
It had been about 3 years since Harmonie had set foot in Milee.

That day, in one of the airports of the country, a rather strange event occurred. A man had offended a young girl, no one actually understood what exactly happened because everything happened so quickly, the man ended up on his stomach on the ground completely stunned by the impact.

It was as if time had almost suddenly stopped.

The girl then went towards another girl. This last one had in her arms a child, the girl took the suitcases that the girl with the child had beside her and they went towards the exit of the airport. When the security arrived, it was already too late, the man was still slumped on the ground and the two girls had already left.


"Really Harmonie? You couldn't keep a low profile for once in your life, could you, Harmonie?" Asked the girl who was carrying the child that eventually turned out to be Chloe,

"Keep your voice down," She whispered

Chloe turned her gaze to the child who was asleep in her car seat,

"Besides, he started it, that asshole touched my child. How did you expect me to react? I should have even hit him a little more!"

"Are you serious right now? Maybe he didn't do it on purpose!"

"No one touches my baby, no one... except you of course!"

Later, when they investigated Harmonie and the man case, it was revealed the man was part of a child kidnapping organization, that the order force was investigating.

Thankfully, the organization was disbanded and everyone was arrested, and many children were saved.

"You really need to stop, seriously, you need to pull yourself together..."

Chloe turned her head, sighed, and looked out at the scenery, her left elbow on the car door and her chin resting on her hand. She was worried about her friend's behavior, and it scared her sometimes.

The more the days passed, the more she noticed the changes in her best friend since almost 3 years, the latter was only a shadow of the one she was before.

But not everyone could see it, she had become a master in disguising her thoughts.

Chloé knew that she could have lost her completely because of the incident.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the child move and reach for her friend. Her friend pulled her out of the car seat and held her in her arms as if her life depended on it. The child put her cheek on her shoulder and wrapped her arms around her neck.

Chloe understood that they were going to stay in this position for a long time, it wasn't the first time she had witnessed this.

The two could no longer live without each other, each dependent on the other in their own way.

The next day

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Chloe asked,

"Hm, I need some sort of closure," Chloe instructed the driver to start the car and head to the town where it all began for them.

After arriving yesterday at their destination, they quickly adapted to their new environment. Everything was already ready, they just had to take their clothes out of the suitcase and the few things they had brought with them.

So instead of resting, Harmonie decided to go for a walk in the city where they lived three years ago. Chloe didn't want to let her go there alone.

That's why they were now in the park that contained many memories of their childhoods, 3 hours later.

Harmonie and Chloé actually met in Lième when they were three, her family then moved to Milee, one year after, it was their turn to move to Milee.

"They decided to demolish the buildings." They had already gone through what they wanted to see,

"And they moved," Chloe added as she watched her friend, Harmonie turned her head and smiled weakly at Chloe,

"And you knew it." Concluded Chloe as she saw Harmonie's expression.

"Cassidy had already told me for a while." did she softly say

After her departure, Cassidy reached Harmonie to apologize to her, Harmonie told her that it was okay, she didn't need to apologize to her because she understood her. Since then, they keep contact...

"Why are you so intent on destroying yourself, Harmonie?" asked Chloé, Harmonie remained silent,

"Do you even know where they went?"

Harmony shook her head, "I'd rather not know..."

Chloe felt helpless, her gaze fell on the child sleeping in the stroller and looked up, 'Damn!

"Don't cry." Said Harmonie as she wiped the tears that were running down her friend's cheeks,

"I cry in your place since you refuse to do so even when you are hurting," she looked at Chloe with a tender look.

She looked at Chloe with a tender look in her eyes.

"Okay," she said softly, hearing the tone of her voice, Chloe cried even more and couldn't calm down, she felt bad for her friend...

2 days later

"Chloe, calm down seriously," Harmonie said with a sigh,

"You're asking me to calm down? It's up to you… it's more up to you to get involved a bit... argh, damn it!"

"Calm down." Said Harmonie as she grabbed her hands, preventing Chloe from going back and forth.

"H, it's going to be almost three years since I last set foot in a school, and that's your case too."

"It's not that bad to be homeschooled."

"I didn't say it was bad, I'm just stressed, that's all."

"I am too and anyway even if you show up with a garbage bag as your outfit you will still be attractive."

Harmonie's expression suddenly lit up as if she had just had an idea, she turned to Chloe

"Chloe, I just remembered that we had some garbage bags that could do the trick." Harmonie said smiling, she returned her smile and Harmonie quickly understood that this smile meant 'danger'.

She quickly stood up and ran away. A chase took place that day, under the happy eyes of the child. For the first time, one could hear genuine laughter echoing through the house.

The next day- 6:00 AM

The moment she heard the first note of her alarm clock, Chloe opened her eyes and turned it off. She sat up, rubbed her eyes, put her feet up and finally got out of bed, and headed to the bathroom of the bedroom.

6:30 AM

She finally came out of the bathroom covered by a towel and went to the wardrobe.

After finding the clothes she had prepared yesterday, she dropped the towel and decided to finally start getting dressed.

After putting on her underwear, all she had to do was put on her clothes. She heard a noise coming from the bed, but did not turn around.


"Hm?" Chloe replied, focusing on her clothes again.

"What time is it," Harmonie asked as she sat, and her legs crossed under the cover.

