
Cute is a Disease

A stream of sunlight hit my face and I blinked. Morning already? Good, now I can get back to the important things. I got up, stretched and went down the hall to the bathroom to make sure I looked presentable. I had an extra closet of clothing here even if it was meant for making disguise.

What to wear, I thumbed through the outfits ignoring the majority of them until I found what I was looking for. Simple black pants and a black jacket, perfection at its finest, I slipped them on and looked in the mirror. Piercing blue eyes stared back at me. I flipped a lock of my silvery white hair behind an ear and smiled.

I was the bloody definition of "cute" what a horrible tragedy. To be cute is a disease.

Well anyone who tried anything would quickly find my fist in their face. Cute and Cody should never be used in the same sentence if someone wants to keep breathing.

I tied the back half of my hair up in a pony tail since the front half wasn't quite long enough to fit. In hindsight maybe cutting it with a knife hadn't been the best idea. Oh well, the other party fared far worse.

I exited my office and walked down the hall to the elevator and waited for it to come up.

The top area was what the public knew about, the calm face of the organization, below ground however, that's where all the fun stuff was.

I hummed happily nothing beats the training area in the morning. I could even give out some free knuckle sandwiches to people for breakfast. I practically skipped over to the practice ring. Surely a few others would be up by now? I had slept in given I was up half the night chasing that stupid cat all over the place.

"Hi Cody!"

I glanced over, my favorite and somewhat least favorite person all at the same time. A giant bubble of talkative energy that took on a human form.

"Hi Ryan." I replied looking at the other girl.

Somewhere along the line she had decided we both had "Boyish" names and therefore we needed to be best friends. Depending on the day I would either seek her out or avoid her at all costs. Today happened to be the former.

"Spar?" I asked.

"Sure!" she smiled, "You can only use your feet this time though."

"Harsh, I like it." I replied stepping into the ring.

I heard a murmur behind me as a few others gathered around the ring to watch.

"They are at it again? Its only 9am?"

"Shush! Of course they are, its Seeker does she ever stop training?"

"Poor Ryan, isn't she tired of losing yet?"

I tusked my tongue slightly, I should beat the slackers up after the spar. Ryan was the only one who was even trying to improve. That also made her the only one worthy of a proper fight.

She tossed a right hook and I dodged it while sweeping her legs out from under her making her lose her balance. She tossed herself sideways with a hand to regain her footing and came at me again. I slipped to her left until I was behind her. This would have made for a good lower chop but I did agree to only feet attacks.

Instead I stuck my toe up tripping her slightly. To my surprise she fainted left and almost managed to snag me with her right fist.

A smile lit up my face. How interesting, she was improving fast. Maybe in a few months I'd have an actual sparing buddy near my age that could keep up with me, or even mostly keep up. Currently only the director and a few other older agents could truly keep me on my toes. 

Then again she wasn't there yet, and her follow through, I winced. She had left herself so many openings trying to get that hit. So like any good sparing buddy teacher, I must show her where they were. I slipped around her with ease using my right foot to lightly tap her in three spots then I hopped to my left and hit her slightly in a fourth knocking her to the floor.

"You're getting a lot better." I reached down a hand and pulled her back to her feet. "Want to go again-"

Before I could finish a different voice cut us off.

"I challenge you to a duel for ranking Seeker!"

"Oh!" I turned smiling evilly. "Perfect, I just wanted some breakfast."

A talk muscular guy walked into the ring and Ryan hurried to duck out.

"Today's the day I beat you Seeker!" he boosted proudly.

"Really?" I asked scoffing, "Just like the last 23 days?"

I smirked, as he stuttered slightly "This time will be different!"

"I doubt it." I replied.

He launched himself at me angrily. Really he was far too easy. All I had to do was annoy him a little and he lost all sense of reason and his punches became easier to read than a kid's book. I dodged his fist and slipped up next to him before poking him in the kidney for fun.

He brought his fist down like a hammer aiming for my head but I sidestepped to his left.

"Really? That wasn't very nice for a practice match." I asked flicking the underside of his chin as I did.

I smirked inside seeing that I had made him even angrier.

"What was your name again?" I acted confused.

"YOU'RE DEAD!" he hissed striking out again.

I stepped right and yawned. "Very much still alive and breathing. Anyone want to have some tea?"

Even though I was doing this on purpose I was quietly analyzing his every move. You didn't get good at fighting by under estimating opponents, that was how you ended up dead.

"Why you-" he was cut off by a ding sound as the announcement system rang.

Immediately all activity stopped as did our duel. We quietly listened.

All college cadets to the meeting room please, all college cadets to the meeting room.

Huh? Why did they want to see all of us? The college cadets, was basically the training program for young agents. But I had never heard them summon all of us at once.

I glanced at Ryan and she shrugged back.

"Next time Seeker." The annoying guy hissed.

"Sure thing pal." I replied smiling nicely as I strolled past him and headed toward the main meeting room.

It was called a room, but was really closer to a theater given the amount of agents it could fit. It was very rarely used though. I felt my curiosity ignite, what had happened? War? Natural disasters? A worldwide shortage of cupcakes?

I entered the hall and took a seat near the back. A single word was on the screen as we filed in.


The what? I blinked a few times to make sure I wasn't hallucinating. Was this some kind of test? Did they want us to discus hypothetical things now? I looked toward the podium where a few of the department heads and the director were chatting.

Seriously they only put one word on the screen and expect us to wait for the rest of the info, how bureaucratic of them.