[Special]Another Day Part 1

My name is Zhao Mingxia, I'm 18 years old and the eldest princess of Zhao kingdom. I have over five older brothers, two younger brothers, and three younger sisters. Unlike other families, we tend to watch out for each other once we have hit a certain age at puberty. My older brothers are all fighting to the death over the silly throne. As for us, the female members were married to an official, whether we like it or not. As long as the emperor gave us the word, we have to submit ourselves and obey it. I've seen the woman whom my older brothers married, they all treated like a pleasure toy, easily being thrown and picked up. We are barely seen as a person, only an objective and something to be conquered.

"I really hate men…",

No one truly knows what I'm really like, on the surface, I've been seen as a calm and refined woman just as what the emperor wants me to be. This malicious thought of mine, nobody hardly ever found out about it. I don't care about what men think, they disgust me out, and I wish I could just be born in a normal family… however…

"I have someone who works for me privately. He's a young physician but he gives competent suggestions for the kingdom.",

The one who sat before me was the Queen, Her Majesty Zhao Baiguang. She used to be a general, but her merit and life-saving grace brought her up to her current position now. I admire her courage and her will to fight as a woman.

"There was hardly anyone who could catch Your Majesty's eyes. He must be pretty talented.",

"He is… and he's quite cute and strange. Perhaps you should take a look at him, even the servants at my place often talked about how handsome and gentle he is.",

Every man who had scored at the imperial academy is all handsome and gentle on the surface, beneath those sweetened words and acts hides a poisonous snake. This rumored physician isn't an exception…

"He was also from a future generation, just like Qi Mo.",

"Is Your Highness planning something?",

"Yes… I'm planning to make him my advisor."

I see… this woman is also a poisonous snake…

"What is Your Majesty thinking?",

"Ming'er, you're the only family member whom I trust… and this man is very exceptional and still single, would you like to get married to him?",

Right, if this man married me, he could easily get recognized by the kingdom and the whole royal members. However, can this man could truly be trusted? What if he leaves?

"Please forgive my rudeness, but I'm not sure if I could trust him…",

"Why don't you try to pay him a visit? He's nice and relaxing to be around.",

"...Perhaps I will pay him a visit.",

It's not the first time someone asked me to marry their son or other officials. However, it's the first time the Queen actually recommends one. Actually, she and I had something in common that is not to care about what other people think. That's why, for her to recommend me a candidate means this man is truly exceptional.

"What's his name, Your Majesty?",

"Oh, you're finally interested?", Her Majesty threw a sly smile, a smile that could make people nervous when seeing it, "I'm just jesting, that lad is called Xun Jinyun, he's still single and awkward with people.",

Awkward with people… is this man truly an exceptional one?

"However, he's a brave one… someone like him is really wasted to only be a physician. He could become the next emperor if he wants.",

"Shouldn't we be careful with him?",

"He's on my side, fortunately…",

The more Her Majesty talked about him, the more curious I became. Is he truly what she said? A gentle, handsome, young prodigy, and a stiff person?

"Oh, you smiled. Looks like the eldest princess finally found her man.",

Her Majesty teased me and I blushed, it is indeed the first time I was curious about a man. Usually, I would just let it pass, yet this one managed to pique my interest just by hearing his name and dorky personality.

Curiosity surely gets the best of me, I couldn't even sleep all night thinking about this young physician. I heard from my personal maid, Chang Wenqian, this physician is secretly popular among girls. However, no one dared to approach him lest they might offend him. Today, I came to his mansion which is located near the Emperor's palace. I could see a few servants around pretended to pass by his office, most of them were females. I tried to knock on the door several times, but no one seemed to hear it, so I opened the door and saw Her Majesty talking with a young man dressed in black and gold clothes. It was just them which makes it easier to guess who this man is…

"Pardon my intrusion, I didn't know that the Queen was visiting.",

"It's okay, I was just about to leave.",

I knew that Her Majesty purposely left us behind to talk, however, she too told the physician about my purpose for coming here. His appearance is like any scholar here, except that his hair was a bit short and messy. He has brown eyes and sharp eyebrows like a perfect picture of a gentleman. After the Queen left us alone, he suddenly pulled my chair. I stared at him confusedly, "What's the meaning of this?",

He raised his eyebrows and apologized, he explained it was some kind of chivalrous act that he often does in his era. I paid no heed to his pretentious action and just sat. I began with a normal conversation such as asking how he has been, however, this man never failed to surprise me. Out of nowhere, he suddenly wants to check my pulse. I let him be and after doing so, he suddenly stood up, made some tea, and came back here. I tried to get on his nerves, but instead of pissing him off, he apologized with that emotionless face of his. Turns out what the Queen said is right… Handsome and quirky…

I laughed at the thought I had for this man, he's truly different from the man here.

"I was jesting, it is true that you're such a stiff person.",

After talking for quite some time, I finally convinced myself that this man is truly exceptional. I offered him a political marriage with me, and I said all the benefits he could get by marrying me. However, his answer was no. It was the first time I got rejected, I felt annoyed by the thought of being rejected by this man. I'm a princess and yet this man dared to reject me with such an unbelievable reason.

"I think a relationship should be based on mutual support and feelings."

However, I wanted to trust this man… Xun Jinyun, I will hold on to your words...