
Aisha's POV

We sat on the chair together and start to eat. He was staring me and I was staring him. When suddenly my throat stuck and I started cough.

But strange , he was acting normally, he didn't even hand me a glass of water.

Somehow I manage myself and try to take a glass of water but don't know why I was feeling very weak. I was trying to got up but my condition was getting worst.

I fall down on the floor and tried to say while coughing but he was eating his food and pretending like I'm not present in this room.

"Varun water, I need water. Please hand me a glass of water. Please. " I said while

holding my throat.

He saw me from one eye while chewing and got up from the chair to hand me a glass of water.

He steps towards me holding glass and sat infront of me.

"What happened? Do you need water. " He ask smirkly while holding glass and I nod my head "Yes".

"Water! Water! I need water. " I said while flowing tears from my eyes but he did a shocking action.

He didn't hand me water and dropped the glass on the floor. I was only watching his actions shockingly because one thing I had cleared that he will not help me. He will only afflict me.

So, I think it's my time to say 'good bye' to this world because I don't think he's going to help me. So, I'll be die surely. I thought in my mind and slowly slowly my eyes start to shut down.

Varun 's POV

When she was tormenting for water, I was feeling so happy to see her like this. But I can't let her die wright now.

Her eyes were closing slowly slowly so , I hand her water to drink. After drinking water she got unconscious.

I hold her in my arms and place her on the bed , and cover her with quilt. I also lay down beside her and then we fall in sleep.

At Morning

I woke up and saw she was still sleeping so, I didn't bother her and straightly went to gym.

2 hours later when I came back from gym. I saw she was still sleeping. So, I went to wake her up but she was unconscious. Her whole body was heating up, I quickly call to the doctor to check her.

My freind Ranvijay came to check her. When he saw to Aisha, he got shocked and ask.

'Aisha. ' "What she is doing here? Are you both are in relationship. And what about Rupali? Oh! Now I got it. It means you were pretending to be with my sister. right!" He said angrily and was started to leave but I stop him and was trying to explain him.

"Ranvijay. Wait. Listen to me. I'll explain you everything. It's not like that you're thinking. I still love Rupali. Trust me. First you check her then I'll explain you. " I said trying to convince him.

"Fine. I'll check her. " He said while checking on her.

5 minutes later he told me that she used to suffering from high fever. He gave her injection for relief and said "give her some rest. "

"Now tell me , what's going on? What she is doing here with you. " He ask while folding hands.

"Come with me " I said and take him to study room.

"I married to her." I said and got shocked.

"What! What did you say? You are married. You are married to her. " He ask standing up from the chair.

"Yes." I said and he got more angry.

"Varun, you". He was about to say but I stop him and said

"Listen to me completely for what I married to her. I married her to collect evidences against her. So that, I can send her jail for her sins. Now you got it. " I said smirkly

It means, you don't love her. You still love my sister. Right? He ask me excitedly when I told him happily

"yes, I still love her. I love her very much. "

"Ok bro, if you need any kind of help, than call me." He said while hugging me.

Ranvijay leaves my penthouse and I went back to my room to got ready for office.

When I entered in my room, I saw she wasn't there. So I call her name

"Aisha. Are you there. " I ask but no response.

Two minutes later washroom's door, and she step out holding towel on her hand.

"Oh, so you woke up. How are you feeling now. " I ask smirkly. Somewhere I'm feeling really happy to see her condition.

"Why? Why are you getting so much desperate to know my condition. " She ask angrily and then slant her eyes to ignore me.

"Ok then. Don't tell. I'm not dying to know your condition. " I said and went washroom.

When I step out of the bathroom, I saw She was not there. So, I thought that may be she went for breakfast. I went downstairs but Strange, she wasn't there.

I ask to one of my maid for her, than she told me that she already leave.

I went to my office, everybody greets me but I ignore them because my eyes were only finding her but she isn't present over here.

I walked to my cabin and call to my manager.

"Yes, sir. Did you called me. " He ask me

"Yes Angad, go and find out your Madam." I said while working on my laptop.

"Okay sir. I'll go." He said and leave


I made a call to my Mom what if she went Oberoi Mansion.

"Good Morning Mom." I greet her.

"Good Morning Child." She greet me back.

"Mom, Is Àisha there." I ask

Nope. She isn't here. Why? What happened. Is everything ok. " She ask.

"Yeah Mom! Everything is ok. I'll call you back." I excuse her and hung up the call.

