1 year later
Laughter filled the tavern while alcohol was being swallowed as if it was from the fountain of youth. Perhaps it was.
Life was hard, Arthur knew that all too well.
Asking for a drink himself he took a seat on a barstool.
The bartender knew exactly what to give to Arthur.
One day out of the blue, a blood-covered young man came trudging into his bar.
Leviathan the bartender had never seen the boy before. He knew all the people who came to his bar but he had no idea who this person was.
When his other customers saw the state that the young man was in and he desperately tried to get him to leave.
However, the man completely ignored Leviathan's pleas to leave and instead asked for an absurd drink.
The blood cover maniac had asked for a mix of everything!
Leviathan had no idea what to do! Some crazy kid came into his bar, refused to leave, then asked for a shot that had a mix of everything.
Leviathan told the man that he was out of his mind and that if he didn't get out immediately he would call the authorities.
But even then the boy didn't seem phased in the least.
There was absolutely nothing he could do because there was no way he would be able to call enforcement officers. His bar was set up outside of the wall so even if he did get the police they would need a bribe.
Unfortunately, sales had been low the past couple of weeks and Leviathan had no means to pay them off, thus he was stuck with the kid.
Whenever a crazy person or a homeless person came wandering inside Leviathan would be able to scare them off. But on the off chance that they remain, he would have to ask his customers for help.
Leviathan was a scrawny short middle-aged man. He had no desire to become a warrior and instead enjoyed hearing the stories of those who came into his bar.
Ever since he was a child he loved hearing the stories that his father would tell of his adventures. When he grew up he decided to give up any chance he had at getting across the wall. Instead, he chose to buy a bar.
There he set up shop and the rest was history. He made many friends and became familiar with all the residents in the area.
The only reason Leviathan was hesitating to get his customers to throw the boy out was that in turn, he would have to let each of them have a drink for free.
Under normal circumstances, it was a fair deal but the boy before him didn't look all that strong so wanting to be a cheapskate Leviathan didn't want to get his customers involved.
Yet the boy wouldn't turn away and Leviathan didn't trust his own still enough to beat the young boy even if he looked quite weak.
With great pain, Leviathan was about to call some people over to deal with the kid but suddenly the kid asked a dumb question which cause him to pause.
The boy had asked how much it was to get a drink of everything.
Leviathan humored the boy and said that because he wanted a bit of everything the boy would then have to pay in full, for each bottle.
Never would Leviathan do this but he hoped that by saying so it would deject the boy and he would turn to leave.
But what Leviathan didn't realize was that right after saying that the boy had reached and pulled out a pouch from his waist.
Leviathan thought the boy was making a joke of sorts to try and buy a drink but instead from what he could see inside of the pouch were tens of if not hundreds of silver coins.
A flash sparkled in Leviathan's eyes and he completely disregarded the insensitive attitude he gave the boy.
Humbling himself the bartender overcharged Arthur and turned a blind eye to the bloody mess that the kid was.
After all, if he had that kind of money he would be able to kill in broad daylight and no one would be able to do a thing about it.
Pulling up one of his best chairs that had a small cushion he allowed the man to have a seat and quickly prepared him a drink.
Ever since that day the boy would come in at random times and order the same thing.
Sometimes the boy would come multiple times a day and other times he would disappear for weeks on end.
Either way, Leviathan had found his golden goose and was milking as much as he could out of the ignorant boy.
He deduced that the kid had to be some bastard of a noble from across the wall that threw him away and gave him a bit of cash.
Leviathan felt bad for taking the kid's money when he had no clue that he was being overcharged but life was unfair.
Thanks to the money he had gotten from the kid he was able to refurbish the bar and even add some additional space.
Due to this, his bar became famous on the outskirts and people from all over came to drink.
Before what would have been a good day would have been seven to ten customers but now he regularly had thirty to even forty.
The business was booming so much he was able to hire workers to take some of the weight off his shoulders and it was all thanks to the young man in front of him.
Handing the boy the drink he asked for which was a bit of everything the bartender immediately turned around and left.
Leviathan had a knack for understanding people and from what he had gathered from spending little time with the boy was that he didn't talk other than to ask for a drink.
Even after all this time Leviathan still didn't know the name of the kid.
He had no idea where the boy lived, how he earned money, or what his life was like.
But it was clear that so long as the boy was left alone everything would be fine and he would continue to make bank.
So when an infamous mobster entered the bar and beelined it straight for the best chair which had been upgraded from the previous cushion. Leviathan's mind buzzed and his heart dropped.
The chair that the mobster was moving toward was the single chair reserved for the boy.