Lunch in the Clubroom

"After the rebellion of Nanbu a large battle erupted in the province of Vley. Records said that battles were so fierce that locals had trouble with surviving. On the night of the 13th of January, rebels attack the capital Ariostin. It was the first victory of rebels. They invaded the capital and killed thousands of innocent people.

Because of the difficulties in the battle zone, many families start to immigrate. Two of these families come to a land far away from conflict. According to the records in those times this land was mostly swamp and barren. With these two families creating the foundation, Daxhoull came to existence."

Just after the words of our history teacher bell ringed signified the end of the class. Today we were learning the history of our city. It was founded by two families. Dax and Houll families. You can easily see where the name of our city comes from. The two families who first immigrated to this land. They protect and led the those who cane after them.

Anyway, this story is quite old. City founded like 400 years ago. And ever since my childhood I keep hearing this story everywhere in the city. Citizens keep praising the founders. We even have a day named Foundation Day. It became tradition to celebrate it.

After the bell ringed it was time for lunch. Except for our History class, our classes today is boring. Math was the first two hours this morning and it was terrifyingly boring. I'm not good with math so it always confuses me. Anyway, it's time for lunch.

Usually, I would eat with the team in the cafeteria but today all of us are invited to our clubroom. Luna invited us saying that we didn't have much time to talk lately. She is right. We should have taken time to spend in school. Even before the matter with Joseph we were busy with training. But we have to balance our lives. After all, we are still young, the battles we have with spirits put a strain on us.

"Welcome! It's been a while since we all have gathered together." (Luna)

"Thanks, Luna. It turns out lessons are harder than I thought. So I have been studying. Sorry for not being able to visit much." (Oscar)

"I see. So I guess you and Lydia were studying together. Oh, I wonder what you thought her in those private study sessions? Care to explain?" (Luna)

"Ehh?!?" (Lydia)

"If you tease her more than this she might faint. Please restrain yourself." (Oscar)

"But that's no fun!" (Luna)

This girl is Luna. She is older than us but likes to act cute and sometimes childish. Even now she is pouting.

"Did you two really become a couple?" (Hope)

"Yes, we are dating now." (Lydia)

"Kyaaa! Tell us every detail!" (Luna)

Luna dragged Hope and Lydia to the table. Oscar only looked at them with a dumbfounded expression. Same with Ted and Jason.

'Kyaa? What the heck? Do normal people really use this while talking? I thought this was happening only in the animes. The world is vast.' Oscar thought.

"They seem lively?" (Jason)

"Why is that a question? Are you not sure about it yourself?!" (Ted)

"Ted." (Oscar)

"Yes?" (Ted)

"Calm down. Why are you making a fuss on this small thing? What is the thing bothering you?" (Oscar)

Ted scratched his cheek with embarrassment. Oscar easily saw through him. This was actually normal since they are friends for a long time. But it still feels embarrassing for him to have Oscar being able to read him like an open book.

"I don't think this is a matter we should be talking about before lunch. Let's just eat lunch. We can talk later."

"However you want. Let's eat."

Ted tried to divert the topic. Oscar could see the hidden sadness and anger in his eyes. He had a good guess about what was bothering Ted. But he chooses to stay silent. Because if he guessed right there is no need to make him more depressed with saying out loud. But if what he guess was not the real reason then learning what Oscar assumed was the reason would devastate Ted.

It was the matter of Nora's killer being released. Alex Millrun, Bryce Nadiem, and Liam Prum. Oscar learned this thanks to Aiken. When he tried to research it himself he discovered that it was secret among the wealthy.

{Do you want to get revenge?}

He heard the voice from the necklace once again. He ignored it last time because of skepticism. But now for some reason, it sounds better to him.

They sit around the table and joined the girls. While everyone was eating and chatting Oscar was focused on something else. To his necklace.

'Kairi, did you hear to voice from the necklace?'

[No, I didn't. What did it say?]

'...I'm not sure. I will tell you once I figured it out.'

'Why didn't I tell the truth? Why did I just lie? Is this necklace really affect my mind? Am I actually under its influence? Can it really do this?' Oscar asked himself. There were a lot of questions on his mind.

{Do you want to get revenge? Do you want to revive the one you lost?}

'This! Can you really help me?! I don't care what you are but can you really revive Nora?!'

{Do you want to get revenge?}

'Urgh! Yes! I want to get revenge but after that, I will bring her back!'

At that moment a sudden discomfort assaulted him. It was worse than what he can stand so he stand up and rushed out of the clubroom. He felt that all of his body suddenly become foreign to him. Just a few seconds later he arrived at the restroom and threw up large amounts of blood to sink.

A minute later discomfort passed. After checking himself for a while Oscar couldn't find what was wrong with him. He didn't even find something new. But he was sure that something from the necklace entered his body. This led to a question.

'Is my body in so bad of a condition that even the necklace can't give me a boost?'

He sighed and cleaned the bloodstains with water magic. He had to find a way to fix his body and he had to do it fast. After leaving the restroom he saw Lydia. She was extremely worried. And next to her were others. They all gathered around him. He could see that they were as worried as Lydia for him.

"Sorry guys. I don't what came over me but I felt that I had to throw up." (Oscar)

"Are you really okay?" (Luna)

"Yeah. I'm okay now. No need to worry."

After some small talk, they all went back to the clubroom. Oscar didn't know at that time but Luna looked at him strangely. She was confused by his suspicious behaviors. She narrowed her eyes and touched her chin.

'Is he... pregnant?'

Or not... Maybe she was just lost in her imagination...

Luna shook her head to clear away useless thoughts. She remembered the Curse of the Rextert Family. When she thought about it, Oscar show some similarities of the symptoms.

'Is he cursed too? But... he isn't a Rextert, does he? Why is it always so confusing when it comes to him?!'