
Aisha's POV

When I leave the staff and run behind him, his manager stops me to enter into his cabin.

"Sorry Mam, you can't go in. Sir has forbidden you to coming in". he told me so , I started to scold him.

"What do you mean, I can't go in. Leave my side and let me go in. " I said this deliberately so that he came out, and I can talk to him.

"Listen, if you don't let me in, then you have no idea what I can do". It happened just as I had planned. he just came out and and ask angrily

"What's going on here? Why is it making noise?" he ask us like he doesn't know anything.

"Actually sir! " he was about to say something when I interupt him in middle.

"Mr. Varun, he isn't permiting me to let in. May I know Why you tell him do not let me in? " I ask folding my hands.

"Miss. Aisha, you shouldn't forget that this is a office, not your house. So, you can't roam here and there whenever you want. you got it. " he scold me infront of his manager.

When he deny me to enter in his cabin, I immediately leave that place and move out of the office.

I made a call to Radhika and Nandini, and ask them to meet me.

After 30 minutes

We met and I told them about current situation.

"Radhika, Nandini Now you tell me what should I done. First, he didn't take me with him then he deny me sleep with him and now he didn't let me in to his cabin. I'm fed up. "

"Infact, you know what he said. he said that I can't go out to do a job.

Some office colleagues are getting that I'm a abandoned woman. Now he's is insulting me infront of whole office. "

I tell them everything and they suggest me a brilliant idea which didn't came in my brain for once.

"Look Aisha, you do one thing. Arrange a reception party of your marriage. Go and discuss about it with Monisha aunty. I'm sure she'll help you definitely. " I also agree with there suggetion.

"Wow, Thankyou guys for this brilliant idea." I thanks to them, finish my coffee and leave the cafe quickly.

I reach to home and went to Mom.

"Mom I want to talk with you. May I." I ask her but she did a shocking action which I don't expect from her. she cup my face in her hands and said

"Sure my child. you can. I'm just like your mother. you can discuss with me anything, anytime. And yes, if varun tried to bother you, then tell me. ok I'll take his class." she said so sweetly, so I nod my head "ok Mom".

"Now tell me, What do you want to discuss?" she ask me so, I came to remember for what I was came to discuss with her.

"Mom, I wanted to arrange a reception party of our marriage. Already, our function got ruined by someone , now I don't want to ruined my wedding reception. Can you help me with this?" I ask her for help.

"Yeah! sure child. Offcourse I'll help you. I'll handle everything. ok. you just tell me when did you want this. I'll arrange. " she assured me so I told her

"Tomorrow". "Yes Mom. I want this function to be held by Tomorrow." I told her my decision when she ask me

"But Àisha. we have less time and lots of preparation" she said but quite in middle and said

"Ok. I'll handle. " she assured me.

"Ok Mom then , I'll go for office to announce this. May I go?" I ask her so she permit me.

30 minutes later

I reach office where some of colleagues were greet me and some of colleagues were Whispering.

First of all, I ask to everyone that why he scold to all them in morning, but they were quite. so, I again ask them. please tell me "why he scold you guys? " but still no response.

When I turned my head , I saw he was behind me.

"Oh. so that was the reason they were quite. You were the reason. ok, so you tell me why did you scold them? " but he didn't respond me.

Look, if you are not interested then it's ok , I'll not force you.

Infact, I'm here to make an announcement.

I hold his hand gently, and make an announcement

"Guys, we are going to organise a small party for our colleagues. Our "Wedding Reception Party". It's going to be held on 14th January (Tomorrow). All you guys have to come and attend our reception." I announce and everybody got quite excited but Varun was trying to deny when I whisper.

"No baby. dare not. I know you love your reputation so much. so, I don't think you will like it if some of our colleague started to raise a finger on our relationship. isn't it." I ask smilingly to pretend infront of our colleagues that we are happy couples.

Everybody went back to their work and he hold my hand to take me somewhere, and I don't know where he was taking me.

"Varun, where are you taking me. please leave my hand." I ask him to leave but he wasn't listening me and drag me to his cabin.

He throw me somewhere angrily like a trash and lock his cabin . Now only we both of them left in the cabin.

He was coming near me and I was taking back my steps back but always this wall came in middle and i stuck in his dark embrace.

My head hit on the wall and he Cage me in his embrace.

