Spending Time

Varun 's POV

Next morning when I woke up, I saw she wasn't in the room. So, I call her name many times, but she didn't respond me.

I went downstairs to check her then, I notice her in the kitchen.

I went in the kitchen and saw she was making tea. But , I don't know how she got to know that I'm standing behind her. She ask me suddenly for tea while filtering.

I was feeling laziness, so I nod my head "yes" . Because, without morning tea my day never goes well.

She hand me a cup of tea which I hold and she step out of the kitchen with her cup.

She was sipping her tea when I notice her face. It was still swelling, so I suggest her to take full leave for today. But she deny me and start insisting so much to come with me.

After so many requests , I allowed her to come with me.

After that a Silence create in hall.

Just like a typical Indian wives she ask me what I want to have in breakfast. So I told her my daily routine what I eat at breakfast.

We finish our tea quickly and went back to our respective works.

I entered in the room and saw her phone was ringing so I picked up her phone.

Radhika was there on the other side of the call. So , I make a excuse to deny her.

R : "Hello Aisha" .

V : "She is busy Wright now."

R : "she is busy! And what are you doing with her cell phone. Pass her her cell phone."

V : " What do you mean?

Don't you have manners how to talk with elders. And rest of Aisha's topic so lemme tell you one thing , that I'm her husband. So, I've full right to do whatever I want with her cell phone. Got it. " I said and hungs up the call.

I straightly went washroom to take a shower. I was standing under the shower , when one thing was roaming on my head that who is that person , who wants to harm her. It means, that stranger's enmity is with me , and Aisha is my wife that's why that person wants to harm her.

I step out of the bathroom and made a call to my bodyguard "Jagga" to discuss something important with him.

After giving him my orders, I got ready for office and went downstairs to check her.

She was arranging dinning table with toast plates and Jug of juice. I also sat on my chair and ask her to sit with me. But she denied to sit with me and tried to make an excuse.

She was about to leave when I hold her hand and make her sit on my làp. She starts to make fuss but somehow I controll her.

She ask me why I'm doing this to her? , But really I've no answer of her question.

"Why are you doing this to me? When I want to go away from you, you pulls me back and When I want to live with you, wants to spend my whole life with you you send me away from you. " Why? What's your problem with me. Just tell me Varun. " She ask me but I didn't answer her back and put a toast on her mouth.

After that, we had breakfast together and didn't talk to eachother.

After finishing breakfast I told her to got ready for office but she was showing me her tantrums.

"Aisha go and get ready, I'm waiting for you. " I said while she starts to make excuses and said

"I'll go by myself. You go first. I'll take sometime to get ready. I've to set makeup on my face properly to hide marks on my face. " She said and

was about to leave but I hold her arm tightly.

"Listen, I'm your husband and you have to obey my orders. Infact, I've set some rules for you which you have to follow. " I said watching into her eyes angrily.

"Varun. Why are you doing this to me. I'm your wife not your slave. Why are you punishing me? I didn't told to that person to kidnap me. Then why you have set the rules for me. " She starts to fight with me but I ignore her and went to my study room.

2 minutes later she entered in my study room, and makes a shocking announcement which was impossible for me.

"Listen, yesterday we weren't able to organise our reception party due to our personal reasons , but today I want you to organise a reception party. You have already ruined my wedding day. So, you also have to follow my orders. Otherwise, I'll create a mess in whole house. And also I'll bother you till you got agree to organise a reception party. Now choice is yours." She cleared me her decision while making pout.

Whenever she makes a pouting face , trust me I starts dieing to kiss her deeply but somehow I controll myself because of my ego and anger.

"Okay if you want me to organise than I'll. But you have to follow my rules willingly. Will you. " I ask her and she quickly assured me happily like she is my daughter and I'm her father, and I'm making my daughter happy.

After I assured her, she leaves my study room and I made a call to my manager.

Aisha's POV

After insisting so much, he got agree to organise a reception party. I got so happy and feel very much excited to meet with my Mummy and with my friends. I made a call to Radhika with full excitement. But she burst on me with full of anger and said

R : "Àisha, what's this? Few moments back I called you but Varun received by your side. " She told me but I amuse her somehow and said

A : "I was in the kitchen making breakfast. That's why I didn't pick up. By the way what's happened to you? " I ask

R : " Nothing. I just made you call to confirm whether you are fine or not. Actually, yesterday varun called me and said that you're not getting. " She said

A : " Oh yeah! But I wasn't missing, I was just playing hide and seek with him.

