When the announcer shouted the first groups to be going against each other James was surprised to hear his sect called out right off the back. When the names reached everyone's ears all eyes landed on his group and another group not too far off with red and brown robes which James assumed to be the Beast Master Sect.
""RAHHHHHH!"" The crowd shouted in excitement as the first match was finally known but not too long after the announcer continued with the matches being made for the first day.
"Now now, quiet down everyone we aren't finished!" The announcer shouted using his Qi to reach the far back of the arena.
Soon after the cries of excitement went down until people could hear the sound of a rock drop. It was only at this time that the announcer continued, "Now for the next match we will have the Steel Venom Sect fight against the Rising Sun Sect!" The crowd erupted once more in excitement as they looked toward one group of people in yellow robes which seemed to be the Rising Sun Sect before the crowd finally spotted another group in black robes coming down from the stands who James recognized as the Steel Venom Sect immediately.
Normally James wouldn't be able to recognize the group because all the people he met from it were dead already from the earlier fight but there was someone that he did recognize accompanying them which made everyone in his sect have angered faces including the daughter of the person Zen who had a questioning yet angry expression clouding her face.
The previous Second Elder of James' sect Quill Rosenberg was accompanying the group wearing the same robes as them showing that he was a part of their sect now and not coming back. From where the group came down from the stands they passed James' sect and all looked at them with smirks.
The man at the front of the pack wearing more extravagant robes than the rest seemed to have the most jerk-like expression as he stared down everyone including Patriarch Colton and Noel as the crowd continued cheering for them.
"What an entrance am I right everyone?! Now onto the next matchups!" The announcer continued on but James tuned out everything else he said as the Steel Venom Sect stopped right in front of James and his group after the crowd was no longer looking at them. The man at the front seemed especially keen on speaking with them.
"It has been a while Noel I hope you have been well, and Colton I see you're here as well." The man said with kindness at first as he addressed Noel before being snarky toward Colton at the end.
"I actually have been good Travis thanks to a special occurrence although meeting you definitely puts a damper on this day in particular." Noel spoke spewing venom with each word as James listened on trying to gather how this man from the Steel Venom Sect knew both Noel and Patriarch Colton.
Patriarch Colton smiled at this remark clearly enjoying that she threw venom back at the man but the other man was surprised by her response clearly not expecting the positive answer that she gave.
"Oh really? What kind of positive thing could you possibly have in your life right now after being cast out of your sect to this place? It's clear they don't want you to return seeing as you're still with them after all this time." The man said in slight annoyance as if trying to prove that her situation was truly bad.
At this, Noel laughed getting a frown from all people of the Steel Venom Sect including Quill Rosenberg who had stayed quiet up until this point clearly not trying to speak with his old sect more than he had to, "Well I would say my husband is certainly something to be happy about. Since the last time we met, I have become engaged." Noel said with a happy smile on her face as she wrapped her arm around James'.
James not caring about anything but his wives wrapped his arm tighter as well while also wrapping his arm around Cara smiling toward Tarvis with a happy smile showing his position between the two of them.
Travis and many of those present in the group were shocked by the sight but one particular old man to the left of Travis spoke up quickly, "Young man how dare you grab onto her arm like that! Are you asking for death from the Heavenly Healing Sect?!" The old man shouted in anger catching everyone off guard including his own Patriarch.
"Death? Why would I be killed by a sect for simply locking arms with my wife?" James asked curiously as he chose not to let go of her arm.
The old man immediately fumed with anger, "You know nothing of this world boy. How could some weak insignificant child like you even fathom the kind of force you're dealing with, just wait until they catch wind of this insanity." The old man babbled as a vein appeared on his forehead.
"Enough." Noel finally spoke with her anger about to explode. She never allowed someone to speak like that about James in front of her.
When she spoke the old man surprisingly went quiet but clearly still annoyed before going back in line with the rest of his sect. The man at the front Travis still seemed confused by the outburst not expecting it but decided to ignore it for the time being.
"Well, as much as you want to protect that little husband of yours you're not going to be able to protect him during the tournament. It seems he will be competing in the lower brackets where he belongs but I'm sure he will get crushed even down there." Travis said with a smirk staring at James before leaving with the rest of his sect further into the arena.
"Well, he was pleasant as usual." Patriarch Colton joked getting a chuckle out of everyone present except for Zen who still had questioning eyes as she looked at her father walking away with the Steel Venom Sect.