The time had finally come for the first match of the Sect Tournament. James had been preparing for this moment for multiple weeks as had all of the other participants in not only his sect but the others as well.
Their first match was going to be against the Beast Master Sect. From what Noel told James the sect was comprised of people that tamed animals or even had them from birth and used them to not only forward their cultivation but also use them as extra battle power in a fight.
When they got to the arena the person that they had suspected was fighting James turned out to be true when they saw on the brackets for the first match that James was pitted against Rowella Brown.
From what Noel and Cara had gathered from all around they found that Rowella had a Blood Bat beast that was normally used to suck the blood of the owner's opponent until they were either incapacitated or dead.
It was kind of interesting since James' sword had a similar skill that was mainly used to drain the blood of his opponent after he inflicted damage. Since they both had similar base skills this match would all be determined by pure power and mastery over the Qi that they had.
"You got this my love don't forget everything that you have done to work toward this moment. I know you will crush her with ease and if she tries to pull something funny I will murder her for you~" Noel said with a warm smile as she kissed James' on the lips to part ways for now.
Much to Noel's dislike she had to go to a seating area higher up in the arena where the other Patriarchs and higher people would be seated for the matches. It was not only to represent her own sect and people but to also have the best vantage point to help James if necessary, not that he knew that part.
As for Cara, she locked hands with James as soon as Noel turned around and happily began walking with him to the waiting area of the match. On one side of the arena, all of the Beast Master Sect was waiting while James and his sect was doing the same on the other side.
When James arrived at their waiting area he was surprised to see that the only person present was Seele who looked at James with nervousness, "What's wrong?" James questioned in confusion when he saw the look of Seele.
"What do you mean what's wrong?! Our Core Disciple participant isn't even here after you beat him up last night! How are we supposed to win?!" Seele shouted in anger.
Seele had hoped that Robert would be able to recover by the morning of the match but she had seen nor heard anything from him since that night. Since that was the case she assumed they were going to lose the match entirely.
"Don't worry so much, if that loser doesn't show up then James will definitely go and destroy whoever his opponent is." Cara spoke up with a smile with her hands still intertwined with James'.
It warmed James' heart and roused his Qi when he heard Cara speak about him in such a confident manner but Seele just sat there in shock still not understanding their relationship or how in the world James came to be like this in such a short time in the sect.
At first, when Seele met James she had planned to get to know him better and try to understand the new rising star but she felt like the more she interacted with him the less she wanted to know about him and the less she understood.
"Ugh- Whatever you say. I'll just do my best and see where it takes us." Seele sighed giving up entirely on trying to figure out the situation anymore. In her mind, if things were meant to work out then they would.
Right as James was going to say something else the announcer began shouting once again with the power of his Qi to reach all across the room, "GOOD MORNING EVERYONE! IT'S OFFICIALLY TIME TO BEGIN THE FIRST MATCH OF OUR SECT TOURNAMENT!"' The man shouted garnering cheers from all across the arena. Even James could feel the excitement in the air from the local people and many others in the crowd who had come from far away.
The announcer continued to hype up the people for the first match before calling Seele out to be the first person to fight for their sect. The order of fights started from the lowest Disciple status all the way to the highest which was Cara's area.
Since Seele was fighting James wanted to support her for the sake of his sect so he and Cara walked outside of the waiting room and just at the edge of the seats so they could see what was happening.
Once they finally got sight of Seele they looked across from her opponent who was walking to the center of the arena like her, "Do you recognize that person at all?" James asked curiously when he saw the opponent of Seele.
"Yes, I do. That's Will Jinx he's the Outer Disciple participant from his sect and just like you, he entered his sect just recently." Cara explained as the match began and the two began squaring off, it seemed to be a pretty even fight.
"Oh wow who knew there was someone else like me, I almost want to root for him now." James chuckled as he saw the beast of Will finally appear after Seele managed to land a good cut on his face with her sword.
James was surprised by the animal since it was a large brown bear that seemed to be changed in a way to make it even more terrifying than its original form. The muscle mass on the creature was not to be underestimated making it one of the scariest animals James had seen thus far.