
The Problem with Kittens

"You're so dead!" I hissed glaring at the cute little innocent creature looking up at me with soft round eyes.

It is all an act though. A very devious, very cunning act! This little creature is a villain of epic proportions, a true fiend of diabolical plots.

"Merrrow?" The little kitten asked softly looking up at me its eyes wide.

"Cut the act!" I seethed.

The beast might have been able to charm me if not for the pair of light blue underwear currently dangling from its hideous jaws. Goodness knows it had charmed Kaitlyn into letting it live in her room, and somehow I had allowed it to happen, but no more!

"Cody! Leave him alone!" gasped Kaitlyn trying to appease me.

I glared at my feet where several sharp teeth were mutilating the fabric. This monster had been here for a total of ten hours, well in 15minutes it would be ten hours. After the cost of this was added, it would be a total of $478 in ruined clothing. The little terror had to be disposed of. 

I reached for it and it dove under the bed and dashed for the bedroom door.

"Not today pal!" I slammed the door trapping it in the room, maybe I need to get some cat sized mouse traps?

"Cody!" Kaitlyn opened the door ruining my trap.

The little brute scampered under her legs and out into the hallway.

"Leave him alone." She glared at me angrily.

"Oh and what are you going to do about it?" I tilted my head sideways and glared back.

She clenched her teeth knowing full well she could do nothing. To me she was harmless. The cat was more dangerous to me, he had gotten to my wardrobe!

"Dad!" Kaitlyn ran out of the room headed downstairs.

I sighed and rolled my eyes. This wasn't working out, I'm going to go find my own place to live again.

I began packing my stuff up, what was left of it anyway. I didn't have a lot of things to begin with which made it easy.

I was halfway out the door when I heard him.

"Cody stop."

I ignored him stepping all the way over the door with my suitcase.

"Code Seeker!" he yelled louder this time.

I stopped and turned my head to glare over my shoulder at him.

"Don't call me that." My voice turned quite and cold. "It's Cody."

"It's still your name." he replied. "Come back inside, I know it's not easy, but we can make this work, I'll see about sending the kitten to an animal shelter in the morning."

I turned to face him, "Sorry uncle, this isn't working out, and don't say some nonsense about it, you know it too. No matter how hard you try it's not going to fix it. We are part of different worlds now. Go look after Kaitlyn."


I cut him off by raising a hand. "That happened years ago. He's dead get over it. Taking in his daughter after finding out her other relatives mistreated her for years isn't going to suddenly fix anything. The fire still burned."

I saw his face fall. Ah whelp had to be done. It had been a terrible idea to try to move in with them for a few months before finding my own place to ease his sense of guilt by repaying a favor. Even if the favor was completely made up. Why on Earth did I ever think that was going to work out, talk about a terrible miscalculation and making things worse.

"Look you gave me a job that's perfect for me. Just leave it at that." I dropped a skate board on the ground and hopped onto it.

"Cody, it's not a job I wanted to give you."

I glanced back at him again, "It's still perfect for me though, what makes a better agent than someone with nothing left to lose."

I scooted the board and started down the street.

"Cody! Just please don't rob a store this time!"

"Why would I? I have a salary now! Plus if I needed money I'd target a bank duh!" I called back with a laugh. "See you at work tomorrow!"

Once I rounded the bend I slowed down and just coasted along. I face fell back to an emotionless mask. Much better, keeping up a smile and just emotions in general is such a hassle. A cold calculating look appeared on my face as I analyzed my options. I should cut interactions with them to as little as possible, interacting and having bonds only leads to trouble especially given my career. Plus they are useless.

I could just sleep under my desk again, honestly I should have never let him catch me there originally that would of solved this entire fiasco.

Well that solves the where to sleep. Carpet is better than under a bridge somewhere. I tilted my board left and headed toward the office. I could always get a hotel, but that also involved dealing with others and putting on a smile so no one would ask what's wrong. 

I cursed my looks under my breath, why wasn't I born looking completely average. The downside of being me, I stick out wherever I go when I'm not disguised. Maybe I should just start permanently dyeing my hair?

I slipped through the streets avoiding cars and dodging trashcans until I reached a tall building.

"Ah home sweet home." the tip of my lip curled up as I slipped through the bushes and climbed the fence with ease just so I wouldn't have to bother with the first layer of security.

I landed in the grass and rolled back to my feet as I walked to the second door which had a scanner. I pressed my finger to it.

Cody Seeker – Approved

The door unlocked with a click and I slithered inside letting the door close behind me. It was dark, but I could still see from all of the various technology which had plenty of glowing lights from cords and buttons. Plus the place did have some emergency lights as well. I ignored the light switch and sauntered down the dark hallway toward my office humming happily. This was way better already.

A large painting on the wall held such a lovely symbol.


Cody's intelligence Agency obviously.

I slid my office door shut behind me and finally felt relaxed. I was just about to curl up on a lovely patch of carpet when I moving light down the hall caught my eye as it made its way toward my office.

It paused by the door and hovered for a few moments.

I rolled my eyes and slid the door open glaring at one of the night security guards.

He jumped back a step "Ah…Seeker good to see you. Um, yes just checking the log since it showed you entered."

I just stared at him with dead eyes.

"Right, I'll be going now, please let me know if you need anything." He scampered away.

I groaned and closed the door again. Next time I'm wiping the security logs even if the head of security get irritated about it. They can't do anything if they don't know I wiped it.