Success ?

"Did it... worked?"

Lydia asked with uncertainty. She had her Mana Eyes open all the time. But even with them, it was hard to notice anything. Because the doll she was looking at was inscribed with many complex symbols.

Oscar was using a doll as a first test subject. Rather than using animals or any other creature he begins with dolls. It was because he wanted to make sure that mana paths would work and won't leak mana. This was the test of the outer mana path. According to his plan, most of the mana will be circulating here without damaging the tissues. Only small amounts of mana will be transferred to inner paths and will be used to strengthen the body from the inside.

The purpose of the inner paths permanently enhancing the body. While outer paths will allow the usage of magic, inner paths will make sure of the body's improvement with the help of mana.

If everything goes according to his plan Oscar can create the perfect body for magic users. Of course, this is just the theory but this alone is enough to change the tides of the war.

"Okay, mana paths are successfully inscribed on the doll." (Oscar)

"How exactly did you do it? All I saw was that you draw weird symbols on it." (Aiken)

"This is sealing. I learned a little bit from Kairi. I designed the seals then inscribed them on the doll. This will save me from the labor of the hard way. I don't want to inscribe them one by one." (Oscar)

"Seal huh... What about when the seal is damaged? What will happen then?" (Aiken)

"These are special seals of Undine Clan. After it completes its purpose it will just be absorbed by the body." (Oscar)

"Then these are very useful!" (Lydia)

"Yes. But just preparing them needs a lot of focus and attention. So it's not very practical to use in battles. Or any other emergency situation." (Oscar)

Seals were complex art of magic. One needs to craft special seals or marks just like magic circles to be able to use them. And since its origin isn't Undine Clan the knowledge he has is not much. He could do this much only with Kairi's help.

'I really need to learn runes. They will be incredibly useful to use with sealing. On that matter, can voodoo be compatible with this? I will look into this later. Now, back to the doll, seals are successfully engraved on it. Now let's test it if it works.

I touched the seal and put mana in it. I put a little amount of mana and do it slowly. I don't want to overload the seals. These are, after all my first try on seals apart from my training under Kairi. Seals would explode if they were used wrongly or overloaded with mana. No matter how useful these seals are they come with a lot of restrictions too.'

Seals glowed with a faint blue light when Oscar put mana inside them. This seals' purpose is to create the outer section of the mana paths. If it works mana will only circulate the paths created by seals.

"I can see a little amount of mana moving on the surface of the doll." (Lydia)

"The is this a success?" (Aiken)

"It is early to say if we are completely successful or not. The purpose is circulating the mana but if there is still leak somewhere it will be a failure." (Oscar)

"I see." (Aiken)

For ten minutes Oscar observed the doll with his Spirit Eyes. He stopped supplying the seals with mana when realized that they were nearing their limit. Normally if mana is not commanded or shaped into something else it would disperse to the air. But the mana in the seals didn't disperse on the contrary it continue to circulate.

"There is some mana lost but at least there doesn't seem to be any leak." (Oscar)

"Then, does this mean..." (Aiken)

"I can heal you and your family. I just need to work a little more and better the seals. Oh, and it would probably be better if somehow I can apply the seals on the muscles instead of skin." (Oscar)

"Huh? Why is that?" (Lydia)

"I can see some signs of muscle weakening on Aiken caused by mana, of course. If this is also the case for his family, it will be better to strengthen the muscles. I can possibly make it with a few modifications. I can't give you a certain date for when I will be done though." (Oscar)

"Don't worry. This much is fine already. Thank you very much. Thank you! Finally I can save my sister and my father." (Aiken)

Aiken silently cried. Tears of happiness spilled from his eyes. The biggest grief of his life was just solved. After he lost his mother he always wanted the protect his sister and save her from the same fate rest of his family had.

Lydia was happy but thoughtful. She could see how much Aiken was relieved with the success of Oscar's seals. She wanted to save people from the same fate her mother faced. She looked at the seals. The faint blue glow they radiate took her attention.

'Can I use seals to help people? Just like Oscar.'

She felt weak compared to others on the team. She doesn't have the means to attack only to restrain enemies. But with seals, she thought that she can catch up to the rest. Finally, she saw a way to bright future for herself.

After a few minutes later Aiken finally calms down. He felt the burden on his shoulders disappear after long years. He smiled brightly for the future he can give to his sister.

Meanwhile, Oscar was drawing drafts of seals on paper. He already resumed working on seals. This time seals and patterns which they are made of were even more complex. They were mainly about healing this time.

"Can I talk to you for a minute? Privately if possible."

With the calm voice of Aiken, Oscar paused his drawing. Lydia was studying the seals he had drawn and comparing them to the ones on the doll. Seeing that she was so absorbed in the studying they left the room. They went to the kitchen and sit on the chairs across the dinner table.

"What do you want to talk about? You seem awfully serious."

"You have done your part of the deal. Almost. So, it's my turn. About the killers of Nora. They will be released three days from now. It is certain now and the date has already been chosen. What are you going to do?"

"Just give me every information you have about this. You don't need to concern yourself with the rest."

"Whatever you say. But I have one more question. Are you sick?"

"What do you mean?!"

"Like me. Because of mana. I can see similar symptoms of my close relatives showed before they died."

Oscar fell silent. He didn't think that someone could see through him like this. But when he thought about Aiken could easily see through him. After all his family suffered the same problem for at least decades at this point.

He sighed. He didn't want anybody else to find this out. He didn't want them to see his weakness. He wanted to stay strong. Maybe not invincible but strong enough to let others depend on him.

'I don't want others to see my weakness. I... don't want... them to abandon me because of my weakness...'

"You don't need to worry. I will heal myself. There is no way I will die this early."

"Just be careful then. I saw that at the later stages blackouts and hallucinations begin. I hope it won't come to that."

"It won't. I will manage."