smiled.

'He is taking this seriously. I don't want his innocence to be lost but we all have to face the enemies. There is no choice.'

Oscar steeled his heart. Killing Joseph had a big impact on his conscience. But now he will fight to prevent the same thing from happening the other people. Especially his team. It was a naive thought but he couldn't help but hope it.

"Do we have a lead?" (Aiken)

"Yeah. I found some tracks of inferior spirits." (Nox)

"Let's go then. Finish this as fast as we can." (Oscar)

The team rushed as quickly as they can. With Nox taking the lead, Oscar and the others were following him. Even Lydia was resolute the ending it as quickly as possible.

Meanwhile, a group of men stood in a faraway section of forest. They were observing Oscar's group's movement. A man with green hair and brown hair stood in front of the others. His golden eyes send chills to anyone who looked him in the eye. This spirit was Onari, the leader of the team.

"We will kill them with our strongest magics. According to Greuw, they can't be left alive."

This was the special team sent by Greuw, The High Pig Spirit. He ordered them to kill Oscar. They didn't really know why a High Spirit would specifically target a human.

"Still, a human? Why would Greuw want to get rid of something so insignificant?" asked a random spirit from the team.

"That's Oscar Williams. The Council gave him the title of First Mage. He is said to be a dangerous individual. " said Onari. He looked thoughtful. "Still, mages are long wiped out of the face of the earth. Why give him that title?" he added.

"It's indeed strange."

Everyone quickly reacted to the sound of a stranger. A woman in a purple dress stood behind them. She was holding a purple fan that is covering a large part of her face. Her impressive purple hair fluttered in a gentle breeze. With the glow of her orange eyes, she looked at the ambush team. She was the most charming woman they ever saw.

"W-who a-are you?!"

"Oh my, you can resist my charm? It's interesting."

"Y-you u-used charm?!"

"Seeing you try to resist is cute. But unfortunately, you will die here."


Suddenly ground beneath Onari and others shone with orange light. From the light, countless hands come out and grab their bodies. They panicked by the sudden event but before they could fight back, hands pull them down towards the light. One by one, all of them disappeared inside of the light. What was left of them was their screams but it soon disappeared too.

"Can't have you disturb Asmodeus' plans now, can I? He is on to something good. Fuuh... There is still the Council left. What to do with them? I think I will observe for a while."

She disappeared into the shadows. The place where she stood a second ago was unchanged. No one could imagine someone killed a group of spirits or anyone else. She simply left no tracks.

Back to Oscar and his team. They were now standing in front of the graveyard. It was a big and gloomy place. Lydia and Jason had difficult expressions on their face. Meanwhile, Oscar, Nox, and Aiken looked gloomy and angry.

"They have been using here?" (Aiken)

"They are definitely inside and a lot of then at that. I can't really tell how long they have been here though." (Nox)

"All this time they were right in front of my nose. Doing god knows what and I never knew this." (Oscar)

Oscar's spirit eyes activated by themselves and released a scary crimson glow. Seeing it even the Convict felt worried for a second.

'His eyes are actually one of the most dangerous things I ever saw. If he can use their abilities correctly I can't think anyone could match him.'

The Convict quickly saw through the new ability Oscar's eyes has gained even before him. This made him worried about his future plans. After all, Oscar is the key point of his and many other people's plans. But only he knows this and its reason.

"I will kill them." (Oscar)

"It will be hard to kill them without damaging or possibly killing humans they use as vessels. Are you ready for this?" (Nox)

"I... I am ready. I will kill them so the same won't happen the somebody else." (Oscar)

"Very well. Let's go, we have a massacre to commit." (Nox)

They all run towards the graveyard. There was a big building in the middle of the graveyard and this was the place where most of the spirits were gathered. The moment spirits sensed Oscar's team approaching they come out of the building and attacked them. There were about twenty spirits who attacked.

Jason and Fiebon were first to counterattack. They created many butterflies of fire and shot them towards the crowd. It instantly takes out made five of the spirits and greatly injured three more. Oscar was second in the attack. He first created and water shield to protect the team from enemy spells. Then he used the moisture in the air and created several water spears at the back of the spirits and killed six of them.

Three of them were the ones Jason took out. Even though they were fighting for their and the rest of the human lives, Jason was still hesitating when it comes to killing. But seeing Oscar killing them without mercy was an awakening call for him.

'I can't hesitate! We have to end them here and now!'

With an even stronger determination, Jason fought with all of his power. Others too didn't hesitate and went for a killing blow. They could feel remorse and guilt after the fight but right now they weren't fighting for themselves. They were fighting to make sure no one else will be harmed by spirits.