
I didn't know what to do.

That was the extent of my understanding.

'What do I do now?' I questioned everything around me.

Laying on the cool floor of a lifeless castle while the one person I sort of cared about was silent in my arms.

My mind was too fucked up to make any decisions and I knew I might do something I would regret if I didn't walk away.

Wrapping my arms around the cold body that was Willow, I picked her up and rose to my feet.

I held her in a bridal position while I turned to leave the massive building.

I turned my back on the king, the soldier, and the castle and just kept walking.

After a while, I reached the clearing in the plain open fields that were in front of the HQ.

Bodies of the enemies I had long since killed were rotting away and the smell that they released was horrendous.

With a single pulse of a wind ability, I had mixed with death essence, it eradicated any trace of their bodies.

In a split second, the battlefield was transformed into an open meadow.

But this wasn't enough.

Not even close.

So I released another pulse which went further and destroyed even more.

Then I sent out another, and another, followed by multiple more.

Pulses of abilities filled with the death essence ran free destroying everything in its path.

But it still wasn't enough.

It wasn't enough for her.

My mana was long depleted so I started using every resource available to complete my plans.

LIFE OR DEATH: Sacrifice your health for mana or sacrifice your mana for health. {This is a passive ability it will not cost mana to use}

My health was dropping faster than a broken dam.

Wounds covered my body and I was coughing up blood yet I felt no pain and refused to stop.

How could I? I needed to make a suitable place for her to rest.

Even as my health got dangerously low I didn't stop and before I knew it another ability proced.

Scales: Become invincible for two seconds. (Leaves you with one mana)

Within those two seconds, I sent out more pulses than I had in the past five minutes combined.

No wounds were accumulated from the ability so I was allowed to be free with my attacks.

But even with everything I had done so far it still wasn't enough.

So I did something stupid, something so dumb that I believe I would never do in my life.

I sacrificed.

Sacrifice: Give up something of value for the desired reward.

I had nothing left so I didn't know what would be taken from me but whatever it was I believed I would be able to make up for it.

Thus, I mindlessly used the ability and voiced out my desire.

"Create a place for her to rest peacefully."

Immediately an explosion occurred and my eyes were blinded by a multitude of colors.

When I could finally see again what I saw in and of itself was mind-altering.

An indescribable landscape filled the planet.

For as far as my eyes could see I just saw a heavenly beauty.

"Ah, it's perfect."

While looking around I saw something unusual which caused me to move toward it even though I didn't know why.

But once I got close enough I understood its purpose.

Below me was the sprout of a tiny tree.

There was only a single leaf and the stem looked as if it could be blown away.

However, I somehow knew that it wouldn't be the case and the tiny tree before me would later become one of a kind.

Its size would be incomparable, its strength would be indestructible, and its birth would give life to many.

I carefully laid Willow's body next to the tree and then took a few steps back.

After doing so a wave of unknown power enveloped her body.

This terrifying power that had a pressure strong enough to wipe me away condensed Willow's body into an orb of golden light.

Once it was completed and finalized the orb flew into the tiny tree and the two became one.

Unknowingly tears began to fall but instead of sadness for the first time in a long time, I was happy.

Willow was free.

'May her fertility bring new life.'

With one last longing look, I watched the tree sway in the wind before I finally ended it all and turned my back on Willow.


Very short chapter but volume 3 is here and ready!

Some updates for you all to be made aware of:

1. I am changing to a third-person POV. I know it's late but I hope this will not bother you all too much.

2. Character development is coming in faster and stronger. We will get to learn and care about Arthur even more.

3. New long-lasting characters will be introduced as before known characters were killed off

4. World development will be huge this volume

I urge you all to stick with the novel and follow Arthur's journey.