"Sweetheart whom you ask to make this announcement. Did you ask someone? hmm, tell me." he whisper in my ears.

"Mom. I ask to Mom. And she said that she will arrange everything. " I anwer him without blinking my eyes.

When I talk to him back, he was still in same position. Didn't let me go, so I whisper in his ear. " I'm hungry. Let's eat. " he again came back to his senses and said "Leave".

"Where?" I ask

"I said Leave my cabin" he said irritatingly but I didn't obey him and sat on the couch putting one leg on my other leg and resting my head on the headboard.

He close his fist in anger and step towards me but I didn't move a single.

"I have understood one thing that you always tried to Scare me. but I'll not be afraid by you." I told him and he was turning into a dangerous Monster who will eats me raw.

I again tried to tease him and said "Baby I'm hungry. Let's eat together. before marriage we were always live together , eat together but now you are changed. you don't love me. " I said slanting my eyes , folding my hands and with a little pout.

After that, he said nothing and went back to his desk. I also picked up a magazine and start to watch the images.

Suddenly I saw a beautiful diamond necklace. so a Idea came to my head.

"Baby" I said and he slightly respond me.

when he respond me back, I got so happy.

"Baby, I want this. Please bring me this set." I insist but he slant his eyes and ignore me.

I know that he will not listen to me, so I stop to insist. After that, I fall in sleep.

Varun's POV

I'm really shocked that she is answering me back without any fear. More I'm trying to afraid her more she is unfeard of me.

She insist me to bring her a diamond set but I deny.

Time flies quickly and she fall in sleep.

she was looking too beautiful while sleeping.

It was getting 6:30 pm of evening. Whole staff leaves the office.

Only Me and Àisha were left. I thought to wake her up but drop my idea and hold her in my embrace. Her rose and lily fragrance perfume was killing me.

I take her to the lift and 60 seconds later we reach to the ground floor.

I place her in front seat of my 'Audi' and I also sat in driver seat.

I drove to my 'pent house' so that, I can execute my plan.

My 'penthouse' is just little away from 'Oberoi Mansion' so it's not a big deal for me.

I already inform to Mom that I'm taking her to my 'penthouse' to spent some time with her.

When we reach there I take her out of the car and hold her again in my embrace.

I take her to our room and place her to my king size bed which was fully decorated with 'Lotus petals' and 'Mogra flowers.' whole room was decorated with candels and a packet was placed beside her with a letter.

I leave her alone and went to my study room.

1 hours later

I heard a "tick tok! tick tok! tick tok!" voice like someone is coming near my study room when I said

"Stop there!"

I got up from my chair to check. There I saw Àisha. she was standing near my study room so I ask

"Oh, So you are. You woke up. " I ask her while removing her hairs from her face.

"Come." I said but she denied and ask me back

"Where?" she ask

but I didn't answer her and hide her eyes with my palms.

"Varun where are you taking me? "she ask fearfully.

I take her to my decorated room and she ask me.

"What's all this nonsense? " she ask me but I put my finger on her lips

"Shhhhhh! " It's our wedding Night. Go and wear this. I hand her a packet which was placed beside her few hours back. But I heard a roaming voice

"I'm not your property. When you want you get me and when you want you leave me. Got it. " she told this to me angrily.

But I answer her softly and said " Ok, if you don't want to fulfill your duties, then it's ok. I'll announce to everyone that you are not my wife.

"And trust me you have no idea that how many mistresses I have. You want me to add you on that list." I ask smirkly

"Come on Sweetheart. It's time to celebrate our 'wedding Night'. " when I told this to her, she was sweating so she didn't dare to talk to me back.

She hold that packet and went washroom to change.

I was sitting on the couch like a king holding a 'beer glass' on my hand. It's a high time she didn't came out so I call her name

"Sweetheart. how much time I've to wait for you. come out. I can't wait anymore. "

Washroom's door burst open and a fairy step out of the bathroom. She was looking too hot.

She was wearing 'Baby Pink' colour night wear which I bought for her.

"I think you are ready." I ask to bother her.

"Yeah! I'm ready. Afterall, we have to do it sooner , later. So, why not now. Let's start. Dear hubby."

I know something is roaming on her head so I also pretend.

"Yeah! Let's start. But before that,Let's have something to gain some energy. Afterall , we need lots of energy to do it whole night. right? Wifey" I deliberately tease her.

we sat on the chair together and start to eat.