Day 14: “Date Part 2”

I had always dreamed of going to date the girl I like, but that was just a mere dream. I'd never thought that dream could become true in a timeline that I had no idea about. I secretly pinched my cheek just to make sure if all of these are real. I had considered that maybe Liao Yan and I weren't transmigrated, but we crashed into the wall at the alley and went into a coma. After all, we were in a hurry, but that idea quickly dissipated when I felt a slight bit of pain on my cheek. Ah, today is indeed a good day…

"Where are you taking me?", Zhao Mingxia asked while tightly hanging on my shoulder. To be honest, I hadn't really thought about it, even when cycling together, Liao Yan was always the one who led. Now, this is rather awkward and I was afraid that we might get lost,

"Wherever the princess wants to go.",

Zhao Mingxia seemed to be spacing out but she quickly regained her composure and leaned on my chest, "I… this is the first time I'm going out of the palace.",

Voila, great!

Two shut-ins hanging out together without knowing where to go, what could be more surprising?

"Have you eaten lunch?",

"Not yet…",

"Then, let's find a restaurant and have lunch together.",


From an angle I couldn't see, it seems like Zhao Mingxia was smiling. But I'm not sure and I was afraid she would feel uncomfortable sitting like this. Perhaps, looking for a restaurant would be best. Thankfully, the road in this city was smooth, so our butts didn't really get hurt. We had passed a few villagers, they were baffled by our appearance, but mostly at 'whom' do I bring with me.

"Isn't that the eldest princess?",

"What is she riding? And who is that man?",

Many villagers have greeted us while whispering to each other. I don't really mind the rumors since apparently, I'm going to get married to the woman in my arms…

"There seems to be a restaurant with the best seafood delicacies, does the princess want to visit there?",

"Sure.", Zhao Mingxia nodded and straightened her back to see the restaurant getting closer and closer. You can say, she's far more excited than me…

We arrived in front of the restaurant, I parked our bike nearby and locked the tire in case someone was curious enough to steal this bike. We entered the restaurant, inside there was a stage where people were betting on an auction. Other than that, the food seems delicious and the atmosphere is quite nice. As usual, I pulled the chair first and let Zhao Mingxia sit. She seems to be getting used to this kind of treatment from me. Unlike the first time, she flushed and was acting rather awkward.

"Do you have allergies with seafood?",

"As far as I could remember, no I don't.",


I ordered us the special menu and a variety of desserts, if I recall, Zhao Mingxia often ate a glutinous rice cake with red bean filling. I also ordered some Mantou and Longjin tea for both of us.

"You remember my favorite cuisine?".

"Of course, I also remembered that you prefer tea than wine, so I ordered us Longjin teas.",

"...Thank you.", Zhao Mingxia lowered her head and covered her face with her sleeve. I've seen her doing the same thing whenever we talked with the queen. When she did this, it meant there were some uncontrollable emotions that needed to be hidden from the other party. Now, the question is… did I mess up again?

"I'm sorry for not asking you first…",

"Eh? Ah, right. It's fine, next time just ask the eunuch to send the message.",

I was talking about the restaurant menu but well, I'll just let it slide. After all, we both have something in common, that is being a shut-in. A waiter suddenly came with our food, he politely asked permission and placed the food on the table. Since this is ancient times, talking while eating is forbidden here, especially in front of Zhao Mingxia. In the end, we ate the food silently, while eating, I found that Zhao Mingxia always eats everything neatly. I can't even imagine her eating burgers with those pretty hands.

"Jinyun, why are you looking at me?",

"Nothing… I just realized I'm going to have such a great wife.",

Zhao Mingxia choked and coughed when hearing it, I quickly handed her a cup of tea, even coughing she's still elegant as hell, she really is a princess.

"Jinyun, please refrain yourself from speaking something shameful during a meal.",


After that, we really ate the meal silently, the seafood was superb, even Zhao Mingxia ate more than usual. Later, I paid the bill and we continued cycling in the city.

"Hold on.",

I took off my outer clothing and wrapped the bicycle's stem with it, which I wish I should have done earlier.

"This way the princess could sit without getting numb.",

"Thank you…",

We went cycling for a moment, enjoying the nice breeze and scenery. I suddenly had an idea and asked Zhao Mingxia if there's any port nearby. Zhao Mingxia said yes, although she went there by sedan chair and it was only for business.

"Why do you want to visit the port?",

"To take you to a boat?",

"Are you planning to drown me?",

"If I were planning to drown you then I will drown myself.",

Zhao Mingxia chuckled and she leaned back on my chest, "How can there be a gentleman like you?",

My heart was beating fast again, surely, this was noticed by Zhao Mingxia, she tilted her head up to face me, "Are you nervous?",

"More like being struck by lightning. The princess sure can say something sweet out of nowhere.",

"Then, are you shy?",

I blushed even harder, my face felt hot, and just ignored her. Zhao Mingxia just smiled without saying anything and leaning back on my chest. We went to the port without further conversation, but somehow, I enjoyed the moment of silence that we had. I parked our bike near the port to avoid getting noticed by those workers. I believe there is a shadow guard following us around to keep us safe, however, I'd rather not to attract trouble.

"Let's get on the boat over there.",

"Are we really going to ride a boat?",

"Yes, are you afraid of the water?",

"...Yes.", Zhao Mingxia said weakly and her face did go a bit pale, "I can't swim.",

It wasn't the slightest bit surprising for a princess like her to be unable to swim. Although I could assure her safety with me, I don't want to do something that she dislikes.

"Then, let's just sit on the bridge over there and wait for the sunset.", I took a look at the sky and continued, "The sun should be set in three hours.",


Zhao Mingxia and I sat next to each other, she leaned on my shoulder and said, "Are all modern guys like you?",

"That depends, some are sincere and some are doing it for the sake of self-satisfaction.",

"Then, which one are you?",

"...both.", I took a deep breath and continued, "I felt satisfied whenever I do something good or respect other people.",

"Then, do you respect me?",

"Yes… and I love you.",

There, I said it…

Oh, god this is my first time confessing to the girl I like that likes me back. This excitement and thrill scare me sometimes…

Zhao Mingxia suddenly straightened her back and stared at me in disbelief, "Are you… serious?",


"Will you--",

"No… let me say it.", I held her hand and kissed it, then I stared at her eyes solemnly, "Princess Zhao Mingxia, I love you… I may not be the best man to be around, or a guy that could buy you expensive gifts, I'm just a regular physician, I had no riches nor landmark, but if you choose to be with me, I promise I will always be with you, in sickness in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part, will you… be my wife?",

Zhao Mingxia was surprised, no… SHOCK would be the best way to describe her expression right now. I had no idea what she was thinking, but she smiled and there were tears flowing down on her cheek. So, I took my handkerchief and wiped it, she suddenly nodded and said,

"As a princess, my fate was to be married to other officials without my consent. To be married happily was something made from life's gamble at the smallest chance. But I didn't expect that I would win those gambles… Xun Jinyun, I, Zhao Mingxia, accept your proposal and will happily wed with you.",