There weren't all that many more troops than what would have been in the camp but it wasn't about the amount instead it was their insane levels.
Not one of the soldiers standing under me was below level eighty while most were scattered in the high eighties to mid-nineties.
'How, are there so many?' I thought to myself. 'Does the king have a hidden army or something? And how did they know I was coming so soon. I wasted a good bit of time, I know that, but this is just unreasonable.'
Close to seven hundred troops brimming with anger and power were preparing to take action at a moment's notice.
'They are even equipped with armor and weapons that seem like they might actually force me to take this battle seriously.'
'I thought Willow said that only the lower leveled troops used weapons?' I thought to myself slightly annoyed.
Of course, there was no way I would even sustain a scratch from the confrontation yet, I now had to be sure to go out of my way to dodge.
"You demon, your cruel and vicious attacks on the young soldiers that will pave our future will end now. We will not allow you to continue for we are willing to give up our lives to stop you! Soldier, attack! FOR THE KING!"
The encouraging speech that one of the soldiers in the back shouted echoed throughout the forest as the soldiers in front of him raised their weapons and pointed them at me.
'This is quite unexpected, but it shouldn't make too much of a difference. However, there is one problem, according to Willow the soldiers who die in the name of the king empower him. That means that by killing all these slightly bigger ants I will end up helping the king.' This annoyed me but there was nothing I could do in the current situation, I could run away and take down some of the other facilities but they might already be alerted and the army will follow me anyways. 'I guess I have no choice but to give these men what they want, though I will be sure to make their last breaths extremely painful.'
"Prepare to face your worst nightmare," I stated blandly before supplying mana to my body as I prepared for war.
With a "Hurrah!" from the opposing army, the tide of the war began with a quick start.
'I haven't recovered much of my mana since the previous battle. Especially due to the fireball which consumed a whole two-thirds of my mana alone. I will have to follow the actions I took on the first camp and get my hands dirty,' I said to myself uncaringly. 'It doesn't matter whether I squash them with abilities or overwhelm them with strength either way it's all XP.'
Crashing down into the forest's ground and leaving the skies open I charge forward in a frontal confrontation.
Running at my full speed I practically teleported in front of the single soldier who was ahead of all his compatriots.
Ignoring his existence completely I continued to run as I grew inches from his face. Yet, even then I didn't stop and the result of our collision marked the future of the army.
The body felt a bit of resistance for only a moment but then I carried on as if nothing happened while being showered in red.
I had run through the soldier, armor and all.
Chunks of the man exploded in multiple directions as organs stuck to my body.
What was left of his insides which could only be considered paste shot out everywhere.
An eyeball had been forced backward all the way out his skull and managed to crush the head of a soldier behind him.
Intestines went flying as they wrapped around other troops causing them to trip.
His arms, legs, and head were transformed into projectiles that took the lives of his friends.
Not only had I killed the soldier as if it was nothing, but I had also created an unforgettable scene for all those who witnessed it.
I turned a soldier whose sole purpose was to kill me into a deadly weapon of friendly fire.
Those who witnessed what happened were shocked as fear began to creep into their minds.
Soldiers who had been trained to kill, had been in battles all their lives, were now beginning to fear a singular man.
I didn't even notice the slight hesitation the soldiers began to feel towards me.
I was now in a completely different world inside my head as I solely relied on instincts.
My body moved in ways that I once thought were impossible, I reacted and adapted to attacks that had yet to be launched.
I was in the midst of a war and I loved it.
After making my way through the first target many moves came into my vision as the stampede of troops entered my senses.
Not once did I pause to think about a singular thing.
I didn't think about the number of troops, how many I had killed, or how they knew about me. None of that matter, it came down to that exact moment in time as only one outcome would come true.
My death, or the eradication of an entire army.
Now facing right in front of the full army I began my rampage.
I stretched my hands out in different directions and charged forwards.
The wave of soldiers in the front line were armed with mana-infused spears and each of them were aimed directly at me.
Uncaring, I crashed right into their attack and the war finally began.