
5 minutes ago

The young boy's eyes were fixed on the girls sitting in front of him. A dangerous glint made its presence in his eyes when he saw the two smiling at each other. With a cold face he pushed his chair aside and stood up, he put his right hand in the pocket of his jeans.

The two girls sitting respectfully on either side of him were watching Angel and Harmonie's interaction, relieved to see that the situation hadn't gotten worse. They knew that Angel was not a very good fighter and when they saw Harmonie in action, they were prepared to go into action to help their friend, but they knew that they were not good fighters either, but it's the number that counts, they told themselves.

So when they saw that Harmonie had no intention of hitting Angel, they were relieved.

Hearing the sound of a chair moving beside them, they turned their heads in the direction of the young boy. Seeing his expression, they quickly understood that this was not good news.

Having seen the blond boy lose his temper several times and become completely crazy, it was really not good news, especially when he couldn't tell who was on his side and who wasn't. They miraculously managed to get out of it when he was caught in a murderous frenzy until now.

They looked at each other and understood each other immediately, the two brown-haired, brown-eyed twins stood up in turn.

"Nathan, you should calm down," the one on Nathan's right said, her twin sister nodded.

Nathan tore his gaze away from Angel and Harmonie, turned his head to his right, an angry expression formed on his face and he grabbed the girl's neck,

"You're not telling me what to do!" he whispered dryly,

"What are you doing? Let go of my sister!" the other twin said as she tried to free her sister from Nathan's grasp, Nathan managed to push her away with his elbow thanks to their different sizes and the fact that the young blond was quite strong.

The girl fell and hit her head on the corner of the table, which caused her to scream. The scream attracted the attention of the people present. They were all frozen by what they saw.

Angel was the first to come out of her stupor,

"What the hell are you doing, Nathan?" Angel shouted at the young blond man,

'Oh, that's his name!' Harmony thought, the blond boy turned his head towards the two seated girls, the murderous glint in his blue-gray eyes intensified,

Nathan took his right hand out of his pocket, a pocket knife with military motifs on it, he pulled the blade out by pressing the small gray button and tried to slit the girl's throat who was trapped on his hand.

The second twin, who had almost straightened up when she saw this, acted quickly and tackled him with all her weight, the knife escaped from Nathan's hand, which distracted him, the other twin managed to get her neck away from Nathan's hand, her sister came towards her, took off her scarf and pressed it on her sister's neck, who was lying on the ground with blood flowing from her neck. He managed to hurt her.

Nathan went to retrieve his knife that was a few meters away, picked it up and moved dangerously close to the twins. All the people seeing this fled, leaving in the bar the five young one.

'Oh, shit-'

Harmonie stood up quickly as she saw him approaching the twins, followed by Angel.

Harmonie surprised Nathan by pushing him sharply, causing the boy to lose his balance and fall on his butt. She then went to the two twins, especially the one who had been injured.

Nathan was ready to attack Harmonie, but Angel stopped him.

"What are you playing at?" Harmonie heard Angel's voice and turned around to see Angel standing in front of her with her arms outstretched, stopping Nathan, "You just hurt Nadia and Diana. The boss said not to hurt us though, you had no right to hurt us-"

"SHUT YOUR MOUTH!!!" he shouted, Harmonie raised an eyebrow at his angry outburst. He tightened his grip on the knife in his hand,

"So you're planning to disobey him?"

"SHUT UP!!!"

Hamonie stood up and looked at him. Nathan had finally decided to spring into action and ran towards Angel, before she could even understand what had just happened, her body reacted quickly to protect Angel by shielding her with her body, by putting the body of Angel in a bowing position, and she put her hand in front of her eyes so that she couldn't see what had just happened.

"Listen, Angel, close your eyes and only open them when I tell you to, okay?" She nodded quickly, shaking in Harmonie's arm.

Nathan abruptly removed the knife from the back of his left shoulder, Harmonie let out a grunt. Nathan was about to stab her again. Nadia stood up, judging that her sister's wound was not too serious, turned her head, and saw a glass on a table. The glass hit Nathan's right temple.

Nathan turned to Nadia and started to move towards her. A drop of blood flowed from a small wound in his temple.

On her side, Angel tried to talk to Harmonie, who was starting to feel dizzy. Just when Harmonie felt like she was finally going down, her body and mind decided otherwise. A sudden surge of adrenaline came over her when she saw Nathan raising his knife and coming dangerously close to Diana, who had inadvertently found himself trapped on the corner of a wall.

Before he could do anything to her, Harmonie managed to tackle him to the ground. He let go of the knife with his hand and Harmonie rolled on her side, her wound did not help her despite the adrenaline.

