Day 12: “Treaty.”

My father used to tell me, if you had more than one girl coming after you. Choose the one who wanted you the most, because that way, she only had eyes for you and cherish her properly. Sometimes, mutual love interests didn't end up with a happy ending. However, in this case, I can't seem to choose, and if I want to choose, my answer still remains the same.

"It's been two days, why are they not coming here?", Narantuya pinched her forehead and stare at me, "Are you really the imperial physician?",

"Do you want to test my skills?", I said without being weak, at this rate, if she knew the truth, I might be killed on the spot despite her sister taking a liking to me.

"Sure, cure my sister so, she can speak again.",

"I'm an imperial physician not a god.",

"Tch, tch, tch… you Han people are so useless.",

I really wondered how come anyone didn't refute her as the tribe's chief?

She's clearly still a kid, her mental state isn't ready for making a decision. Although, for fighting skills, she might be the greatest female warrior here. But for the decision and all? I don't think she's suited to be a leader.

"Sister, why are you here again? Do you really like this guy?",

Sarantuya pinched Narantuya's arm, Narantuya shrank away and sighed. She whispered to Sarantuya, Sarantuya only closed her eyes and shook her head, which the latter gave Narantuya a reassuring smile. I don't know what that reassuring smile means, but I had a bad premonition about it. Sarantuya crouched down and gave me the usual meal; loaf bread and milk. Just as usual, she helped me to eat the bread and drank the milk, I would have eaten the meal myself if only Narantuya freed my hand. I have tried to use a sharp item to cut down the rope, but it failed, perhaps it's not as easy as the one in the movie. I had given up the idea of escaping this hut, it's really well-guarded and leaves no room to sneak out. Also…

"Sheesh, I had no idea why my sister is so attached to you.", Narantuya sighed disappointedly, truth be told, her concern is also my concern. I had no idea why Sarantuya was so attached to me. And by the way, this is also the reason why it's difficult to escape.

Why not try to fool her?

Yeah, tried that, and also failed.

She may be dumb but she's not stupid, somehow, she knew that I've been attempting to escape. But she didn't tell Narantuya and just pretended she doesn't know anything. If Narantuya thinks with her muscles, then her sister would kill with schemes.

After feeding me like a mother hen, Sarantuya brought the plates out from the hut. Come to think of it, it's been two days and Liao Yan hasn't come to save me. Or is he didn't dare to do so? I still remember where Li Xiang was in potential danger and he couldn't do anything.

"Seems like that man didn't change…",

"Who are you talking to?", Narantuya beckoned over and looked straight at me. Now that if you look at it, she's actually pretty…

"I was just thinking about my friend…",

"I see… you hoped your friend would save you?",

"Yes, but sadly it seems like he won't be coming…",

I don't know what happened, but Narantuya suddenly patted my head as if to reassure me…

"Don't worry, I won't kill you as long as you didn't do anything suspicious. It's been two days but you had no intention to escape from here… or perhaps, did my sister catch your heart?",

Hold on, how is this conversation headed over there?!

"The head chief had misunderstood, this subject already have a girl-- spouse.",

"Spouse?! Who is it?!",

I took a deep breath and said, "The eldest princess, Zhao Mingxia.",

Suddenly an arrow flew inside the hut, almost hitting Narantuya's head. However, she caught it beforehand and saw a letter attached to it.

"Did you call your friend?",

"You have been with me for the past few days, did I move an inch from here?",

"Shut up.",

Narantuya opened the letter and a smile suddenly arose from her face.

"A wise choice indeed, now you, come with me.",

Narantuya pulled me like a horse, then she lifted my body like a traveling briefcase. The male Huns who spotted us were laughing and said something in their language that I couldn't understand. But judging by their expression, they surely are mocking me. Sarantuya suddenly ran towards us and hold Narantuya's hand. It seems like she was pledging for me.

"Don't worry, I won't kill him. We're just going to trade him off…",

Sarantuya didn't let Narantuya go, Narantuya sighed and said, "Fine, you can join me.",

I don't know if it's just my imagination, or did the male Huns just glared at me?

Well, to be honest, Sarantuya didn't look like a typical Huns female, she looked like a Han person, with her Jade white skin and beautiful Jet eyes. Her beauty might be something that this tribe protects at any cost. While Narantuya had light-brown skin, she had a sharp jaw like a man and a decent nose-bridge. She looked masculine yet beautiful as well.

"Gimme a break…", I said slowly as I looked at the sky.

From afar, I saw Li Xiang, Liao Yan, Qi Mo, and a woman dressed in all black attire approaching us. The woman wore a dark half-mask while bringing a single scroll with her. By the way, during our way here, Narantuya finally let me stand on my own feet, so no one would know how embarrassing it is to be carried like a briefcase.

