
Da-Dun Da-Dun

We waited a bit and the shark seemed to calm down a little. It slinked further away from us again until I lost sight of it.

Just how big was this area? The shark hadn't heard my initial fall and splash, or it was occupied elsewhere. If all the tunnels fell into some kind of wide chasm, then somewhere around here was an exit, and more people.

The group on the other wall started moving slowly toward the island. I watched their shadows move a few feet then started crawling along my own wall. Sitting in the water wasn't the best idea, starting with the island wasn't a bad choice.

I got to where the island was, just the length of a pool away from the wall. I kicked off the wall and glided as quietly as I could over toward the rocks.

I continued forward with a breaststroke kick and glided another few feet. I really should not have watched that movie with a ten headed shark, what was I thinking? If anyone had a ten headed shark for a pet, it would be the alien cats.

Rational thoughts Cody, rational thoughts. How would they even make a ten headed shark? That's completely illogical. Unless another planet somewhere was all water and multi headed sharks were common there?

I avoided the strong impulse to sprint the last few feet and glided painfully slowly before quickly puling myself out of the water. I really, really hate cats.

What if it was nine heads and the cats found a nine tailed fox to mix DNA? Or three heads from a canine, or-

I slapped myself to keep from spiraling. Yes there is a shark, a normal one headed shark…. I think. Was there such a thing as a catshark?

On the other side of the island the other four had began swimming over. I looked around at the water, it was quiet. Dare I say almost too quiet?

The first one stepped onto the island followed by Kyle. The third was half way and the fourth had just pushed off the wall, when a dark shadow moved in the far side again a tip of the fin cresting the water.

A certain theme song popped into my head. They are both going to die aren't they? Well if the shark's fed maybe it will go away? How many people does it take to fill a shark?

Kyle and the other guy started throwing rocks at the approaching fin.

I rubbed my forehead, that wasn't going to do anything the shark had locked onto their movement. All things considered we were already very lucky that this was either a very dumb shark or the cats had ruined its senses beforehand.

One of the two girls in the water tossed her phone like I had but it failed to do much before hitting the water and the shark ignored it. She barely reached the edge and Kyle and the other guy reached down to grab her wrists. The sharks jaws snapped shut inches from her as she was dragged away from the water.

The shark turned toward the other girl blocking her path to the island.

Whelp she's dead, I thought, but then Kyle jumped into the water and grabbed the shark's fin. I stared at the thrashing water for a second. Idiot, make that two dead.

"Seeker help me out!" Kyle yelped from the water. 

"Idiot!" I yelled back, "Why the heck are you playing with a shark?"


I watched him get pulled under again, still somehow hanging on and staying away from the teeth.

"I am surrounded by stupid." I muttered. "You turn on your phone light and shine it down." I motioned to the other guy who immediately did as asked.

Here too, below the surface was lined with swords. I picked one close to the island and dove down to grab it.

The shark swung its head noticing another creature in the water, but was still preoccupied with the leech on its back.

The light flipped away from me leaving me blind in the dark water. Of course the guy couldn't manage the one task I gave him. I felt around with my hands trying to find the hilt. Then a moment later, the light was back and so was a large dark shape coming at me.

My hand brushed against the sword and I picked it up and held it in front of me as the shark swam directly into it.

The sword slid into its leathery flesh and the force of it threw me back against the floor of the lake. Ouch, I tried to move but my vision was kind of off.

The shark at least looked dead. I managed to swim upward and coughed slightly as I broke the surface. Eww! I totally got shark blood in my mouth, gross!

I did my best to spit it out and remove the taste from my mouth. So gross! I'm not going to be able to look at another shark for weeks!

"You good?" Kyle was looking at me.

"Yeah fine, what were you thinking Winters!" I glared at him. "Jumping on a shark? It's not some bronco ride at the fair."

"I was thinking it'd be nice to save her, obviously." He retorted, "Not that you seem to know anything about that."

I snorted and turned away, which was rather anticlimactic in the water, I might be a slightly petty person.

"We have a job to do, don't mess it up for a random person we don't know." I replied as I made sure the shark was dead.

"Harsh," whispered one of the girls.

"Yep, I think she just called us expendable." added the other.

"We are all expendable," I stated, "The cats already made that obvious. If a shark bites my leg off I expect you to leave me behind and I'll do the same to you."

"You shouldn't act like anyone is expendable." Said the other guy, "I just wish we could have saved the others."

Oh goodie, I thought. I'm stuck with two goody goodies, and a pair of damsels. This is going to work out fantastic.

"Kill a shark with no weapons and no island?" I wanted to laugh, in fact I think I did chuckle a little before my voice turned dark, "You'd be one of the body count if you had."

I turned back to the water and jumped back in.

"Seeker what are you doing?" Kyle asked.

"Getting more swords, who knows what we'll have to kill next." I dove under the surface as a few more phone lights shown downward for me.

Well at least they have some common sense. I slipped around a few swords and found two spears as well.

Good, these would work well for the damsels they can at least somewhat block even with no battle experience.

I returned to the surface and handed them off, then dove in again for two more swords. I looked around to see if there were any other options. How weird, maybe the two spears had been an accident, everything else was a sword as far as I could see.

Well whatever. I grabbed two that looked solid and firm and swam back up to the surface.

"Cody behind you!" Kyle yelled.

Huh? I turned in time to see another pair of jaws aiming for my head.