"What the hell. Where she has gone. She is killing me. Really." I said to myself and again made a call to her Freind Radhika.

"Yes, Varun. Speak." She said

"Is She with you?" I ask

"Nope. She isn't with me. Infact, wright now I'm with Kartik. " She said clearly so I hung up.

"God. Where she has gone." I said frustratedly.

When Angad call me and said

"Sir. Madam isn't getting. I've checked almost everywhere. "

"What! What do you mean she is not getting. Find her right away. Got it." I said angrily and hungs the call.

"Aisha , where you are gone. Trust me, if you are doing this by yourself , so I'm going to punish you badly and if this deed has done by someone else than I won't spare that person. " I said and made a call to my secret detective 'Adarsh Raina' to find her.

"Hmm. Listen, My wife is missing. I want her any how. Find her. " I said to him.

"Okay sir, your job will be done." He said confidently and hungs the call.

Author's POV

"Babydoll. You are looking so beautiful while sleeping. Trust me. You are an apple of my eye. I'm not going to loose you at any cost. " That mysterious boy said to Àisha.

She was unconscious wright now and tieing with ropes.

Her eyes were opening slowly while oftening a word "water" .

"Water. You need water. I'll give you but in one condition. "

"Condition! What condition? " She ask confusingly

"You have to surrender yourself to me. My babydoll. " He said huskily.

"What the hell. How dare you to do this with me like this. Listen, you have no idea who is my husband. He will come to rescue me. You just wait and watch. " She said and a high slap she earn on her white cheek.

"What did you say. Your husband will come and save you. Never. He will never comes to know about me and you. Till then we both will fly." He said laughingly.

"You are insane, psycho. I'll never obey you. Mark my words. " She said and again earn a tight slap on her cheek. Blood was oosing out of her lip and tears were flowing.

He slap her few times and tears were flowing like a flood. She was not able to bear pain anymore and got faint. Her face was swelling badly.

Adarsh 's POV

"Listen. I'm giving a number. Track it and inform me back. " Adarsh said to his junior detector.

Yes sir. I'll shortly inform you. His junior detector said and hungs up the call.

Few moments later , his junior detector call him back and told him that the number is tracking to "Amber Arcades Apartment."

When Adarsh came to know this, he quickly made a call to his Boss and told him.

"Sir. Madam got us. Her number is tracking to 'Amber Arcades Apartment'. " He informed to varun and Varun quickly went to 'Amber Arcades Apartment' to find Àisha.

When he reach there with his ten bodyguards, he saw she was tieing with ropes and her whole body was looking like lifeless. Like she has no soul. Her white cheeks were covered with red marks.

He call her very sympathetically "Àisha" and she opened her eyes to see.

When she saw him, tears started to flow from her eyes.

He quickly came to untied her and did a shocking action.

He hugg her tightly and she hugg him back.

He cup he face with his palms and ask her to tell about that person who dare to do this type of deed with her.

"Tell me. Don't be quite Aisha. Answer me." He ask her softly and she answer him with cryed tone.

"I don't know. He was wearing mask. " She told him.

"Jagga drag that man to me Wright now." He told to his bodyguard 'Jagga.'

"Yes sir" He assured him and leave that place immediately with his fellows.

Only Varun and Aisha were left there . He was trying to control his anger and tried to be nice with her.

"Let's go. " He said and crimp her in his embrace.

Aisha's condition wasn't well so he didn't take her Oberoi Mansion and directly take her to his penthouse.

When they reach to their penthouse , he take her to the bathroom and told her to got fresh up.

15 minutes later, she step out but bump into varun.

"Ouch!" Aisha hissed into pain so, Varun help her to got up.

He gave her his hand and crimp her in his embrace. He make her sit on the bed and start to " first-aid" on her red cheeks.

He applied ointment on her cheeks and told her to have some rest and leave her in the room.

Aisha rest her head on the headboard while varun went in his study room.

Few moments later he came back with dinner plate.

But saw that she has fall in sleep already, so he tried to wake her up.

"Aisha wake up, have something. Then you have to take medicine too. " He told her.

She obey him and sit back on the bed properly.

He leaves the plate on the bed and start to go out but she stop him and said

"Won't you feed me with your hands?" She ask him with her swollen eyes.

He turned back and sit infront of her , he start to feed her with his hands.

She was eating while started coughing a little , so he hand her water and stroke her back.

They both finished eating and he gave her medicine with a glass of water.

After that he cover her with a quilt and start to stroke her head lovingly while she falls in sleep already.