Let Me Help You

While Aiken and the other were training Oscar and Lydia was inside of the room of the former. He was showing her his recent research. She was holding a notebook full of notes about biology and magic. Oscar was trying the create Biologic Magic in the hopes of repairing his body or even strengthening it.

"Amazing. You have a lot of notes in here."

"I have been researching almost nonstop."

Oscar was interested in biology even before high school. And after learning about his condition he started to research without a stop. Even go as far as university lessons. Along the way, he noticed that he somehow could learn anything as long as he studied it a few times. Normally some humans can't learn some things whether they study once or several times. But he could learn it without an issue.

Lydia kept studying Oscar's notes. She wasn't as good as Oscar at biology but she still know enough for her age. Notes were difficult but all of them were focused on human cells. Creating them with the power of mana. This was his goal, creating a new kind of magic.

"Still, these notes are difficult. Can you really understand everything?"

"Yeah. I think it's something to do with my Spirit Eyes. It kind of gives me insight on the subject."

"That's cheating! I want one too!"

"Hahaha. We'll see what we can do."

After a lighthearted talk, they discuss the topic. Oscar was deeply enjoying the discussion. Finding someone other than himself to talk about his research was exciting.

"Maybe you started wrong."

"What do you mean? I started from the cells." a slight frown appeared on his face. He couldn't understand what she meant.

"I mean you said that you based everything on my Nature Magic. I created it with my intention to protect. You are trying to modify it to reach a different outcome. As far as I can see it isn't working. Maybe you should take something else as a base. Like default mana being able to heal our bodies."

This got him thinking. What she said wasn't wrong. His research was mostly correct but it wasn't included mana. When the magic comes into the picture everything changes. And he can't deny intention having a big role in magic. It is hard to do magic only going by theory. Reality is different from expectations.

"You might be right. I should restart from the very beginning. This time with including intention too. Creating new magic is hard. You are really lucky to create it easily."

"Yeah. It wasn't this hard when I created Nature Magic."

"It was probably because your intention was so strong that you bypassed all of this hurdle."

"Then I was truly lucky."

After that Oscar begins the take new notes. He was considering where he can begin and making a list of possibilities. The progress was a lot easier than before. In just a half-hour he managed to the establish foundation of his new magic. What was left was to develop the magic and create the right spells for it. The difference between magic and spells is not much. But magic is more like a collective form of specific spells. And it actually helps the user when casting spells that belong to the user. Oscar right now has Water Magic from Elemental Magic. Elemental Magic is self-explanatory. Magic is where all of the elemental magics are gathered. Oscar theorizes that it gives a tremendous boost to the person.


"Come in."

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Oscar didn't think much and answered. But a second later he regretted it. His mother opened the door. When she saw Lydia her eyes shined with mischievousness.

"Ara? I didn't know you brought a guess. And at this hour too. What were you guys doing?"

"MOM! Stop teasing us!"

"But you blushing is very cute. Hey, don't you think so too, Lydia? He is cute when he blushes right?"

Both Oscar and Lydia blushed. Even while blushing Lydia had a silly smile on her face and she quietly nodded her head. Seeing the kids both blush Miranda decided to tease them further. She brought a plate full of fruits with her, she put the plate to Oscar's table.

Oscar was sitting in his chair and Lydia was sitting on his bed. Miranda sat next to Lydia and smiled teasingly. Seeing that smile Oscar had a bad feeling but couldn't stop her mother.

"You kids are studying huh. You know what this reminds me of my sister. She met with his husband while they were studying in a library. They start dating soon after meeting you know..."

When she said dating kids' faces get even redder. She stop talking and observed them with narrowed eyes. Her teasing smile was replaced with a surprised face. She happily exclaimed.

"Did you two start dating?! Don't be shy you can share the good news with me! Hey hey, did you two really start dating?"

"Yes, we are dating, mom."

"Kyaaa! My son finally grew up to date a girl! He even brought his girlfriend home. Mom is proud of you sweetheart."

"MOM!! Stop embarrassing me! Please..."


Miranda laugh heartedly and congratulated the kids. After teasing them some more she left the room. There was a smile on her face. But as soon as she left the room it turned into a sad smile. She leaned her back against a wall and whispered to herself while looking at Oscar's door.

"I just wish you will always be happy. no matter what happens, my son."

Meanwhile, Oscar had complicated look on his face. He heard what his mother whispered with his enchanted hearing. He didn't understand why she said that but he thought that she must be emotional.

"Sorry about that."

"It's alright. I am sure my dad would do the same."

They chatted with each other for a while. It was already night when they stop chatting. Lydia said goodbye to his mother. After that Oscar walked her to her house. Just before she walked into her house she faced him.

"From now on, your problem is my problem. And my problem is your problem. Trust me more. Let me help you."

"I do trust you. I will always be thankful for your help."

She smiled and kissed his cheek. With a heavy blush on her face, she runs to her house. He just watch her back with a smile on his face. After making sure she was in her house he left there.

The weather was getting cold. It was almost winter. He walked in the streets illuminated by the moonlight. Today was a complicated day for him. He gained a cousin, learn some possible truths, and confirmed his relationship with Lydia. His feeling was all over the place.

While walking Oscar saw some people talking among themselves. He quietly walked past them but when he heard their conversations he couldn't help but become alert.

"I heard some crazy rumors. They say there are ghosts in the forest nearby. Is that true?"

"I don't know if it's ghosts or something else but there is definitely something out there. Some nights I can hear screams from my house. I live near the forest so I can hear them well."

"Wow! So the rumors are true?!"

"They must be definitely true! My friend himself said that she saw unbelievable things. Giant turtles and butterflies made of fire! And when we check the places where she saw them we found actual traces!"

'Shit! This is bad!'