
Aliens be Cute

"Oooh Aliens!" Ryan whispered next to me. "Why we talking about aliens?"

I shrugged and scanned the crowed with my eyes. There were three probabilities with the most logic behind them. One this was a test of some kind, maybe critical thinking? Two we had more evidence or some kind of encounter with an alien that seemed probable. Or third, the director was having some fun since only the youngest agents were here.

I finished scanning the area, yes it seems the third might have some truth. None of the normal agents were here. So why? Sure he joked plenty, but this was a bit excessive. I paused thinking, no this was too large scale for a simple joke, so maybe there was a fourth option and I just didn't have the information related to it yet? Or perhaps a combo of pieces?

I rubbed my forehead, this wasn't going anywhere guess I should just wait an let him tell us what is happening.

A few moments later the director walked up to the podium.

"Greetings young agents. We have a rather special assignment for all of you today. Raise your hands please if you believe in aliens."

Well weirder things had happened. I raised a hand along with a few others. Due to probability and the size of the universe, it was less probable that aliens wouldn't exist. Therefore yes, I do believe in aliens. Although the first ones we might run into will probably be some dust termites on an asteroid somewhere.

"Well, would this change any of your minds?" he asked as the screen changed to a space image of something blurry flying among the stars.

I had to stop myself from rolling my eyes. If someone didn't believe in aliens, a sketchy image wasn't likely to change their minds. Especially if the source was unreliable at best. Oh yes, the lovely CIA, it is unreliable at best. And my Uncle, definitely wasn't helping its image, internally at least. Seriously aliens?

If I wasn't currently enjoying a salary, I would have left my chair already. They want to talk aliens? Sure let's talk aliens. While we're at it can I kill them? That sounds kind of fun. Contrary to popular belief, my job is boring and I could use more action movie days.

"Our best intel says that in a few days they will make contact." Stated the director. "So your job today is to create theories on all the ways our first meeting can go and plans around what to do based on each scenario. Begin!"

He walked off the stage and out a side door leaving a very quiet room behind him.

"Is this for real?" someone said.

"Definitely some kind of test" said another.

A few other mummers joined them. 

I got up and headed for the door.

"Cody!" Ryan hissed, "Where you going!"

"Out. You stay here and learn though." I replied slipping out the side door and into the hall.

I glanced at the empty hallways then headed for the directors office.

"Aliens huh?" I scoffed slightly, "Please be entertaining aliens and start a fight with us or something."

"Are you sure that's what you should be wishing for?" a voice asked.

I glanced sideways at the director as he stepped from behind a column and started walking next to me.

"I'm here because I need money and you need my skills." I replied hardly looking at him, "So yes a world war with aliens does sound fun and entertaining. What's up with this alien whatnot anyway?"

"Well if I knew completely I'd have given everyone a better prompt to go off of." He replied. "Cody, I-"

I cut him off, "Its Seeker when we are at work Mr. Director."

He raised an eyebrow, "For someone who could care less about the rules you always seem to care when they benefit you somehow. I want to apologize for last night so just shut up and let me."

"Fine apology accepted, now tell me more about this alien stuff. Do you think they have four arms? I could really use a sparring partner with extra limbs."

"You really are hopeless, all you ever want to do is fight and break into stuff. Cody you have great computer skills, you could have a wonderful future as a white hat hacker."

I cringed slightly at the mention of the weaklings of the hacking group. The ones who were too scared to actually break stuff.

"Nah, breaking stuff is fun!" I smirked. "I remember our deal, I won't hack anything major while employed here. It's a win-win right? Now stop changing the subject, Aliens, and go!"

"Somehow I think you're failing to see my intent still. You could do some serious good in the world."

"Good?" I scoffed, "Why? I do what benefits me, and sometimes those around me if I'm feeling generous. That's plenty." My eyes darkened, "I may follow the whole benefit of the many philosophy when at work because it's what makes you look good, and you pay me, but other than that, I don't care. Stop making that mistake. The world can burn from aliens tomorrow and I'll be plenty happy being entertained by them. Doesn't the apocalypse sound fun? I was thinking zombies would be the best outcome, who knew aliens would beat an unstoppable virus and find us first. Which brings me back again to aliens." I looked at him questioningly.

"Ugh fine. Yes aliens are real and we currently have some solid proof. It seems a few ships full are headed toward us." He raised an eyebrow "Happy?"

"Very," I smiled sweetly with a look that could topple every guy I had met. "Now tell me more."

"Well they aren't what you were expecting." He frowned slightly, "In fact if they come in peace people won't even know they are here."

"Oh why's that?"

"They are sort of already here." He paused looking like he was having trouble phrasing it.

"Well spit it out." I tapped a toe in excitement, finally something interesting was happening to our very boring rock.

"They are cats." He said shrugging.

"Cats?" I frowned, that didn't bode well cats were evil little things and sadly harmless except for undergarments. "Are they big cats? Or cat people?" I asked holding out hope that they'd come wearing armor and saying we wish to take your leader.

"Nope just house cats, granted we only have solid evidence of two of them on the moon and what forms our tech can make out of the ships."

"Well that's a disappointment." I yawned. "Sounds boring I'm going to take a nap. Wake me up if you were wrong and they want to destroy the world or something. Or Ooooh! I can dress up as a cat monster and attack things! What do you say? Shall the CIA stop me from destroying the world?"


"Kidding" I waved a hand and turned down the hall from him going the other direction, "mostly." I muttered under my breath. "If something interesting doesn't happen I might have to steal some dangerous codes for fun around here."

I glanced at the ceiling, world war against the cats huh? I could make that work. How much convincing would it take to make them attack us? Three cans of tuna? Four?

Ah a smile crossed my face, I bet some catnip would do the trick.