
Don’t Play with Fire

I continued to hack at the metal like the knife was some kind of axe. So close! I side stepped a flame that was particularly large. I couldn't keep this up, I tossed the knife at the metal in anger and started to retreat when the last angry stab finally broke it in two.

I stumbled back startled that it had actually worked then quickly jumped up onto the bottom of the slide and away from the flames as they floated closer. Carefully, I pulled the barbed wire chain up and wrapped it up like a rope around an arm.

A few barbs pressed into my skin as I put it over my shoulder. I tested my arms mobility for a moment then turned back to the slide. This slide was useful, it was long and decently easy to climb. I held the barbed wire and scrambled back up to the top.

"How does everyone feel about spiky rope?" I asked.

"Is that safe?" Kyle asked.

I gave him a weird look, "Is anything here safe? I don't think the safety committee stopped by to test it yet."

I tied the barbed wire between one of the gaps in the railings.

"Shall we?" I offered a hand to Noah and pulled him onto a bar. "Hurry up Winters, unless you want to be left behind."

Kyle scowled slightly but also stepped onto the wheel. We sent Noah up first then I stepped off at the top. The three of us grabbed a bar holding it in place as Kyle slinked upward. He carefully tested the barbed wire before using it as a foot hold to propel himself past the gap and up to the next bar.

"See that wasn't so bad right? Or are you practicing your acting like before." I asked as he got to the top and joined us.

"How many times do I have to say I'm sorry?" Kyle groaned.

"What exactly did you do?" Noah whispered to Kyle but it was totally loud enough for all of us to hear.

"Well, it was awhile ago, back when we were both in training." Kyle started.

"For real? You're actually going to tell him and a complete stranger. You really are the worst." I hissed.

I should have left the stupid handsome idiot to die. Why did he have to be cute? I turned away from their stupid story time and focused on the next obstacle. Would I lose points if I push him off at the top? I cursed under my breath, the thought of killing him was unbearable. Stupid dumb cute guys, they are the worst! Avoid them at all costs.

"Let's just go with the short version," Kyle whispered loud enough that my good ears still picked it up. "We had a training mission that turned out to overlap with a true attack. We acted briefly like a couple to fool some people and well…"

"You kissed her and she's upset about it still?" Noah asked.

"It's not just that though, even though it was neither of our faults one of her friends died, it's complicated, just leave it at that." Kyle finished.

"That's a nice way of saying we got her killed." I replied icily over a shoulder and he winced.

"Seeker, we didn't get her killed and you know it. We didn't have any of the info."

I ignored the rest of what he was saying and continued up another slide. I frowned to myself, my plan had an error and both of our executions of our parts played a role in what happened. I briefly thought of how the cats accepted us doing nothing as a kill with the sharks. By that same logic, we were both murderers and should have died back there with her. I hate him for it, I paused and gritted my teeth, but I also hate myself just as much for failing her.

Funny how something like that will change everything, the past me would of never recognized me now. I guess two events of deaths, and feeling like I was partly to blame was my limit for caring about anything. Follow the book for the best outcomes. What a load of cat dung I should have taken one of the million other options.

This month would have been her birthday, again. She had also loved cats. I wonder what she would have thought of the whole space cats taking over the world and trying to destroy it. Eh doesn't matter, she'd dead.

I tossed her out of my head and focused on the last part. A collection of swings. How fitting, our playground is complete. They were like a slightly upward staircase bridge that went over to the wall where a large tunnel opened up leading upwards. It was even well lit, how very different from everything previous.

I sat on the first one and glided outwards and back. Transferring from one to the other on this was going to be a pain. Some of the swings were sideways even.

I grabbed the chain of the second one and waited until they stopped before moving. I slide from one onto the next and let the first one glide back over to the group. This wasn't too bad. I stood up. The sitting factor was taking too long.

I rocked back and forth until I could launch myself far enough forward to grab the next one, and then the one after. I heard a yelp and looked back. Lilly was struggling on the first one.

"You okay?" Kyle and Noah called back to her at the same time.

"Yeah sorry, I just don't like swings much." Lilly inched onto the second one.

I turned back to the next one I was on and paused, oh this should be good. A large gap spread between this one and the next one. The first person would have to jump.

Lucky me.

Kyle paused on the one behind me, "Well that doesn't look so good, they forgot one."

"Make sure I don't hit you." I commented and sat on the swing before starting to make it go back and forth as high as it would go.

I glanced back at him. If our two swings collided it might send one of us falling. He and Noah were holding hands to keep his swing away from mine. If I wasn't about to jump out of a swing I might have made fun of them for looking like a couple.

I faced forward again and moved my legs to send the swing higher. It was getting to its highest point. The chains we starting to get that free fall moment of going past the optimal designed height.

 I waited as it swung back one more time. This one would be the optimal height for the placement of the next swing. I took a deep breath in case I forgot to breathe while landing. Then as it reached the highest angle, I let go and sailed through the air toward the next swing.