Research Continues

After the recent troublesome events, Oscar finally had the chance to relax. But instead of relaxing, he continued his research. Aiken and Lydia also helping him with his research now. They are studying at the safe house.

Aiken was here because his body has some primitive mana paths. Oscar's goal was to replicate those mana paths. He will need to add mana paths to his own body after he fixed it. If this succeeds he can easily reach the power of the High Class. Right now he has the power of Citizen Class. Exact equal of Nox, his cousin.

"It is fascinating! I can see w how mana paths work and why your family is suffering from mana." (Oscar)

"Really?! Tell me!" (Aiken)

"First of all, they work exactly as I expected. They are basically veins that carry mana inside of the body. I can even see that you have a tiny organ merged with your heart that produces mana. But the biggest problem is they are incomplete." (Oscar)

"What do you mean?" (Aiken)

"The mana paths are in your body are incomplete. Probably the same with your family. Mana circulates in the mana paths but when they are incomplete they can't circulate. From this point on I have several guesses. First, mana might be leaking from the mana paths because of the lack of circulation. Second, atherosclerosis but on mana paths. The third and last one is, somehow incomplete circulation of mana disturbing the balance of the physical body." (Oscar)

Aiken and Lydia looked at him with surprises. They knew that he was smart and knowledgeable about the human body but this was on another level. Still, Lydia pulled herself together.

"Then, all you need to do is complete them to cure him and his family, right?"

"Theoretically, you are correct. But it is not that easy. Right now he has spirit mana in his body helping him to circulate mana. I think it is Joey's help that keeps him safe."

Aiken looked at Joey. He was a little sparrow with silver-colored feathers. He was radiating a gentle green hue. Its beak was also darker than night itself.

"Thank you, buddy. Thank you for everything."

A single tear fell from Aiken's left eye. He was glad to be alive. And when he learned that it was thanks to his trusted partner he couldn't express his feelings but something inside told him that Joey understand his gratitude.

Joey happily chirped his wings and released a gentle breeze. Aiken only smiled seeing this. It was Joey's usual behavior when he was happy.

"So, should we make his sister sign a contract with a spirit?"

"I have another idea. Just wait a bit."

Oscar sits down on the ground and starts meditating. Aiken and Lydia weren't really surprised. They knew that whenever he does this he goes to talk with Kairi, his spirit partner.

Inside of the Undine Space was, as usual, an ocean as far as any eye could see. This place was Undine Clan's independent space. It followed similar laws and rules to the Spirit Realm but at its core, it was different. It was accessible to only the Undine Clan.

When Oscar became the partner of Kairi he sacrificed his left arm to her. This actually caused his arm to turn into a spirit. According to the contract, this sacrifice belonged to the Kairi but since she wasn't intended to have additional arms Oscar kept his arm. And it was basically an Undine arm at this point because of the Kairi's mana in his body.

"Welcome back! It's been so long since we saw each other face to face!"

"Yeah. Long time no see. I miss you too, Kairi. You are as beautiful as ever."

"Owww! You don't need to praise me. I know that I am beautiful! Anyway since you don't have much time let's get into why you are here."

Kairi tapped the water beneath her feet gently and several meters away large screen came out of water.

"I will teach you everything about the mana paths of spirits! You can call me Kairi-sensei now!"

"Hai! I will be in your care now, Kairi-sensei."

"Fufufu! We shall begin then."




"I don't know why but all of a sudden I feel annoyed."

"Are you okay, Lydia?"

"Yes, it is probably nothing."

It was already ten minutes since Oscar started meditating. Lydia and Aiken watched him silently to not disturb him.

Aiken was excited. After all the years, all the family members he lost, he found hope. And not just an empty hope, right now Oscar is working on a way to save his family.

'I will save you Rumi, no matter what!'

He promised himself to do whatever it takes to do save his sister. He thought back to the days he spend with her and their cousins. A sad smile appeared on his face.

Meanwhile, Lydia was quite happy. This will be the first step they took the heal, Oscar. If they can fix Aiken and his family then they can also heal Oscar. They first checked her mana paths but it had... weird outcome. Apparently, her mana paths are somehow merged with her blood vessels. So it was extremely difficult to observe them.

She was disappointed with not being able to help but she resolved herself to help him as his assistant instead. This she believed, she could help him solve the puzzle he is trying to solve.

Oscar slowly opened his eyes. He had a long study session with Kairi. He memorized most of the important points and is now ready to experiment. Since they were at their base from the beginning many of the tools he needed were there.

"First we should have a draft of the mana paths we would need."

Lydia gave him an anatomic picture of the human body and a blue marker. He begins the draw blue lines over the body. They were all over the body and covered most of the muscles.


"What's wrong?"

"While studying the mana paths of the spirits I realized that Great Class spirit had just too many mana paths. They were all capable of carrying a great amount of mana. Especially, Undines."

"I don't get it. What do you mean?"

"Maybe, if I can increase the number of mana paths, the amount of mana that body can handle will increase too. But this can be wrong. Let me think."

"This is a hard problem to solve."

Oscar wanted to perfect this research as soon as he can. Not only to heal and fix his body but also the strengthen his allies. After all, their enemies are strong and every passing second they are getting closer to bringing their armies to this world and causing disasters.

It might be too late to add something later so he felt that he has to resolve it quickly. When he asked Kairi if the number of mana paths affects the amount of mana a person has, she said that she didn't know.

"What about creating one more system of mana paths?"



Both Aiken and Oscar were surprised by the sudden question Lydia asked. The first draft Oscar draw about mana paths can be said that it covered mostly the muscle tissue. But it was already huge so it was hard to add anything to it. But creating more systems of mana paths? İt was hard to do it. More so place somewhere around the body. He wasn't sure what would happen if mana paths overlapped. But something inside of him was telling him to avoid it.

He looked at Lydia and suddenly an idea appeared on his mind. Her mana paths are complete but merged with her blood vessels. Maybe if he can replicate something and then connect it with the outer mana paths...

"This could work!"