I told her lie . I don't want to bother her and to my Mummy , so I didn't tell her the truth and avert her that I wasn't missing. I was just playing a little with him.

R : " Okay"

A : " B.T.W you know what I've a surprise for you. " I said controlling over my excitement

R : " Suprise? Aisha please tell me clearly. I'm already fed up". She said and somewhere I was also feeling that she is fed up by something, so I ask her problem.

A : " What happened? Why are you upset? Is everything ok between you and Kartik. " I ask her sympathetically

R : " Yeah! Fine. I'll call you back. Bye". She said making excuse and then hung up.

When she hung up the call, I didn't took it lightly because I thought , maybe she is fed with her marriage prepations so I didn't bother her.

I made a call to Mummy to invite her for evening party.

A : " Hello" I said happily

M : " Hello Ayu , how are you my child. Are you okay. " Mummy ask me so many questions in one go.

A : " Mummy. I'm fine. How are you? Are you ok? " I ask worriedly

M : " I'm fine Baby. You tell. What are you doing. " Mummy ask after taking relax.

A : " Nothing. I've made you call to invite you on our wedding reception party. And you have to come. No excuses. Okay" I said insistingly.

M : " Ofcourse my child. I'll surely come. " Mummy assured me and I hung up.

After a little talk I went down to check Varun. He was sitting in the drawing room while working on his laptop.

I went and sit beside him and ask " what are you doing? "

"Don't you see I'm doing work. " He said while watching on laptop screen.

"Why are you working? Don't work. Let's go for shopping. " I Said bothering him.

"If you want to go out you can, but not alone. Take Jagga with you." He told me while typing on laptop.

"Really! Is Jagga my husband or you. I want you to come with with me. And you are coming.. let's go. " I said which tugging his sleeve.

"I said I'm busy. Don't you understand what I mean?" He said angrily.

when he started pissing at me then a Idea came on my head and I did a shocking action

"Jagga baby. Let's go for shopping. " When I speak these six words his mouth left open but I Ieave the hall immediately and went back to the room.

Two minutes later he entered in the room and started staring to me but I totally ingnore him and start to applying blusher on my cheeks.

"If you are done, shall we go." He ask while folding his hands standing behind me but I ignore him.

"Let's go. We're getting late. After that we have to reach Oberoi Mansion on time. What's the point if newly married couples did not reach on time." He told me and I quickly set my hairs with high speed.

"Let's go. I'm ready. " I told him while showing my teeth.

After that we both went out of the house and sat inside the car.

We reach "Elante Mall" for shopping. He told me to do for shopping whatever I want. But I tug his sleeve and told him with eye contact to come with me.

He came with me and I pretend to be confuse infront of him, so that he help me to choose a beautiful outfit for evening.

"No. I don't like it. It's too old. I want to try something different." I told him while he was getting frustrated.

"Listen. Do it fast. I've not that much time to waste here. I'm already fed up. " He told me.

After so many trials, I found a beautiful golden colour net saree with backless offshoulder blouse.

When I ask him about the outfit, he likes it or not. He nod his head happily " yes I like it very much. You will look beautiful". So, he feel relief somewhere but it got vanish when I said " I'm not done yet".

"I need to choose matching Jwellery." I told him showing white teeth.

"Let's go then. We are already getting late." He told me while swiping card.

We reach to Jwellery shop and choose the same piece which I showed him two days back, then he whispered in my ears.

"Sweetheart, it's too costly. Choose something else. I've not sufficient balance in my account." He told me but I insist that he couldn't deny me.

I knew it that ,he will try to avert me but now I'm Mrs. Oberoi. I'll answer him back in his language.

So , finally we're done with the shopping. It was getting 3 O' clock in evening.

"We both were tired so I told him that I'm hungry. I want to eat something."

We went "Gaylord Cafe" for having lunch.

I order "Lazy pasta " and "Coffee". Varun order Same thing which ordered for myself.

We were having, when again a same thing happened. A waitress came and start whoring infront of varun.

She tried to seduce him infront of my eyes.

I cough a little and start watching her with one eye, so she got it that I'm telling her to go from here. She immediately leave from here.

When she leave us, he was smirking on me and said

"So Mrs. Oberoi, Are you jealous?"

"Nope, I'm not jealous. Why I'll be jealous? I was just saving you." I told him and he smirk slightly.

"SO dear hubby, Now we are not getting late? Let's go." I ask and he respond me back "hmm".