

"So let me get this straight," Jora started.

"A ghostly woman in your head claims to be your mother, and every time you go to sleep at night, she claims she's there to remind you of your alleged past, a past you don't remember."

"Um, yeah…" Nyota trailed off as Sage and Kilo stood to each of his sides.

"Yeah… okay… Okay, yeah that isn't hard to believe at all." Jora continued to work on his laptop at his desk, as was routine.

The next morning before the typical instruction period began, Nyota, Sage and Kilo met with him exclusively to speak with him about their internship.

After explaining their general experience thereof and their building of relationships with the Big Three and Doran, the conversation led to Nyota's latest dreams.

"I know it sounds ridiculous, but I promise you I'm serious."

Jora stroked his chin, a look of doubt over his face. "Okay, so you've had a series of weird dreams. What about them?"

"Well, you told me to keep you updated, so here I am. My dreams have aligned with the notion that I barely remember any core memories of my life prior to the second day of instruction."

Jora shook his head, still skeptical of the extent to which he should consider the significance of Nyota's dreams. "But, that's typical, is it not? Dreams are often a reflection of our thoughts throughout the day, whether in our conscious or subconscious."

"Yes, that's right. But, my memory loss was apparent when I first met the brothers. If I've completely forgotten just about everything about me, at this point, I'm inclined to believe everything Nora tells me."

"Okay," Jora tried to understand. "But you've got to give me something to work with here. Let's set the record straight. What do you remember?"

Nyota thought about it. What about his past of significance could he remember?

He finally concluded. "I was in an orphanage all my life. But I had a home, and for that, I owe Noriko everything… which is exactly what I said before, isn't it?" He groaned.

"And you currently live on this cadet campus." Jora's gaze turned away in contemplation.

Sage interjected. "What about, I don't know, memories with other orphans, or any fun, memorable moments?"

Nyota thought about it, then shook his head. "No, I can't think of anything.

I mean, growing up without parents isn't exactly the most fulfilling for a child. Maybe I just suppressed everything."

"And it's odd that you continue to mention that last part, about being in debt to Noriko," Jora quipped. "I asked you about your past, not her."

"I know," Nyota sighed. "It's just every time I'm asked, it's one of the first things I think of."

"Well, that's certainly one way to go about all this." Jora stroked his chin. "Strange, strange indeed. We've already established that Noriko did set up various orphanages throughout the District, but this still raises concerns.

Honestly, it's never been the case that I don't believe you, it's more so a matter of me calculating the costs of blindly accepting this as a reality.

What could the repercussions be? And the consideration that this could be the doing of someone like Noriko, regardless of whether it actually is or not, what power do we have to do anything about it?"

"I've got nothing to lose, Jora." Nyota assured.

Sage added. "Kilo and I consider Nyota family at this point. I personally wouldn't mind devoting much of my life to helping him find whatever answers he needs, remembering what his life was actually like, and who he really is."

Kilo nodded in agreement, taking the conversation in.

"Quite selfless, I respect it. But as your instructor, I'd be failing at doing my job if I didn't at least mention that the three of you are still very young.

Helping someone else figure out who they are as a person is quite the hefty ask when you likely don't even know yourselves, for real, and there's no guarantee you'd follow through."

"As correct as you are," Sage rebutted. "I assure you, I know who I am."

"I do, too." Kilo added.

"And believe me when I say, Nyota here has my word." Sage put his hand on Nyota's shoulder.

"I've said it before and I'll say it again: I've always wanted this line of work, to protect and help people. This is what my father would've wanted. More importantly, this is what I want for myself.

This is what I've trained for for so long, even prior to joining the cadet network. What better way to fulfill this passion than through my kindred?" He looked at Nyota with a smile.

Nyota pleaded. "You've said it yourself, Jora! If there's anyone who knows how important it is to follow your passion, it's you.

You reassured us of the miraculous potential we have, even among our high-ranked peers. You, the one person we know who can actually see into the future."

Jora chuckled and shook his head.

"This cannot be by accident. All I ask is that you take a chance on me, on us as your mentees. I promise you, my life will not be lived in vain."

After a moment, Jora finally obliged. "This isn't quite what I imagined… Fine, I'm willing to help you with anything you need.

The three cadets rejoiced before Jora continued.

"But first, I need you to promise me, promise me that you all will continue to work hard and vigorously, and please continue to ensure, again, that this stays between the four of us alone."

"And what better way to stay prepared then what I've got planned for you all?"

"What is it?"

"I have an idea for a major event here on campus for the highest ranked squadrons. I'm hoping to give the proposal directly to Noriko herself tomorrow.

If all goes well, many outside spectators will be allowed, as well as merchants, live broadcasting, and even Noriko herself."

An odd, dropping sensation was felt in the stomachs of Nyota and the brothers.

"Noriko? Tomorrow?! Have you met with her before? How is she? Is she mean?"

Jora waved his hands. "No, no, she's not as suspicious or mean as our suspicions make her out to be. Perhaps, that is the thing that truly makes her terrifying, even for me.

Nevertheless, we'll continue this conversation another time, you all should get ready and prepare for instruction for today."

"Sir!" Nyota, Sage and Kilo chanted as fellow squadron members opened the classroom door and poured into the homeroom by the bunch.