Arthur's mood always slightly improved whenever he went to the bar.
It wasn't for reasons that others believe but rather it was for his own goal.
Although his heart was still messed up the booze wasn't meant to drown his emotions.
Contrary to others who believed that he had a terrible life and could only survive by drinking himself into debt Arthur was striving.
*Poison Immunity + 1*
When Arthur first arrived at Terrius the world he was expecting wasn't reality. Instead of the poor and uncultured civilization, he had previously been to, Terrius was extremely well developed.
The entire planet was habited and the people were the apex predators.
It was as if Arthur had arrived on another Earth. However, there were a couple of differences. For instance, there was only one large continent. Instead of multiple large landmasses that were separated by unforgiving seas, there was only the mainland.
On this surface, the area was broken into two zones. The outer zone and the inner zone. What separated them was a great wall.
Inside of the wall was a prosperous nation built by the royalty.
Outside was a lawless free-range dump where the inhabitants had to fend for themselves.
When Arthur crossed through space and arrived at the planet he decided that the best course of action would be to land outside of the wall.
The only reason being was that he could sense an extremely powerful presence on the other side.
Arthur worried that they might be able to sense him back and so he would familiarize himself in the outskirts before heading deep into the continent.
As he first touched down and arrived on the planet he was surprised that people seemed to come out of the woodworks to surround him.
He had no idea why he was being targeted. Arthur wondered if some powerhouse had sensed him and sent lackeys. However, when looking at the prowess of the men around him he saw how weak they were.
They were all in the single digits when it came to levels.
This greatly surprised Arthur as he couldn't comprehend how they managed to escape earth with the weak power they had.
In fact, Arthur thought this same question when he was on Hive but he chalked it up to the weaklings being newborns. Children that were born after their parents had left earth.
But here the same couldn't be said. These people looked to be in their sixties so there was no way they were natives.
"How did you guys get here from earth?" Arthur voiced out uncaring that more and more people were slowly surrounding him till no space was unoccupied.
Unfortunately, none of the men answered and they continued to filter out till they were already and a signal was given. They then charged at Arthur.
Arthur was thinking this was too much. He hadn't done anything to these people so they had no reason to attack him. Yet, he wouldn't deny XP throwing itself at him even if it would be minuscule.
Arthur didn't even activate an ability but simply waved his hand at an insane speed.
The power at which Arthur moved his hand broke the sound barrier and the force behind it blew open their bodies.
With a single wave of his hand Arthur had killed every enemy but one who he had shielded.
The older man who saw all his brothers murdered before his eyes without even seeing the attack immediately collapsed to his knees.
"Overseer, please forgive me, I didn't recognize you because you didn't have a badge. Spare my meaningless life!" The man was practically in tears begging Arthur to keep him alive.
Arthur who was now even more confused asked, "overseer? What's that? No, you know what before that, answer my first question. How did someone as weak as you make it here from earth?"
A look of confusion appeared on the man's face, "earth, what's that?"
Using my ability I looked closer and the status panel of the man before it dawned on me.
[Name: Ferio]
Bloodline: None
Species: Anthern
Level: 6
Health: 96%
Attack: F
Defense: F
Speed: F
Mana: F
Abilities - None
'Whoever this is, he is not a human. I've just found an alien species.'
Neither excitement nor joy was evident on my face. I couldn't care less if there were more than one species.
The only problem was how the status panel showed his skills.
Another worry of mine was the fact that he had no abilities. Every human was gifted an ability by the gods but it seems as if Anthers aren't as lucky.
Arthur realized that this would put a dent in his plan. He never would have guessed that some unfortunate souls didn't have abilities. Without them, Arthur wouldn't be able to steal them and become stronger.
This really bothered Arthur, if there were no abilities for him to steal there was no reason to remain on the planet. Sure there was the mission but he could go to another planet where people did have abilities and grow stronger there. Then he would be able to come back and wipe the floor with the king.
Slightly annoyed, Arthur asked Ferio to explain what an overseer was.
"An overseer? You don't know? Do you have memory loss? Wait… you aren't an overseer?" Panic further ensued within Ferio's mind.
If the man they attacked was an overseer there was a very, very slight chance he might go free. But if he had attacked a random person who had the power of an overseer there was only one explanation. Ferio and his brothers had just attacked a noble.
Ferio felt his pants get wet at this realization. He knew he had just royally fucked up.
Not only was his life forfeited but Ferio's family, friends, and anyone who had a conversation or laid eyes on him were dead.
Ferio knew the rules and he had just broken the golden one.
If you attack one royal you've attacked every royal.