Amaris' Plan

"I have to do something."

She was desperate. The Council was already on move. She tried to delay it as long as she can but she couldn't delay it any longer. When they found out that their plan about Oscar is interfered with by someone unknown they chose to move.

Their plan was quite simple. Manipulate Oscar Williams to side with Council. After that when the Odin' Eye is found, sacrifice him and turn him into a living source of mana and hex. Odin's Eye was a powerful artifact but not much was known about it. But one thing they know was it had a different energy. In the first place why they made this plan is because the Core of the Spirit Realm could be fixed with only mana. But thanks to Hex Master they knew a way to turn hex into mana. So they choose Oscar. The easiest one to find among the hex bloodlines survivors.

But since they realized the interference quite late this plan couldn't work any longer. So they chose to attack the possible locations of Odin's Eye. If they could get their hands on it, it would be easy to control Oscar even against his own free will.

"I can't let them succeed."

She was in her own space. Everywhere the eye could see was made of white rocks. Just like the surface of the moon. In the middle of the space, she was sitting on a wooden chair. In front of her was a wooden table and on it was paper. It was a report from her few loyal subordinates.

What was written on the report was Dogion's plan of attack on a human city named Jumsall. The purpose of this attack was to corner the Rebellion. Their scouts found some spirits were doing suspicious acts in the city. And a few days ago there was a sudden rise of the magical energy in the city. The Council thought that it was related to Odin's Eye. So they decided to make a move. Dogion is one of the strongest great spirits, so sending him is a big move.

But if they had it, why didn't they use it so far? They thought Rebellion couldn't control the artifact even if they had it. This was their hopeful thinking. But to not give any time to Rebellion they made an attack plan. But she knew better. Odin's Eye was somewhere else. Someone was already using it. She learned this from the only other person in the council who didn't want to support others.

She raised her hand pointed towards the empty space. A small portal appeared in space. She could see the scenery of the forest from where she was standing. She slowly walked through the portal.

The other side of the portal was a forest right outside of the Daxhoull. She glowed purple for a second and turned into a beautiful purple butterfly. She flies towards to city, to a certain person.

Hope was lying on her bed. She had a long day today, like usual. She had to keep herself calm and prevent any impulsive action. It was exhausting. She wasn't a calm person, to begin with. She was energetic and adventurous. She sighed and gets up from her bed. On her desk was a big mirror. She looked at her reflection on it.

She had brown shoulder-length hair, brown eyes, and a doll-like face. She was a pretty girl who is the friend of everyone. She could always get close to those she wanted to. But not this time. The one time when she had sincere feelings everything she had tried failed. Whenever she tried to get close to him she felt the distance between them getting further apart.

"I just want to spend time with my brother. *sigh*"

She remembered the first day they met. He was clearly surprised seeing her. At that moment she was barely able to hold herself. Her brother looked so cute with that confused and blank look on his face.

He was suspicious of her being there. After all most normal people won't go to abandoned and possibly haunted church at night. And yet she was so excited that she couldn't help but smile all night.

After that night they became closer. But a few days later he begins to distance himself from her. Just why did he do that!? Hope couldn't understand what was going on inside his head.

"Brother, you are so mean~ I tried to get close to you but you keep distancing yourself from me. Maybe I should reveal who I truly am? But I promised his mom... *sigh* What should I do?"

A purple butterfly entered her room from the open window. She couldn't help but be attracted to the butterfly. It looked mesmerizing and magical.

"So pretty..."

Butterfly shined with a blinding light and turned back into her real form, Amaris. Seeing that pretty butterfly suddenly turned into a mature beauty, Hope was beyond confused. This time Amaris wasn't looking sick. She was desperately keeping her appearance healthy.

"My name is Amaris, Great Moon Spirit."

"H-hope Marleen."

"Hope... your brother needs help. There is trouble coming for him and unfortunately, he can't survive it."

"W-what?! Hold on! You know my brother! And what do you mean he can't survive?!"

Amaris raised her hand and on her palm appeared a tiny figure of a boy. It was made of light but Hope understands who is it. It was indeed the figure of her brother.

"As you can see, magic is real. And the trouble coming to your brother is creatures who are made with magic or those who could use it."

"How can I help him?"

All the fear and confusion disappeared from her head. When she learned that her brother is targeted by those who can use magic she wanted to help him. She was ready to do whatever it takes to help him.

"I can help you. I can grant you my power and help you bring out your own power hidden in your body."

"What do I need to do for this?"

"We will sign a contract made with magic. I offer you what I mentioned just now and you will have to offer your heart."

"If I offer my heart won't I just die? Even before helping my brother."

"No, ut doesn't work that way. When you offer your heart, I will engrave the runes on it. From the runes, my mana will flow into your heart. Since your body is stronger than average human it could withstand the mana and even evolve with it. This will bring out your hidden power. I can answer your other questions later, I can't stay in this world for much longer."

"Fine. I accept. Where do I sign?"

Amaris smiled at her answer. Words of approval are enough for a contract too. With the activation of the contract, Hope felt unbelievable pain in her heart. She couldn't bear the pain and fainted. While she was out cold Amaris engraved many runes on her heart.

While Oscar and other people who made contracts with spirits had at most three runes on them, Hope had several times more. The reason for this was what Amaris said. Bringing out the hidden power of Hope. Hex.

'Brother, I will definitely help you!'