Shady Humans

"Don't fuck with me!!" yelled the fat man. The veins on his forehead were bulging because of his anger. He slammed his fist on the desk in front of him. Hard enough to create cracking noises from the desk. He is Ronald. A person who deals with the shady business but actually part of an underworld organization. Also an Archbishop.

"What I said is true. There is something supernatural happening in the Daxhoull. There are witnesses and camera footages the prove it. Something is going on in Daxhoull." said the young blonde man. He gave Ronald and USB disk.

Ronald gritted his teeth. He didn't believe any of this. For him, the supernatural didn't exist and never can. He checks the contents of the USB with an angry expression. He was the Archbishop of the church of Acomond. He made people believe in the religion of Acomond. A fake religion that was created centuries ago. Despite being an Archbishop of said religion he didn't believe any of the teachings of the church. Maybe it was thanks to him being an Archbishop that allowed him to see how twisted the people who controlled the church were. They performed 'miracles' to make people their followers and use the power they gained from them however they want.

"I-is t-these footages are real?! Did you check them?!" he couldn't believe what he saw. At first, he wanted to reject them by saying modified videos and such. But more he kept watching more fearful he became. It was hard to deny when there is too much evidence.

"We checked. They are real. All of them. I personally visited those places afterward and there were indeed strange energy remnants."

"Ugh! August you have to go Maifield and pass this to the boss. I hate this but this has to be investigated further. If the boss deems it real or important we have to lock Daxhoull down. We should finish this before things escalate."

"Very well then. I'm leaving right now."

Ronald watched as August left the room. He was still part of an organization so e have to report this to his boss. Especially since his boss is interested in this matter. And with actual proof of these supernatural activities, he can't hide this. But if he somehow proves them fake everything will resolve and e will get to punish those liars who are responsible for this mess.

Ronald called one of his subordinates to his office. His subordinate was a middle-aged man with brown hair. The man looked anxious when he saw Ronald's state.

"Who is the priest responsible from the church of Daxhoull?"

"There is no one at the present. It seems like the previous priest died three months ago. Since then the church of the capital has yet the send a new priest."

"Then we'll use my authority and send someone from here."

"B-but Mister Ronald, won't this be defying the capital?!"

Ronald looked thoughtful. If the Church of the Capital takes this as defying the order it will certainly be bad. Even the organization or his boss could save him from the wrath of the Pope.

But there is no order yet. He can make use of this situation with the excuse of prevention of a heretic uprising. With the recent rumors of supernatural activities, this will not be meaningless. After all, instead of believing in the supernatural, believing that these were all is a plot to the deceives public into heresy.

"No need to be so tense. We will just do our job. Some heretics trying to deceive the public into heresy. We need to act quickly to prevent this. I'm sure His Holiness will understand this."

"As expected of you Archbishop Ronald. I will immediately accomplish what you ordered."

After his subordinate left his office Ronald took a deep breath. He knew that what he did was risky. If he gets exposed to higher-ups of the church he will be done for. But still, when he was those evidence and proof of supernatural he just couldn't hold himself.

"I will destroy you, you deceivers! I will do everything in my power to make sure of it!"




"This is absurd."

A young blonde man intensely glared at the screen in front of him. He was wearing a white suit dark necktie.

"Are people really believing this nutjob?"

There were several different men wearing dark business suits around him. They all looked anxious in the presence of the blonde man. He was very easy to irritate by random things and when he became irritated it was hard to imagine what would he do.

"We don't know for sure. General populace strangely calm and only the organizations of the surrounding cities shows reactions."

"What about the Dax and Houll families? Are there any movements on their ends?"

"There's nothing, sir. They haven't done anything since three months now."

The blonde man scratched his hair with a surprised expression. The last news was unexpected for him.

"Those two families always boasted with their city. But now when a lot of weird stuff happening they become silent. There is something fishy in this. Send someone to investigate what's happening."

"Yes, sir!"

"Now, get out!"


They immediately left the room like flies. It was clear that the blonde man is getting irritated right now. He scratched his hair with frustration. He was on the top floor of a luxury hotel. He watched the city below with an annoyed expression.

"This Daxhoull always causes me trouble. First, that man, then my cousin Alex killed a girl, not even a high schooler. But lastly, for three months now my 'business' is being interrupted. All of this is connected to the Daxhoull, one way or another. Should I just level it to the ground?"




"Everything goes according to the plan. I was actually worried when Oscar got into contact with Amaris, but in the end, they couldn't control him. Maybe I need to thank 'him' for the interference?"

A girl with long dark hair said as she watched numerous screens. At every screen were different people or spirits, all across the country. She was watching everything with the help of these screens. Screens are made of spider webs. With the power of strange energy, these screens were operating without alerting anyone.

"Still, other human factions are starting to focus on Daxhoull. This is bad. What should I do? I can't let any potential danger to Oscar's growth exist. By the way, is Nox can be considered a danger?"

She focused on another screen. On this screen was a boy with white hair. He was doing physical training while his upper body was naked. His muscles were lean but obvious and well-shaped.

He looked tired. His whole body was covered with sweat but he was still continuing the training. Without stopping he trained. In the end, he lay down on the floor because of tiredness. He pushed his body to its limits but he had a satisfied smile.

"Maybe not. He can be still useful. Anyway, I shall see it sooner."

She smiled while watching Nox. But her smile wasn't a kind one, it was more like a predator who was eyeing her prey.