A Lonely School

"Urgh! What are we doing here again?" Jason asked while rubbing his eyes. There were dark circles under his eyes hinting at his lack of sleep.

"You know that we are still students at school, right?" (Oscar)

They already missed school on several occasions while dealing with spirits. So, for not missing school today Oscar went to Jason's home first thing in the morning and forced him to go to school with him.

"It feels like ages since I went to school." (Jason)

"It's been only two days, you know. After the 'incident' at the docks school was on a break for a week. It worked for us but we can't just stop going to school. Not now at least." (Oscar)

"I don't really get it. Isn't like a high chance that our world will be destroyed by many disasters when those spirits found what they were looking for?" (Jason)

"Yes, it is the case. But there aren't only spirits out there. Aiken is himself is proof that there are humans that as dangerous as spirits out there. You should be aware of the sudden increase of the tourist in Daxhoull too." (Oscar)

Jason froze when he thought what Oscar said. He was busy with improving his spells lately. So he didn't really think about the danger humans could cause to them. After all, just two months ago his life was normal. After thinking for a while he understood what Oscar said.

"People already aware there is something abnormal is going on. But then why didn't it reflect on media?" (Jason)

"I'm not sure either. All I know is we have to be careful and act like normal students as much as we can." (Oscar)

"Alright. But we should we fast on solving the spirit problem." (Jason)

"I'm working on it." (Oscar)

Soon both of them reach the school grounds. It was less crowded than usual. It wasn't because the time is still early or anything. It was what happened last week that caused this. Joseph and Kulligar. They performed a massacre on the docks of Daxhoull. That night many innocent lives were lost. Authorities said that it was a chain of explosions caused by gas leaks.

There were skeptical people but no one could actually guess the real reason. After a few days, people stopped asking questions. This made Oscar suspect of interference of someone with political power but since he has more to deal with he let it go. So the people are more focused on the aftereffects.

It caused big pollution on the sea which is cleaning work will be scheduled to start in the upcoming weeks. But it had more effect on the citizens. People panicked. Even now a lot of people refuse to leave their homes. It might stupid to some but they just want to stay in their homes until they can be sure of the security of their city. Well, according to recent news many families already started to move away from the city with the excuse of it being not safe. So, kids of these families stopped coming to the school.

"It looks lonely." (Jason)

"Who? The school?" (Oscar)

"Yes. You know, from day one it was filled to the brim. Now it looks almost empty and lonely." (Jason)

"You are right. It does looks lonely when I think about it." (Oscar)

They quietly walked to their classroom. Seeing the situation of the school reminded Oscar of Joseph. Killing him still made him feel guilty. But Joseph was the reason for the current state of the city. Never mentioned the families of the victims. All of them were shaken badly.

"Good morning guys." (Owain)

"Good morning, Owain." (Oscar)

"Good morning." (Jason)

With the greeting of Owain, Oscar snapped out of his thoughts. There weren't many people in the classroom. Lydia and Hope didn't arrive yet or anyone from the boys. Owain put his bag on his desk and immediately sit down next to Oscar and Jason.

"I didn't imagine everything happened last night, right? They were all real, aren't they? Please tell me they were real!" (Owain)

"You sound so suspicious that I'm afraid to ask what happened after I left." (Oscar)

"We just sparred with that Nox guy. I swear nothing suspicious happened." (Jason)

"Magic is amazing. Hey, when can I be able to use it?"(Owain)

"I need to work on a spell that can help you to use mana. Before that you can't."(Oscar)

"Alright! I will be waiting!" (Owain)

Owain went to his desk and sit there the rest of the time remaining until class starts. Oscar looked at his back couldn't help but sigh. When they first met in the football match they played at the PE class first week, he seemed someone arrogant. But now in Oscar's eyes, he only looked like a curious child. This was kind of funny. He couldn't help but chuckle.

"Did we do the right thing with explaining everything to him? And letting him join?" (Oscar)

"You know that we will need more manpower. And we already explained the dangers to him. He chose to join. It's his own free will." (Jason)

"But can we trust him enough to let him have guard our backs?" (Oscar)

"We can figure it out. If he isn't cut out for it you can do that memory-erase thing you talked about." (Jason)

Oscar observed Jason carefully. This action caused Jason to rise his brows.

"When we are alone like this you start to use your brain." (Oscar)

"Because it is tiring to use it all the time." (Jason)

Oscar couldn't help but smile at his joke. Still, he was right. If things go bad with Owain he can just erase his memories. This was one of the advanced spells of the Undine Clan. It was relatively easy to use for him. The only troublesome requirement is an extreme focus.

It works like this; first, you create mana-rich water. Cover the head of the person you are going to use the spell on with it. Then activate the spell and connect that person's mind. After this, you just choose which memories you want to erase. Drain those memories and mana water will suck them.

Well, the spell itself deals with most of the complications. Now that I think about it, isn't this more resemble a ritual? Well, it doesn't matter.

Hope and Lydia came to the classroom about fifteen minutes later. By the time they came class was about half full. Lydia smiled at him and after putting her bag on her desk she comes to Oscar's desk.

"Good morning." (Lydia)

"Good morning. How are you?" (Oscar)

"I'm fine. How are you feeling today? Any pain or something?" (Lydia)

"You know that I'm not that bad, right? I can hold on quite good. I only get worse when I use it." (Oscar)

"I'm just worried about you." (Lydia)

"I know and thank you for this. I will deal with it and with your help, it will be over quickly." (Oscar)

Lydia smiled at him lovingly. She was happy that he was trusting her with this. She promised in her heart to heal him. This was a wonderful start to a day for her.