One Down

Now fully rested and much healthier I make my way towards the exit of the hospital.

'Today's the day,' I tell myself as a sinister smile appears on my face.

The band that came in and took over resides on the outskirts of the town where there is a slightly higher chance of finding animals and a river is located nearby.

The main group is about sixty people. They like to keep at least forty-five at the base at all times.

Then they send people out in groups of three usually it's four groups of three but more recently it's been five groups which means that they are probably running low on supplies.

The group I ran into a couple of days ago was the newbies.

They were sent to search deep in the town where resources were more abundant.

That was why I was caught. Normally I have their routes marked out in my head so I know where to avoid but they caught me off guard.

Then when I saw that they had a piece of bread to share between them, hunger got the best of me. Which led me to where I am now.

Hiding in a building along their path that they travel daily.

They like to follow their previous steps to make sure that nothing unordinary happens.

Yet their cautious behavior will be their downfall.

I sat patiently in the building as my stomach continued to growl while I waited for them to arrive.

About half an hour later I could hear voices off in the distance.

Looking at my health one final time before preparing myself I feel satisfied.

Heath: 88%

Only five minutes later they were in view.

'Now I just need to hope my plan goes to plan.'

As the path right next to my building my heartbeat rises before I go into action.


Tossing a rock across the floor I attract their attention.

"Did you hear that?" One of them asks.

"Hell yeah, you thinking what I'm thinking?" The second says.

"Rat!" They answer in unison.

"James because of your ability stay out here and be on the lookout in case someone approaches. I don't want and repeat of last week when that brat stole our food," The apparent leader said.

"Got it, Dan," James replied.

"Hank you take the top floor with your ability and I'll take the bottom with mine."

"Yes sir!" Hank said.

"Alright let's go," I hear Dan say.

'This will be perfect!'

The building that I was currently hiding in was quite big for being two stories.

Which was what I needed and planned for as it would take up a lot of time.

As soon as I hear the two men enter I leave out a window I had previously broken.

Then hiding behind some trash I wait a couple of moments as I let the two of them travel deeper in.

Once I figure enough time had passed I approach my true target.


I knew that James has some kind of ability that allows him to see people which was how he was able to track me down previously.

So with him unguarded in the open with a useful ability, he was the one I was after.

My mobility was still compromised but I knew I wouldn't need it.

Stepping out into the open to James' back I make my way towards him as if he wasn't there harboring no ill intentions.

It took a couple of steps of me getting closer before James could hear my footsteps.

"You!" He says as he turns around.

"You're the bitch that stole our food! I thought we left you to die that time. But you seem to be a fucking cockroach and won't stay dead."

I don't respond or acknowledge anything that he is saying, not that I could, and just continue to walk towards him.

"Hey, you hear me brat?"



"You're just asking for another beating."



"This time I won't let you live to see another day."


By this point, I was only at most four steps away from him. But it was already too late for him to realize his mistake.

He underestimated me.

Step. Step. Step. Step.


A shard of glass that I broke off the window was hidden behind my back.

And when I was close enough to him and he didn't have any protection I dashed towards him and stabbed him.

"You FUC -ack! - KING - ugh - BR—"

I only got him in the gut and stomach meaning he was still alive but wounded.

As James fell back to create some distance. I left the glass shard still in him.

I could feel the warm red blood on my hands.

And see the trail it left behind as he moved back.

The adrenaline rush and the feeling I felt when I stabbed him gave me such a high sensation that I felt like I was born to kill.

My eyes must have shown it, how I was actually enjoying hunting the man in front of me.

"I'm going to kill YOU!" He shouts as he rips out the shard from his stomach causing a puddle of blood to form under him and gush out like a waterfall."

'Idiot, doesn't he know not to remove it?'

I could see in real-time as the color from his face paled as even more blood sprayed out.

Looking at the beautiful sight before me I took steps closer to him.

"Stay back!"

"Stay away!"

"Don't come any closer!"

James says quickly before falling to the ground.

Now standing in front of him I reach down and grab the shard from his hands causing yet another wound to form on his palm.

Seeing the glass soaked in dark red blood gave me a form of satisfaction that I knew I would be able to survive in this cruel world.

As James stared into my devilish looking eyes while a sadistic grin was plaster on my face I rose the shard above his head before I came crashing down on his neck.


I sound that was made from me cutting into him was like a drug.

Splat. Splat. Splat.

Stab after stab.

I mutilated his body. By the end of my attack, his head was barely attached to his body.

James was long dead.

But I wasn't even close to being done.