She was completely stunned by the fall and failed to notice that he had picked up the knife again.

He stood up, Harmonie did the same with difficulty, and he looked at her with a horrible smile and started to run towards Harmonie with the knife in the air, Harmonie tried to defend herself.

But at a moment of inattention on her part due to the acute pain coming from her shoulder, she felt a sharp pain in her stomach,

"Hm" Harmonie grunted,

He tried to remove the knife, Harmonie stopped him. He tried again to remove it, and suddenly he collapsed, Angel had a baseball bat in his hand. Harmonie looked at her wide-eyed, before regaining her composure and sitting down with her legs spread, and her hands positioned behind her.

Angel dropped the bat, moved closer to her and, crouching in front of her, looked at her sadly,

"Are you okay?" she asked her, Harmonie scoffed lightly,

"Maybe you don't see the blood and my wounds?" she said raising an eyebrow, Angel lowered her head embarrassed,

"So no, I'm not okay, I'm pissing blood, I'm in pain and on top of that I'm dizzy." Harmonie lay on her back, her hands resting along her body.

"You should go see if Nadia is okay." Angel looked at her and replied,

"Her sister is already with her."

"Then call for help." said Harmonie softly,

"They're coming." was the short answer of Angel,

"They?" Harmonie smiled, a little smirk on her face,

"Hey Diablo!" called Harmonie, Angel tapped Harmonie's uninjured shoulder and replied,

"What's up?"

"Didn't I tell you to close your eyes?" Harmonie's voice was starting to get lower and lower, and she could feel her eyes getting heavier and heavier.

"Yes, but why?"

"Close your eyes."

"Why?" she asked, but closed them anyway,

"You have hemophobia, aren't you?" Hearing this, Diana turned around with wide eyes,

"How do you know?" asked Angel in a surprised voice,

"Your reaction, when you saw your blood and when we mention it, you always have this look of horror on your face. So don't open your eyes, the adrenaline and everything that happened has probably made you forget that little detail, which is not so little." Harmonie said, whispering the last part, the last thing she saw was Angel nodding.


"Mommy, it hurts." Harmonie heard the chirping of a child nearby,

"Mommy, it hurts."

"Mommy, it hurts so much." The child's cries became more and more desperate,

"Mommy, help me."

"Mommy, help me, please."


Harmonie was lying on a medical bed, strapped to machines.

A tear trickled from her right eye,

"Mom..." Harmonie heard again,


Harmonie's eyes opened and took a big gulp of air into her oxygen mask, her breathing was ragged and the heart rate monitor began to beep rapidly.

The door to the room suddenly opened, a man in a white coat and two nurses, entered the room and came towards her.

Her vision became a little blurry, she felt a hand holding her head and light directed into her eyes. Suddenly, everything went black again. She fainted.

A few minutes later

A young girl entered the room, looking agitated.

"What happened?" she asked the man in the white coat,

"She woke up, earlier than expected, and was in a state of panic before she passed out. But what are you doing here, Angel? You know you're not allowed to come here?"

"I know, sorry, doc. I had heard something happened, and I just came without thinking."

"Even though I know she helped you and the twins, you'll have to be careful if boss finds out you're here, you'll be in trouble. So avoid coming here, I'll let you go this time." Angel smiled and said,

"Thanks, doc."

"And I told you to call me, Jack, not doc."

"Okay, Jack." Angel was about to walk away, but as she took one last look at Harmonie, she stopped.

"What's going on?" asked Jack to Angel,

Angel, her eyes still fixed on Harmonie, said,

"She's crying... This is the first time I've seen her cry." Jack turned to see that Harmonie did have tears running down her face, but he didn't dwell on it. He turned back to Angel and said with a serious face and voice,

"You should leave now, Angel." Angel looked at him and started to leave with reluctance on her face, before opening the door and leaving, she turned around one last time and left.

'Sorry, Harmonie.'

For her part, Harmonie from the moment she passed out, heard in the dark the child's voice once again,

"Mommy, it's cold."

"Mommy, I'm cold."

"So cold."

"Mommy, I miss you."

"Mommy when are you going to come to get me?"


The child began to sob again, Harmonie felt like her heart was being split in two, and then she saw the child sitting in front of her with their legs towards them, their arms around it and their head on their knees, she could see the child's body was shaking indicating that they were still crying.

Harmonie reached out her hand and began to move closer to the child, the child suddenly removed their head from their knees, which made Harmonie stop, the child raised their head and started to wail, tears flowing from their eyes and crossing their face.

The child's cries were getting louder and louder.

Harmonie's face was frozen on an expression of horror as she saw the child...