
Harmonie reached out her hand and began to move closer to the child, the child suddenly removed their head from their knees, which made Harmonie stop, the child raised their head and started to wail, tears flowing from their eyes and crossing their face.

The child's cries were getting louder and louder.

Harmonie's face was frozen on an expression of horror as she saw the child...


Harmonie opened her eyes slowly and blinked to get used to the light. She looked at the ceiling for a long time, thinking, she felt drained by the dream she had, if you want to call it a dream. Suddenly she remembered the reason why she went to the bar.

'It wasn't what I expected to happen to me, but it's better than what I expected, except for the injuries... ', Harmonie thought to herself, yes, she had planned to ask Angel to bring her to see her boss but finally everything became, a little strange for her, strange and dangerous but-well never mind, did she think. She looked around, she could have thought she was in a hospital room if the events of earlier had not happened. 'How long have I been here?'

The door opened, "I think she'll wake up in a few minutes, you can-" Jack began before stopping as he saw Harmonie looking at him. He made sure everything was okay with Harmonie and walked out.

"It's about time you woke up, child..."

"How long have I been here?" asked Harmonie softly without looking away from the ceiling,

"The accident happened a week ago, you could have woken up earlier, but they preferred to put you in an artificial coma." ,

'1 week? And why in coma?', she thought, but not out loud, she was afraid to know, moreover , she had a feeling that she will not like the answer, and later she will learn that she was right.

"And Cassandra?" she asked her grandfather

"He agreed to release her, so they took her home, two days after your arrival here...",

" ... " 'This easily? I hope they had done nothing to her...'

Little did she know... nothing was easy with these people.

David looked carefully at Harmonie, he knew, the thing, he was going to say next was not going to please her but-

"Chloe's uncle refused to cancel the contract..." he said while observing Harmonie's reaction, unfortunately for him, Harmonie had a neutral expression, he sighed and continued, "So you're going to have to do it, but given the situation, I've asked that we face all of this at Lième. I've already contacted your mother to let her know we're leaving."


"She asked me the reason and I told her we'll explain it together." Harmonie scoffed slightly,

"You could very well explain the situation without me,"

"Yes, I could, but I didn't know if you wanted to talk to her or not?"

Harmonie sighed, "Grandpa think for a moment, we can't ask a person to move for no reason, let alone to another country and let's not forget that this country, she doesn't hold it in her heart because of the damn person who got me into this mess.

And yes, you could have talked to her about it because it concerns her since her daughter is concerned by this whole situation. So, I'm going to let you have the honor of telling her the 'big' news... Give me some water, please, I'm thirsty."

At no time, the gaze of Harmonie cross that of his grandfather, since she found the ceiling more interesting to look at.

After hearing Harmonie's request, David went to the small table located near the door, took the jug and one of the glasses on the table, and poured the water for Harmony. On her side, Harmony had straightened up in spite of her injuries and had put herself in a sitting position, but lying a little on the bed, she tore her gaze from the ceiling, took a quick look at her grandfather who had his back to her and finally decided to put her gaze on the window. The sky was clear, blue with no clouds and the sun shinning brightly, she felt like she was thinking about everything and nothing at the same time.

Despite the good weather, she felt suffocated by everything, even though she tried to stay strong, but she tried to hide it.

However, she knew that at any moment she could have a breakdown, but as long as that didn't happen, she promised herself that she would hold on.

She then remembered what her grandfather had told her, Cassandre was free, but she didn't know if she should be happy or not. Should she be happy that Cassandre was freed? Did they hurt her? Did she get good care... Yet, it was her fault that she was taken away... She had no right to be worried about her, but she couldn't stop caring.

They most likely didn't hurt her because they couldn't, it was against their purpose. Harmonie tried to persuade herself.

'But, if they did...' a dangerous glint quickly crossed Harmonie's eyes, but her eyes then soften without David noticing.

She never deserved Cassandre, and now she won't be able to show her, her love, she won't be allowed to love her. Cassidy was right to hate her, and Cassandra should do the same. She thought she could finally make her happy, but she did just the opposite... All these thoughts were running through her mind all the time, she didn't realize that it was starting to extinguish her flame little by little, fortunately for her, David put a stop to these thoughts...

"Here's your water," said David as he handed her the glass of water, Harmonie finally met his gaze to David's great relief and thanked him,

"You're welcome," answered David,

When Harmonie started to drink, a man entered the room. He had olive skin, he must have been about 45 years old, he was quite tall, with a big build, he had an ordinary appearance. He had brown hair, slicked back. His suit was impeccable, and he wore a big smile on his face.