"Jinyun!", Liao Yan shouted, his eyes were filled with tears, I believe he was holding it as not to cry in front of these women.

"Wait, isn't the imperial doctor named Wang Peng?!",

Oh, shit… Liao Yan, you fool!

Sarantuya chuckled soundlessly as if she had already known. Narantuya was angry and pointed her blade again on my neck, "Who are you?",

"I'm Xun Jinyun, a private physician to the queen at the palace.",

"A private physician? Doesn't that mean it's like an imperial doctor?",

"Yes, it is.",

"No, it isn't.",

Liao Yan and I spoke at the same time, this time it's really giving me some nerve.

"Liao Yan, just… shut up.",

"Right. Sorry, bro.",

Sarantuya couldn't hold it and laughed soundlessly, she calmed Narantuya and nodded her head.

"What? You like this guy and don't want to trade him for anything? Sarantuya, are you crazy?",

"What?!", Liao Yan screamed in shock.

"...", Li Xiang didn't say anything, probably feeling pissed off because her time was wasted on our charades.

"This guy is a liar, you shouldn't be with him! Besides, he already had a spouse.",

"What?!", again, Liao Yan screamed in shock.

"Liao Yan, for god's sake, just shut up.", I said.

This time, Sarantuya didn't laugh, she fell into silence and looked at me. Her eyes seemed to convey her feelings which were anger and sadness. Somehow, I felt bad for her but I stand by my choice.

The woman who dressed in all black finally spoke, "Our eldest princess wants to form a treaty with the Huns.",

Narantuya looked at her vigilantly and said, "Speak.",

"The eldest princess will promise to aid the Huns if needed in terms of supplies, if the Huns helped to put down the current emperor and support the new emperor, our kingdom will never bother the Hun's tribes in terms of political matters and territories, as long as the Huns will swear the same thing. This treaty is a secret and will only be valid if the chief of Hun's tribe will agree upon the spoken conditions.",

Narantuya fell silent for a moment, then looked at Sarantuya, "What do you think, sister?",

Sarantuya was still looking at me before she finally gave a response, she showed a sly smile and nodded her head, she took Narantuya's sword and cut the rope on my hands. I was relieved for a second, but the moment I let my guard down, she kissed me and shook the entire people at the same time, including me.

"Aiya, you… haaah… fine, my sister wants to get married to the physician as a proof of our treaty.",

"My apologies, but physician Xun is already our eldest princess's spouse, they will get married by the end of December this year.",



Liao Yan and I shrieked at the same time, we both were shocked to the core and didn't know what to do. No, in fact, what am I supposed to do?!

"I think when talking about marriage, it has to be agreed by both candidates.", Li Xiang said and continued, "What about physician Xun wants? Do you want to get married with our eldest princess by the end of December this year?",

"As much as I love the eldest princess, I want to be ready and be a proud husband for her. Let me accomplish a few achievements and make my name big so as not to embarrass the eldest princess.",

"You heard him.",

This time it was Narantuya who was shocked, she asked, "Are you really Han people?",

"I am Han people, but not all Han people are bad. Some of us are gentlemen.",

"That's correct.", Liao Yan said.

Sarantuya smiled and communicated with her sister through their eyes. Narantuya had a difficult face and said, "Are you sure?",

Sarantuya looked at me for a second as if to confirm something. Then, I realized she was trying to confirm my words from earlier, "Yes, I'm a man of my word. I want my wife and children to be happy and live a good life.",

Sarantuya smiled and nodded, Narantuya slapped her forehead and said to me, "Sarantuya wants to be your concubine.",

"DEFINITELY NOT.", I shriek, "I only get married once and my heart will only be occupied by one woman. I accept no concubines or having an affair with anyone else!",

Narantuya let out a relieved sigh and said, "You're a good man. Sarantuya, let's give up, this man already has an owner.",

Sarantuya let out a sad smile, she looked at me with teary eyes and then ran back to the tribe. I felt bad for breaking that girl's heart, but I really don't want to have a concubine, the more connections I have here, the harder it is to get away from this era.

In the end, Narantuya agreed upon the treaty, released me and slapped my face for breaking her sister's heart, then left. Liao Yan patted my shoulder sympathetically and said, "I wish I could save you sooner, I'm sorry.", it turns out he had been looking for a way to help me these past two days. I had doubted his loyalty and courage…

"Thank you, brother.", the two of us bro-fisted as usual and went back to the palace with Li Xiang and the others. On the road, I have prepared for what kind of fate befalls me next...