Triple Kill

I needed to travel from the innermost section of the town all the way to the edge in order to face off against the band of men.

With high hopes and a relatively healed body I start my adventure.

But this time I'm prepared.

I have two weapons that I brought with me.

The first being a slingshot that I have placed in my waistband. While I carry stones in my pockets.

The second and final weapon is a dagger which I have hidden in my pant leg.

Once I retrace my steps back to the building where I killed James I am met by a surprise.

'Dan and Hank are still here?' I think to be unusual.

Walking down the road casually just as I previously had with James I slowly approach the two men.



Hank who was the first to spot me was about to say something but before he could even get the chance to find out who killed his friend he himself dropped down dead.

Multitasking I load another stone into the slingshot while looking over the changes to my panel.

Level: 1 (50%)

Abilities - Breathless: A person's breath is bright green to your eye sight.

Rush: +1 Speed.

(You will steal the abilities of every person you kill)

Firing a second shot this time I am at Dan.

Unfortunately, with the death of his friend Hank he had enough time to react and dodge.

It was enough time to save his life but not enough to get out of danger.

The stone I fired ended up hitting Dan on his left arm make it completely useless.

I saw as the rock shattered his bones and caused one to poke out of his elbow.

Once Dan was hit he didn't wait around for me to load another rock instead he charged right at me!

So pretending to act caught of guard I drop the slingshot and stand still as Dan comes charging at me.

Closer and closer he gets until he is basically on top of me.

Then I activate Rush.

In remarkable speed I reach down grab my dagger and raise it above me.


"Ugh!" I cry out as I'm flung backwards as if I weighed nothing.

After tumbling over at least four times. I slowly get up to discover I'm covered with cut and road burn.

'Shit.' I say.

Then as if I forgot about the battle that just took place I look over to where I once was only to see yet another beautiful sight.

Letting out a chuckle I check my screen for updates and I make my way over to his body.

Level: 1 (75%)

Health: 84%

Mana: 9 (10)

Abilities - Breathless: A person's breath is bright green to your eye sight.

Rush: +1 Speed.

Tunnel: If traveling in a single direction speed increases by .00001 every 10 steps.

(You will steal the abilities of every person you kill)

'What happened to my mana stat?'

'Don't tell me using Rush caused me to spend a mana point?!'

'Will my mana naturally recover or did I just spend one of the ten that I have?'

'Well, there is a ten beside it so I'm going to assume that the fist number is the current amount of mana that I have and the second is my max.'

Wanting to make sure that my hypothesis was correct I figure I'll kill some time.

Now that I've approached Dans body I am able to see how I killed him.

When I pulled the dagger out he had no time to react. So I ended up raising it above my head and holding it upright vertically.

This means that when he came charging into me he committed suicide.

Because I held the blade vertically it is still lodged into his face.

It was perfectly down the middle cutting straight between the eyes through the center of the nose and the lips.

Although Dan was most certainly dead I still had a problem.

I needed to remove the dagger from his face.

So taking grip of the hilt which was suited under his neck and partially in his chin I pull up with all my might.

Blood squirts out everywhere and crunching and crushing sounds could be heard as I tried to get it free.

What was left of Dan's face was completely unrecognizable.

After making attempt after attempt I realized that I wasn't going to get the blade out. At least by pulling it out.

So turning Dan on his back with his utterly ruined face on the road I grabbed the back of his head where hair was and began to slam it into the pavement.

'Haha! See what it's like? Getting hit over and over.' I say psychotically.

What was once unrecognizable was just nonexistent by this point.

The brain of Dan was now visible as I continued to slam his face into the pavement which in turn forced the blade deeper into his skull.

Finally, and splatting sound was made as his head was completely and utterly split in half.

'Got it!' I say to myself as I retrieve the dagger from the back of his cranium.

I once again was drenched in blood but I didn't care in the slightest because there would be a lot to follow.

As I walk over to Hanks body I see it face up I hit him in the neck and it went so deep that it went into and somewhat down his throat.

'That ironic considering my own throat is fucked up.'

'He must have died quickly though I don't know how. I got his ability immediately after shooting but now that I'm looking at him he should have drowned to death in his own blood.'

'I don't know, I'm not good with anatomy, maybe he had a heart attack or something.'

Unbothered by the bodies next to me I check to see if mana went up and to my surprise it did.

Mana: 10

Happy that I learned it passively regenerates I activate my newest ability Tunnel.

Running straight into the distance as my speed slowly increases I continue towards my main target.