Who would have thought that this man was considered one of the most dangerous men in many countries and that many organizations were looking for him.

Harmonie looked at him for a moment as if to hold his face, then looked away and looked at the sky through the window. The man had a smile on his lips when he saw Harmonie's antics.

David moved closer to the man,

"What do you want, Mr. Yves?"

The man turned back to David and replied, "I came to see my niece's future wife."

Upon hearing these words, Harmonie made a face. But the two men did not see this, as she still had her head turned.

"As you can see, she is recovering from what your subordinate did to her."

Mr. Yves had a sorry expression on his face, but David knew he didn't care about the situation at all.

This whole situation was due to a damn promise, a damn contract, David thought.

He felt helpless despite all his efforts, he failed, he failed to protect his family.

The final blow was that innocent members of his family were involved

Harmonie was lost in her thoughts, and she came back to herself when she heard the door close.

She turned around and saw that only her grandfather was with her in the room,

"He's gone," Harmonie noted as she stared at the door, David's head was down, "The terms of the contract?" Harmonie asked,

"You just have to marry her, treat her well, move to Lième and live with her, but I managed to negotiate with him that after about 3 years of marriage if you both agreed you can get a divorce."

"I don't see why your son and her parents thought that was a good idea..." She paused for a moment then resumed, "There's one thing I don't understand, why did they separate Chloe and me. Then why did he put me through hell at school?"

David looked at him, surprised, then asked, "What are you talking about?"

Harmonie looked at him then opened her mouth to answer but stopped, looked away to the window, 'It's better to forget.'

Before her grandfather could ask her again what she meant, she said:

"It's just that after I got separated from Chloe, I found myself all alone. And I couldn't make any friends..." She technically didn't lie, but she didn't say the whole truth either.

David moved closer to Harmonie,

"You had your sister, right?"

Harmonie looked at him, smiled, and said nothing more...


It was the day of the big departure for Harmonie, her family had already left before her. Only she and her grandfather remained.

Things became even more complicated, she thought she could finally be happy but she was only dreaming of something impossible. She never wanted to hurt anyone, but unfortunately, the very fact that she is alive makes everyone's life complicated. She probably should have died that day... Everything is her fault...

All her thoughts crossed again Harmonie's mind one by one, but-

"Ma Baby!!!" Harmonie snapped out of her thoughts upon hearing this, she knew too well who it was, since there was only one person in the world who called her that,

"Chloe..." she whispered softly, a young blonde girl with grey-green eyes came towards them, suitcase in hand and a big smile on her lips, she seemed energetic. Harmonie saw this and smiled slightly,

"Hey!" said Chloe when she was close enough, lowering her head to look at Harmonie.

"Hi," Harmonie said softly as she lifted her head to look at her,

"Shall we go?" asked Chloe, David, and Harmonie nodded. David helped Chloe put her suitcase on the cart and then started to push it and entered the airport. Chloe held the wheelchair and began to follow David.

'I hope they're okay. I hope you're okay... And I'm sorry...'

9 months after the departure of the Silver family and Chloe...


"It's time. You're going to have to push... at Three, you push, 1... 2 ... 3 ... Pushed! Come on one more time..." said the midwife, and each time the number 3 was pronounced cries of pain were waiting in the room...

2 hours later

Men in suits entered the hospital, a man in a white coat approached them and said,

"Room 208, make it fast."

The men nodded and dispersed, the man turned around, it was the midwife, he had a smirk on his face,

"Jack! Jack!"

"Hm?" The man turned around, and he saw one of his colleagues approaching him, his smirk was no longer on his face, only a slight smile...

1 Hour later

A nurse with a smile on her face entered the room of the new mother, who was now awake,

"Where is my child?" she asked in a hoarse voice, the nurse first passed her a glass of water, the girl drank the water, gave the glass back to the nurse who placed it on the small table, and then returned to the girl's side, just as she opened her mouth to speak the door opened.

Jack, entered with the members of the family of the girl, they had sad expressions on their faces, Jack signaled with his head to the nurse to leave.

As he closed the door, the nurse heard someone calling her,

"Valerie!" The nurse turned around, "Please come help us!"

The nurse nodded and went to help them.

In the room, the girl was in tears, and her family with their arms around her tried to comfort her. The doctor had just told her that her child had died prematurely from an infection... the baby's body was taken as a research tool, but of course, this was not how the 'doctor' told them that they could not see or have the body of the dead newborn...

Jack came out of his room, on his sad face a smile formed little by little, a perverse smile...