I continued to cut away at his body until his head finally was holding on by a thread.
Then grasping what was left of it I pulled with both of my hands before I was flick backward while his head went flying.
'Ha!' I chuckled as I watched his head roll down the road before stopping some ways ahead.
'Now for the rest!' I tell myself as an even more terrifying smile replaces the original.
Ten minutes.
That's all it took to completely dismember James's body.
He looked like a doll that someone could match about with another.
His arms and legs were removed from his body and his head was off in the distance.
The blood that was once a puddle could now be called a lake.
It would not even be possible to tell the man's race because all you could see was red.
I myself was drenched in it but I enjoyed it.
The warmth that I felt as I cut him apart not only from the blood but from killing him brought me so much joy.
For so long I had been hiding powerless and weak but now. Now I stood over the body of the man I murdered and looking down at him in disgust.
Years, he had years to become more powerful and leave the planet. While I was stuck without hope. And he wasted all that time. As soon as I got a blessing all I did was heal myself before killing someone with an ability.
Yet this man couldn't even kill me before.
The mission is right.
I am the forgotten one.
None of the people that live here deserve to be like me.
'I will eradicate them all,' I promise to myself.
Knowing that the two men who entered the building would be giving up soon I picked up an arm and leg from what was left of James before wrapping them in the medical bandages I previously had.
This was to stop the blood from leaking and leaving a trail for them to follow.
After doing so I left as quickly as I could.
My body was still in pain and full-on running was impossible but I went as fast as I could to leave the area.
Forty minutes or so later I arrived at my destination.
A meat-smoking restaurant.
Entering the building and going out the back I lay down James's body parts before picking up a shovel and beginning to dig.
I dug for hours on end until it was deep enough.
Once I was satisfied I grabbed some charcoal and threw it down the hole before starting a fire and placing a cooking grate.
Then on top of the grate, I put the arm and leg.
After doing so I placed a wooden plank over it.
This would block the smoke from exiting but still leave enough room for oxygen to keep the fire alive.
I didn't care if it was bad just as long as it didn't kill me.
Then I went to bed.
When I woke up in the morning I removed the plank grabbed my meal and put out the fire but filling the hole back up with dirt.
My plan was a complete success.
I killed a man getting my mission one step closer, took partial revenge, and got a meal.
Famished due to not eating for fours days now I dug into the meat.
It didn't taste bad nor good and I didn't care anyway. It was the first meat I'd had in a year.
As I scarfed it down I was once again reminded that my throat was fucked.
After finishing the leg and eating half the arm I began to cough up blood.
Annoyed that my meal was being interrupted due to constant coughing I finished as fast as I could.
Knowing that I still had a little stock pill of water hidden away I began my fifteen-minute travel to get there.
But on my way in I figured, it would be a good time to see what ability James gifted me.
[Name: Arthur]
Level: 1 (25%)
Health: 88%
Attack: 2
Defense: 0
Speed: 3
Mana: 10
Abilities - Breathless: A person's breath is bright green to your eyesight. (You will steal the abilities of every person you kill)
Mission - Slay all those who are forgotten. Your name resides in the shadows. There are no others like you: Kill everyone who still lives on Earth. (Reward: 5 levels, 50 mana, ability to travel through space)
Rank: Zero
The first thing that caught my attention was that my level slightly increased.
It seems that I need to kill three more people before I am able to level up.
After discovering this I look further down to see I got a new ability.
Apparently, the text that said something along the lines of my abilities being forgotten was replaced with James's power.
'Breathless? That's the worst ability I've ever seen! My ears work perfectly fine I could hear the three of them approach me why would I ever need to see someone's breath?'
Disheartened that I got such a lame ability a sulk the rest of the way to my hideout.
Once I arrive I quickly grab a pan full of water and gulp all of it down.
I could taste the metallic flavor that my blood had and could feel the water flow down cuts.
'I need to find some way to heal my throat,' I tell myself as I begin to form yet another diabolical plan.
This time there won't be any tricks.
'I'm taking the war to them,' I say as I use the only remaining water that I have left to wash off the dried blood that was still sticking to my skin.
After doing so I put on a new pair of clothes before going to bed.
When I woke up in the morning nice and refreshed I checked my health one final time before making the long journey to decide my fate.
Health: 95%