Chloe, who had finally finished dressing, turned and looked at Harmony, who was trying to open her eyes. Chloe's gaze fell on the alarm clock on the bedside table beside the bed and said,

" 6:45. Go get ready, I'll go make breakfast."

Harmonie nodded, laid a second of her eyes on the child, and finally got out of bed and headed for the bathroom.

Last night, before going to bed, Chloe had decided to go to sleep with them. She knew that the stress would prevent them from sleeping well, and it was the case. They spent their night talking about everything and nothing, they didn't know, when exactly they finally fell asleep.

As she got out of the shower with the towel tied around her body, Harmonie heard crying. She panicked and immediately left the bathroom. She felt her heart clench in her chest at the sight of the child lying on the bed in the fetal position, eyes closed, crying and shaking at the same time. Without wasting a second, she ran to the child and took her in her arms.

Chloe abruptly entered the room after hearing the child's cries, she moved closer to her

"Oh, baby!" She said sadly, Harmonie moved her free hand closer to Chloe so that she could be in the hug too.

After the child's crying had finally subsided, Chloe separated from them and approached the closet. She took some clothes and put them on the bed.

"I put your clothes and the little ones on the bed."

She held out her hands and Harmonie gave her the child. The latter started to cry, but she quickly calmed down by listening to Chloe reassure her. Harmonie took the opportunity to get dressed, it took her only 5 minutes, she took the child from Chloe's hands and went to prepare her too.

After finishing dressing her, they joined Chloe in the kitchen. They sat down and Chloe put their breakfast on the counter.

They finished eating and got ready to leave. Harmonie put the child in her car seat while Chloe put their things in the trunk.

7:30 AM

They arrived in front of the school. "Thanks, Marc, and see you later!" Harmonie and Chloe said to their driver, who nodded and gave them a little smile.

Harmonie took the child in her arms while Chloe went to get their things. Chloe brought back the child's stroller with their bags on it.

"We should go to the administration building first," said Harmonie

5 minutes later

"I swear their stairs will kill me." Said Chloe, out of breath as she finally arrived at her destination.

Harmonie ignored her and decided to approach the secretary,

"Hello, I was warned that some files were missing concerning my daughter's registration at the daycare center, I have them with me."

"Hello, please tell me the child's first and last name." Said the secretary, smiling, she was a brown-haired woman, with dark grey eyes, she looked like a twenty-five-year-old.

Harmonie smiled slightly in her turn and says,

" Adelaide SILVER. "


… ... ... ... ...

8:20 AM

"Okay, I think this is it."

"Ah, I wouldn't have guessed that." Harmonie said sarcastically, in front of them was a door with 'Daycare' written on it.

"Shut it," said Chloe while smiling,

Harmonie had a little smile on her face, she then raised her hand and knocked on the door.

A lady with messy curled red hair and blue eyes with an orange-red long dress opened the door.

"Yes?" Behind her, children could be seen running around.

"Ah, hello!" Said Chloe, Harmonie greeted the lady with a nod and decided to walk away, leaving Chloe to deal with the formalities.

"Adelaide, don't do anything bad, okay?" said softly Harmonie,

The child nodded,

"I'll come and see you during breaktime, baby," added Harmonie with the same soft tone.

Adelaide put her hands around Harmonie's neck and laid her head in the crook of Harmonie's neck. Harmonie gave her a kiss on her forehead and came closer to Chloe and the lady.

"H, this is Sylvia. Sylvia, this is Harmonie and our child, Adelaide."

They shook hands,

"Nice to meet you!"

"Well, now that the presentations are made, we are going to leave you because we have class," said Chloe.

"Adelaide, baby, we are coming back, okay!" Said Chloe while kissing the child's forehead, Harmonie put the child on the ground, Sylvia took the stroller.

Harmonie crouched down and gave her daughter a hug and a kiss on the forehead. The child gave her a kiss on the cheek and took Sylvia's outstretched hand.

"Bye-bye dada, aunty!" Said-she, waving her hand, before entering the nursery and the door closed, Harmonie stood up and looked at the door for a moment, she felt lost.

"H, let's go. You're going to see her again at recess." Chloe looked at her watch,

"On the other hand, we really need to go now," Chloe added, taking her friend's hand and bringing her with her.


The half-hour bell rang.

"Come in" they heard, Chloe opened the door, walked into the classroom then stopped.

'Shit!' thought Chloe,

Harmonie looked up and saw her friend frozen in place, looking at the teacher in front of them. She followed her gaze and froze in turn. The teacher turned their head towards them and stopped too.

Harmonie was the first to come out of her stupor, she looked at Chloe and shook their intertwined hands.

"Move, you're blocking the way."

" Ah, yes, sorry. Hello, miss, sorry for being late." Said she, while holding out the note that the secretary had given them.

The teacher took it and asked them to sit down. They went to sit at the back of the classroom, all the front places were already taken.

"Well, as I was saying, I'm going to call the roll now, and you can say something about yourself if you want. Got it?" The students nodded, she then began the roll call...




"Harmonie SILVER", the latter only raised her hand and said nothing.


"Chloe Yves", she stood up,

"Hi, for me my family is the most important thing in my life and nobody, I mean nobody, touches my family. Besides-"

Before she could finish her sentence, she got cut off by Harmonie, Harmonie took her arm and pulled her gently down, indicating her to sit back down.

"I said something I shouldn't have," she whispered to Harmonie after sitting down, Harmonie shook her head and turned her gaze to the board.

Their interactions had not escaped the woman's notice.