
Here Sharky Sharky

I thrust one of the swords forward in a block while dropping the other as the teeth slammed into it. The jaws crunched on it trying to break through to the tasty human beyond.

"Bad sharky!" I hissed as I swung the sword around aiming for its softer eye hole.

The shark nudged the sword aside with ease since I had no ground below my feet to push against. It launched itself at me again this time ready to devour its feast. I dragged the sword back in front of me to act as a shield. Ugh, so heavy! I debated trying to swim down again to have some footing but the shark was too close and intent on having some Cody for dinner.

 It crashed against the sword again, this time forcing me backwards at top speed. Smart little thing, I glared realizing it intended to smash me against one of the larger rocks near the edge of the island. This is going to hurt, I tried to brace for impact as it continued trying to eat through the sword.

Then I crashed against the rock and the air left my lungs. That's going to leave a bruise and maybe a few cracked ribs I thought numbly as my vision faltered for a second. The sword was knocked aside and I couldn't drag my arms back up. The shark almost seemed to smile after finally winning against its food.

It flipped its tail and shot forward for the kill but a spear suddenly struck the side of its head knocking it off course. A moment later a second spear slammed into its skull as Kyle used his weight to completely crush it.

Huh, a weird smile filtered onto my face, dumb shark, no Cody for you.

A pair of hands grabbed me and I felt them lift me onto the island. I blinked a few times still feeling a bit lightheaded.

"You okay?" Kyle was crouched next to me and I saw the others looking at me with weird expressions.

"Yeah fine." I replied stumbling back to my feet.

His jaw twitched but he didn't comment further.

"So what now?" asked one of the girls.

"Now we make sure there aren't any other unwelcomed fish." I grumbled and sat by the edge looking out over the water for movement.

"Uh is that a good idea?" Asked the other girl and I wanted to roll my eyes.

"Would you rather find another one while in the water or out?" I sent a sarcastic look at her over my shoulder. "This blood should attract anything in this cavern that can come over. All we have to do is wait and say here sharky sharky."

"Weirdo." The girl muttered and went back over by her friend.

I ignored her and continued to watch the water for any signs of movement. If another one shows up we are having shark teriyaki for dinner.

When none appeared after ten minutes I relaxed.

"So question." Said the guy near Kyle, "Why did you alternated between her name and what I'm assuming is her last name?"

"Uh." Kyle shot me a glance, "Our work standards are last names, but we do know each other quite well. In fact she doesn't like me much."

"Really? Why?" he asked.

"Cause he's an idiot." I called over, "Now shut up and look for clues on what we need to do next."

"It's complicated, I may have had a bit too much to drink and kissed her at one point." Kyle added.

"Ouch." The guy replied.

"Enough about us." I growled, "Your turn, tell me all about you since you seem buddy, buddy with Winters. Name, date of birth, country of origin, and preferably at least ten things I can use as blackmail if needed."

"She's kidding, I think." Kyle said nudging him.

"Okay, I'm Noah, uh from here, Kyle and I are buddies from a martial arts class, and I don't feel comfortable giving you the rest of that info?" He stated as he was looking down at the top of the pile of rocks. "Guys come here a sec, this parts different."

I stood up from my rock and climbed to the top of the rock pile where he was. Inlaid in the rocks was a large slab of metal. Noah turned on his light and a few words became visible.

Kill or be killed, the blood is proof of your victory.

"Creepy." Whispered one of the girls.

"Blood huh?" I turned and climbed back down the rocks to where the two shark carcasses were.

I sliced off a piece of one's head and started dragging it back up the rocks with me.

"Eww! What are you doing!" One of the girls shivered.

I didn't bother giving her and answer and instead tossed the shark's head on the metal plating.

Nothing happened and I was a bit disappointed.

"Well any other ideas?" I asked.

The shark's head trickled blood and it started to pool on the metal with no visible results. Darn here I thought that was definitely going to work.

Kyle lifted a foot and squished the head making both of the girls gag.

Prince charming at his finest, I smirked to myself. On the metal plate the shark's head lost a lot more blood. It flowed to the edges and disappeared into the cracks. Still nothing happened. Dumb cats gave us a broken challenge, how nice, now we all get to starve or drown down here.

I glanced around in case we somehow missed another piece of metal where the shark blood was supposed to go.

Then a rather dark thought struck me, what if it wasn't the shark we were supposed to kill. How much would the girls scream if I dragged what was left of the other corpses up here? Unless one of them wanted to volunteer of course.

Another of the girls seemed to reach the same conclusion and paled, she stumbled backwards a set and the other girl caught her.

"Hey what's wrong?" she asked.

The girl said nothing and just stared darkly at the metal plate then she looked around the group. Her eyes landed on me last and I saw her gulp.

"I uh, had a rather dark thought." She whispered.

"And what was it?" the other asked, "Come on any ideas we welcome, we need to find out how to get out of here."

The girl shivered and now we were all looking at her. Kyle and Noah looked interested in what had scared her, the other girl looked worried, and I, well I probably looked slightly amused.

"Let's not act hasty or anything thing." She added her voice quaking still looking at me, "I'm sure I'm wrong."

"Lilly?" the other girl asked quietly.

Now everyone looked concerned. I mimicked their expressions even though I already knew what she was thinking.

"What if it's not shark blood that we need." She said softly. "What if we are supposed to kill one of our group?"

"Gosh don't be ridiculous!" the other girl said slapping her lightly.

Then she seemed to notice the rest of our faces which had taken the suggestion seriously.

"We aren't taking this seriously are we?" the other girl added horrified.