Day 15: “There Seem To Be A Rival”

Do you know that the sweeter the flower is the more likely they attract the bees?

Princess Zhao Mingxia is more like the sweetest flower in the kingdom. Hence, she could attract many men as if she had bewitched them.

"It's the eldest princess!",

"She's so beautiful!",

The two of us quickly dashed to my bike and departed from the port. That really wasn't what I had expected after proposing to someone. On the TV, the people from the background would sing us a song, and there were romantic cutscenes thereafter. Alas, reality doesn't always match what we saw on TV, trust me kids, don't trust those commercials!

We roamed through the hallway and passed through a clothing shop. An idea suddenly passed through, and we decided to make a stop by the shop.

"What are we going to do at this shop?",

"Milady, you need to cover your beauty or we're going to be chased by all the single men in this city.",

Zhao Mingxia blushed and nodded obediently, the two of us went inside the clothing shop. I asked for a male attire for Zhao Mingxia. However, she seemed a bit displeased by the idea of crossdressing.

"I'm sorry, but you really need to disguise yourself as a man. You know that I'm not that good at brawling.",

Zhao Mingxia sighed and took the male attire I handed over. A few minutes later, she came out looking like a dashing scholar. She kept fidgeting around while fixing her clothes, then she looked at me as if to confirm if the clothes suit her.

"Now, I think we will be chased by all the single women in this city.",

"You're jesting too much.",

I paid extra money to the shopkeeper to shut his mouth. The shopkeeper threw a wink at us and kept the money with him. I suppose it seems like he thought we're a runaway couple.

"Where should we go next?", Zhao Mingxia asked with a hoarse voice, she really did try her best to hide her identity.

"I don't know, do you have any particular place to visit?",

Zhao Mingxia hummed as she thought of a good place for both of us. She recommended that we should visit a flower dessert stall near the lake. Zhao Mingxia claimed she had always wanted to go visit this place and try their flower dessert. It is said the dessert is made with a mix of flower petals, so it smells sweeter than normal desserts. My stomach began to rumble as I heard how Zhao Mingxia explained it with great delight. We're heading to the lake where the flower dessert stall is. Along the way, many women were captivated by our handsomeness. More like, by Zhao Mingxia's handsomeness, it would be a lie to say if she isn't the least bit suave. Anyway, we have arrived at our destination. It was closer than I thought it would be, and the scenery is also very nature-like with a wooden bridge that leads to the flower dessert stall. The place was an outdoor food court in the middle of the lake. You can see many frogs jumping and swimming on the lake, with water lily plants floating on the lake. Strange to be said, there aren't many mosquitos flying around. We both took a seat at the corner and I bought us two plates of dried rose cookies and hibiscus tea. It's quite amazing that a small stall like this could provide such elegant desserts in this era.

"How's the dried cake?",

"It's sweet and aromatic."As a fan of sweet food, these cookies taste awesome. It was even better when I'm eating it with the one I love.

"Why are you looking at me like that?",

"I think there's a butterfly in my stomach.",

Zhao Mingxia tilted her head adorably and asked, "Is that another joke from your time?",

"No, it's often described as 'I'm madly in love with you right now'.",

Zhao Mingxia blushed and hid her face with her sleeve, I leaned on the table as I smiled in satisfaction. She really is adorable… Am I really going to marry this perfect woman? Sometimes, I can't believe such a thing is going to happen by the end of December.

"Ah, there are two handsome scholars over there.",

"It's too bad they're cutsleeves.",

I heard many people around us gossiping to each other, I ignored them and focused on the great woman before my eyes. However, Zhao Mingxia seemed to be bothered by the rumors, she cleared her throat and said with a hoarse voice, "Brother Xun, I know you're going to marry the princess, but you shouldn't daydreaming too long.",

Zhao Mingxia's words awoke me from my world, I had forgotten that right now she's under disguise. To other people's eyes, we're two young scholars who flirt with each other. That is indeed quite a huge scandal for me. In order to avert the gossipers' distraction, I borrowed a Zhongruan instrument from the musician nearby, and began to sing…

The wind blew by at the Qixiu pavilion~

I was struck on a beauty before my eyes~

She who had a strong mind and will have stolen my heart~

Oh, beautiful girl… my dream woman, what should I do?~

Although I sang this song merely to distract the crowd's opinion about me. However, Zhao Mingxia who had heard it blushed slightly, and looked at me in a… dreamy-like gaze? I couldn't describe it, but her gaze almost made me stop breathing for a while. At the time where people have focused their attention on me, she smiled coquettishly. I kept singing on and on until the crowds threw a coin at me, and somehow… I gained plenty of sacks of Liang. When the crowds dispersed, I asked Zhao Mingxia what to do with all the coins. She said to buy plenty of buns and give them to the homeless children on the street. In the end, we bought two packs of buns and gave it to the homeless children. Zhao Mingxia is such a great woman who cares about her people. Although I felt jealous somehow, yet at the same time I admired this girl of mine.

It was evening when we had finished giving all the buns to the homeless children. It's still dangerous to roam just the two of us at night. So, we went back to Zhao Mingxia's palace. When we arrived, Zhao Mingxia's personal maid trotted towards us and told us that the emperor has sought her audience. However, seeing that Zhao Mingxia still dresses like a man. Her personal maid had the face of 'admiration'.

"Wenqian, it's me…",

The maid immediately returned to her senses and apologized. Zhao Mingxia smiled and got off the bike, "I'll come by tomorrow.",

"I'll be waiting.", I said as I kissed her hand before she goes.

Zhao Mingxia immediately retracted her hand and blushed, "Physician Xun, please don't do this in public.",

So it's fine if we were being lovey-dovey in secret?

"Okay, okay. It's this subject's fault, may the princess forgive me.",

"Don't do that again.", then, Zhao Mingxia leaned to my ear, "It's okay if it's just the two of us.",

I remembered that unmarried people cannot perform any skinship relationship in this era. It was such a shame, however, I understand how terrifying rumors can be. So, I tried to held myself down and smiled, "I'll miss you.",

Zhao Mingxia smiled and said, "I'll miss you too.",

I waited for Zhao Mingxia to enter her palace and went back to my mansion. That night I slept really well and for the first time, I can't wait for tomorrow's day…

However, the next day Zhao Mingxia didn't show up. I had prepared her favorite tea and desserts for a romantic lunch, I kept waiting during lunchtime but she never showed up. Later, when I was tidying up the romantic lunch, a messenger came by and handed me a letter from Zhao Mingxia;

'Dear physician Xun, it is unfortunate that I couldn't show up for lunchtime, as the Emperor had tasked me to accompany a guest from the border. He happened to be an old acquaintance, hence, I couldn't refuse. I hope you can forgive me and please stay healthy, I will visit you in the evening. -Zhao Mingxia-'

The word 'old acquaintance' bothers me very much. If it's like a TV drama, it must be a rival character that always shows up, when the main leads had blossomed their relationship. However, this is reality, there's no way it could be a rival…

Alas, it is indeed a rival.