Two down

What Dan and Hank did really surprised me.

The fact that they wait and stayed where I killed James threw me off.

Normally, the groups attempt to cover a certain amount of ground to be back at the designated time.

They travel for a total four and a half days. The fours days are spent searching for and collecting supplies. While half day is spent traveling back to their camp.

At least that's what I saw from three different groups.

They seemed to make sure that they never went more than half a day's travel away from the base.

Although, the band had been in town for a while now. It was hard to spy on and follow people that had abilities. Plus I needed off days to search for stuff myself.

So, even though I a good bit of information about the exploration groups I actually have non about the base.

The only thing I know it's that people rotate when searching for supplies so I knew there was at the very least sixty people. There could be more by this point.

Running with Tunnel made traveling a lot easier many of the roads were straight for long periods of time.

At one point I got so fast that I purposefully disabled the ability. Which costed me a lot of time but saved me from ramming into something.

Mana: 2 (10)

By this time I had travel most of the day and it was time to set up.

Yesterday was day two, today was day three, which means tomorrow is day four, and they will be back after that.

Going into a nearby building I figured I got close enough and could get some rest.

I had been running pretty much the whole day which caused my mana to deplete.

So, with the sun starting to set I decided to get an early day's nap and go to sleep.

When I woke up it was still dark out but when I saw my mana I prepared to take off again.

Mana: 10

'It regenerates really fast. It only took… I'd say… fifteen minutes to replenish one point.' Because that was how long I spent trying to get my dagger out of Dan's head.

Knowing that I had to travel the rest of the way today in order to guarantee my survival I set off immediately.

Even though by now I could have reached the camp. I still needed to be smart, I needed to dwindle their numbers.

Two hours later I get there.

"Who the fuck are you?" One of the men call out.

"Who cares the idiot is just asking to be robbed," A second says.

"Prepare yourself he has blood on him," The third and apparent leader says and he takes a defensive position.

Hearing what their boss said the other two stopped joking around and they themselves readied for battle.

'This time it's going to go a lot differently.'

Activating both abilities Rush and Tunnel at insane speeds I charge at the man I specifically wanted to kill.

"Thomas, he's coming after you get ready to move towards us and we will support you. Just defend the first attack,' Their leader says.

But unfortunately for them Thomas was not the one I was after at least to begin with.

As I got closer moving faster and faster before hitting into Thomas I raised my dagger and threw it!

Without even looking at it I pull out a stone from my pocket and ram right into James.

Warmth, that warmth which I could only be filled when killing was brought back to me.

The smell and color become addictive to be around.

Tearing my fist out of James chest I back off as I wait for the leader to make a move.

But after a second passes he doesn't, it looked as if he was frozen.

So, taking advantage of the situation I load another stone into my sling shot and shoot it at him.

'What the?' I say in my head. The man is still paying attention, why is he not moving?

"You mother fucker, my ability allows me to have a guaranteed catch so long as I can track the object from its original point. Your sling shot is usele-"

Loading another stone I fire once again.

"Didn't I already tell you it's pointle-"

And another.

"Stop it already, I'm going-"

And another.


And another.


And another.


And another.

"DIE!" He screams as he runs at me.

But I don't relent and shoot stone after stone at him. Before finally, bang!

With a shocked look on his face the man fell limp to the ground will a stone hitting him in the groin.

"Err," I hear him as he grits his teeth and rolls around.

While he has tears in his eyes and trembles on the ground I walk over the the second man a pull out my dagger from his face.

This time it when it horizontally meaning it went straight though his skull.

Thus, putting on foot in his chest and gripping the hilt with my hands I pull up as the dagger become free.

Somewhat like Dan's face was like his was unrecognizable. The deep hole the was wide enough to cover all of his features. His eyes, nose, mouth, and facial hair was now inside while blood and bone was outside.

Happy that the dagger was easy to remove I slowly walked back towards the groups leader.

He was still rolling around on the ground and I could even that it looked like he pissed himself. But in reality it was the blood from having his manhood turned to mush.

"They won't let you live," He screams one last time before I slice his neck causing him to choke on his blood.

'That's more like it,' I say to myself finally getting to see someone drown in their own blood. The pervious man I tried to kill like that had a quick death. This man will not.

Seventeen seconds.

I stood there towering over him as he could only watch horrified while I smiled down as he slowly died.