
Moral Compromise!


"Doran!" Jora called enthusiastically over the phone. "Great to hear from you again. I've heard on the news vaguely regarding the status of the mafia down there. That is the case you all worked on, correct?"

"Yeah, I'm quite relieved. But you know how it is, just another day in the office."

"Well, how are they now?"

"The same thing, but better. They've got their experience and were quite useful, I think they're ready for you now."

"I'm glad to hear it. I'll be awaiting their arrival here. And thank you, again. I really do appreciate it."

"Ah, don't mention it." Doran assured. "Anything for a friend. I'll see you around."


Morning had come at the precinct as the cadets packed their belongings to return home.

Kilo appeared to be very fatigued.

"Rough night, huh?" Nyota laughed.

He shook his head. "Only a few hours of rest, not to mention I lost my five-star services… It's been rough here."

Doran walked into the room with Maverick trailing, clapping his hands to get everyone's attention. The cadets paused to listen to what he had to say.

"Morning, everybody! Just wanted to take time to formally thank you for traveling all the way down here and helping us take down the Midas Mafia.

All residents have been accounted for, damages are being repaired, accomplices are being taken into custody and monetary assets are being seized and returned.

It's been a pleasure working with you all. As young as you are, you're talented and competent, may your journeys through life be prosperous and reap good returns.

We both wish you good luck."

The cadets stood at attention. "Sir!"

Doran's heartfelt message touched them, especially considering that they wouldn't have otherwise thought he was the type of person to speak of high sentiment.

"Now, get out of here, I've got things to do," he joked. "Your taxis are outside."

"Safe travels!" Maverick added before the two turned around and departed from the room.

The six cadets hopped into their taxis as they arrived, traveling back to the bullet train station.

Catching their scheduled train, they arrived hours later at sundown at the cadet campus, where they were supposed to meet with Jora before returning to their dormitories.

Exiting their taxis, the six cadets stood in a circle awaiting Jora meeting with them at the front courts.

"Well," Tatius started. "It's been great."

"Indeed, it has." Sage responded. "Looking forward to meeting again."

Much to Nyota's surprise, Enki looked down at him and sniggered before smiling and holding his hand out.

"Aye, don't get lazy. I need you at your strongest. I won't have anyone else promising enough to look forward to pulverizing in battle if you do."

Nyota was pleased with Enki's gesture, as he took it as a sign of maturation.

"Who knew briefly fighting alongside each other is all it would take?" He thought to himself with a smile.

"Won't have to worry about me," he assured. "The only thing I can do is continue to get stronger."

Kilo interjected. "Getting weaker is never an option! Neither is losing," he put his arm around Nyota. "You'll have to be the one worrying about us, Hothead."

The cadets watched Jora as he exited the main campus building and walked the outdoor courts' pathways, heading their direction.

"Well, we've got to go now," Idalia bantered. "Could use some quality sleep and a real break." She smiled as she prepared to follow behind Tatius and Enki to their dormitories, not before approaching Sage.

"Oh yeah, and I almost forgot!

I don't know, maybe you and I can spar some time, just the two of us. Maybe even just hang out, relax, get something to eat.

Let me know if you're ever ready to take up the offer." She grinned before catching up with Enki and Tatius.

Sage stood in place, quiet, somewhat of an amused expression on his face.

Kilo frowned at him. "You sly dog…"

Nyota shook his head and laughed.

Sage looked back at them. "What?"

Kilo pointed at Idalia and back at Sage. "You two did anything during the internship?"

Sage sighed. "No, Kilo. You know just as much as I do that our trip was strictly about business."

"Uh huh… business my ass."

Nyota commented. "You two never cease to amuse me."

"Well, well… I see you guys made some friends." Jora began.

"They're cool," Sage sharply replied.

Nyota replied, "We have so much to tell you about, our MO, our experience, my dreams."

"Well, I would tell you to tell me all about it, but perhaps it's best you do that tomorrow. You all look gassed, I can tell Doran was working you," he laughed.

"It's getting rather late, and I'm quite tired myself. Instructing your squadron's no easy task. Give me your updates on everything first thing tomorrow morning, you know the drill."

"Sure thing." Nyota and the brothers headed for their dorm room for the evening.


Nyota fell asleep and was quickly enveloped into his regular dream realm.

"Welcome back," Nora appeared from nothing in the dark space, littered with specks of starlight.

"Hey… mother." He hesitated and jammed a hand into his pocket. "You could probably guess why I'm here."

She smiled. "Of course! For answers, I assume."

Before confirming with her, he contemplated what it was that troubled him.

