The Day Before

After James was "punished" for his actions he began preparing once more for the upcoming tournament. He was definitely stronger than he was previously but he also had no idea how strong his opponents were going to be. From what he was told by Patriarch Colton he would be going against other Inner Disciples who were the same rank as him from other sects.

However, when James asked Cara and Noel how he compared to the people that they knew about they stayed quiet and told him to keep training. This made him think that he was truly super far behind when it came to the rest of the people. Even though he was beating all of the Inner Disciples in the sect that didn't make him think there weren't stronger people or stronger sects out there.

'I need to work hard to make sure I don't let them down.' James thought to himself with a frown. He was pushing his body to the absolute limit constantly wanting to be able to protect the new family he had acquired while also keeping their somewhat peaceful life.

Things like politics and differences between sects didn't really matter to him as long as he had his loves and it didn't involve them or those he cared for.

While James was in his own thoughts and the girls were going about their business within the house there was a sudden knock on the door. James was the closest to it so he quickly went over to it surprised to see Patriarch Colton on the other side of the door.

"Patriarch! To what do I owe the pleasure today?" James said with a happy smile on his face. When the two girls heard the name Patriarch their ears perked up and they both gathered in the living room to listen in on the conversation.

"James! Glad to see that you are home. I came to let you know that we will be preparing to leave for the sect tournament tomorrow morning. Each group will have their own carriage with a bodyguard alongside them. There is no telling what will happen on the way there so we're taking every precaution." Patriarch Colton explained while James nodded his head in agreement excited that the time had finally come to show the fruits of his labor.

"I came to let you know that your bodyguard will be someone you met quite recently. Zen will be the guard, after finding that she was innocent of anything involved with her father or brother we thought it would be a good way for her to get out while also having her great strength." Patriarch Colton explained while James suddenly felt two pairs of eyes staring straight into his soul.

It was clear that it was Noel and Cara who were not happy but before he could say anything they took the matter into their own hands, "Woah there Patriarch. This is something that you might have considered telling me first, no? Since when am I not enough to protect James?" Noel said in annoyance as she appeared at the entrance to the house.

"I agree with her for once. I can completely protect James from harm without either of those two. You can send them to protect someone else." Cara said in anger as she looked at the Patriarch.

The Patriarch had hoped that the two girls weren't home but since James was home he had assumed that they might be as well. He knew something like this might happen but was still surprised that the previously polite Cara now could so easily try and defy him like this and treat him this way.

Noel had come from a high-ranking place among high-ranking people so it was more understandable but she didn't hold back in the slightest when it came to something involving James.

"My apologies you two but this is out of my control. Noel you are more than likely going to be summoned to watch over the tournament alongside all the high-ranking people while Cara you are a member of the tournament yourself for the Sworn Sword Disciples." Patriarch Colton explained shocking all three of the people present.

James was surprised because he had no idea Cara was going to be in the tournament as well while Noel and Cara were both shocked because they had both forgotten their place in society. Cara had long known that as the strongest Sworn Sword Disciple behind Zen that she would be the one to represent the sect. As for Noel, she knew of her higher place as a healer from the Heavenly Healing Sect that she would have to sit with all the other important people.

If she didn't then they would likely come find her and eventually bother James which was not something that she wanted to happen. It was even more apparent that he didn't need to be near them now that he had opened up his new knowledge sea. He was still very vulnerable to mind attacks and didn't need to be around so many strong people.

Now that they had been faced with facts like this they had a difficult expression on their faces before Noel finally came up with something, "Fine, she can be his guard. However, we ride in the same carriage as him all the way there and she is only allowed to stay outside. Even when we have to leave his side she must stay at least 10 feet away at all times." Noel offered as she looked at Patriarch Colton scarily.

Normally he would try to bargain some more with someone rude like this but he thought that if he did then he might end up with his head leaving his body. While he did have confidence in beating anyone in the sect and basically anywhere else he was unsure against Noel.

"It sounds like you have yourself a deal. I will go inform Zen immediately." Patriarch Colton said with a smile before turning around and going back from where he came.