He knew Nora wouldn't give him answers to questions easily, so he decided to use his time for something much more immediately beneficial.

"Actually," he reconsidered. "For consolation."

"Oh, well this is new." Nora laughed. "Confiding in me is exactly what I wish to happen, anyway. It takes precedence over all else for me. Do go on."

"I'm done with the internship, it went well. We made it back to the northeast in one piece.

Sage and Kilo and I made some friends, some rivals that we met on campus. It was by coincidence we just so happened to go with them.

My MO improved, I gave it the name 'Blue Lightning,' I think it has a nice ring to it. And I even got to use it against criminals in fights.

My fighting was great, too. The brothers claim I'm a natural-born fighter."

"That's no surprise," She nodded with a smug smile. "You've trained for moments like these for years."

Nyota looked up blankly at Nora, slightly irked that she mentioned his past, especially knowing she would refuse to elaborate were he to ask.

"That really is wonderful though, Nyota!" Nora rejoiced. "I'm so glad to hear you enjoyed yourself and improved. What exactly was the internship for?"

"Yeah, well, we had to help one of Jora's great long-time friends dismantle a mafia responsible for causing frequent domestic terror in the area."

He continued on, a frown on his face. "The final fight raised some concerns for me, though."

"Like what?" Nora grew concerned.

"The leader of the mafia was a man named Drew. It was just Doran and me when we cornered him.

Some of the things he said, mentioning how every single member of the mafia didn't have MO, how it was supposed to be a community of sorts, like a family…

His whole thing was that Lunanova's leadership didn't care about them. That's why they did what they did.

But the craziest part is the realization that even the coolest people we know aren't exempt from criticism."

"What do you mean?" Nora probed, continuing to listen intently.

"Doran is a cool guy, really cool. But the way he reacted to Drew's words… they touched me, but as for him… I don't know.

I think what I'm getting at is the idea that I don't even think the brothers or Jora would react differently than Doran did. Maybe it's the line of work that makes people bury their compassionate sides?

Or maybe I'm too compassionate. I don't know. Either way, it's weird. This business is weird. I just can't help but wonder why Drew felt that way.

Because it wasn't just him. It was also his following of a hundred or so, you know?

"And it's not every day you run into a person without a Modus," Nora inserted.

"Exactly. Though unethical, they found a collective cause to resist some sort of authority they felt discarded by. I know I'm not in the right place.

And I'm still under the impression I'm not the only person who holds this sentiment. But unfortunately, there is no escape."

Nyota's voice trailed off, his gaze faded away from Nora as he fell deeper into thought.

"It's like we're trapped."

Noticing Nyota's defeated demeanor, Nora sought to cheer him up the best way she knew how.

"Just keep working," she advised with a smile. Nyota quickly returned his attention to her.

She continued, "Keep working, and don't compromise your moral compass and you'll be just fine."

"Yeah," Nora's response wasn't exactly the one he had hoped for. But then again, what was it that he did?

"I guess that's all I can do."

Nora noticed his demeanor hadn't changed, so she figured the best thing was to move the conversation forward.

"Well, was there anything else you wanted me to know?"

"No," Nyota kicked the ground. "But I do have another question."

"I'll grant it," she prepared to respond.

"What happened to you? And my father?"

Nora exhaled deeply, shrugged her shoulders and briefly closed her eyes. "I can't say just yet. You know it's for your own good."

"Do I?" Nyota interjected. "Everything's been so secretive, I don't know anything, nor am I allowed to."

"You are, it's just…" Nora trailed, a saddened expression on her face.

"It's just complicated. Again, when I tell you not yet is it the best time to, I mean it."

Nyota didn't reply. He had become accustomed to Nora refusing to answer his questions. She had done it so often, he didn't want to express again just how frustrating it had been.

However, she noticed and considered this, deciding to share some of the information he wanted to hear.

With one final exhale, she answered him.

"Your father, I'm not exactly sure what happened to him.

As absurd as it may sound, part of why I'm here is to help you figure it out."

Nora sincerely worried that Nyota would begin to trust her less, if he hadn't already.

Fortunately, however, he seemed to receive her response well.

"Thanks," he expressed with a cracked smile. "I'm still greatly lost, but I'm sure for now that it's for good reason.

Or at the very least, I'll take your word for it."

She smiled and nodded her head. "I understand.

It is time for you to wake again," she started. "As for me, I'll repose here until we meet again."

She began to fade into the darkness as she had done countless times before.

"I'll speak with you later, Nyota."

"Bye," he waved before she disappeared, remaining in the dark space by himself for some time after.