
Jumping Out of Swings Can be Dangerous

Flying is great, really you should try it sometime. The only problem is the landing.

I soared right above the next swing then crashed down onto the bar above it, which was covered in barbed wire. On second thought, I should have aimed a bit lower for the chains.

The metal bit into my stomach and I wrapped an arm around the bar to keep from plummeting down. Drops of blood started to run through my clothing making the gasoline sting. I winced and waited as the swing below quivered back to being still, then I dropped onto it and grabbed the actual chains.

I'm going to turn these cats into stew. I'll boil them alive like crabs.

"That looked painful, you good?" Noah called over.

I wasn't going to answer until I saw the next part. Gods these cats really might be the death of me. From the past swing it looked like this one was one more jump to the tunnel, but now that I saw it I cursed the felines. This gap was a lot wider than it looked as well, and if one of us missed the opening, it would be a rather painful drop.

Well waiting here wouldn't do much good. I started swinging again.

"Yeah, fair warning the next part is also a jump." I launched myself out and flew through the air again.

This time my aim was perfect and I rolled into the tunnel leaving a few streaks of blood on the rocks.

Ow, ow, ow, I pushed myself back into a seated position. What are the chances of me getting an infection before we get out of here?

I looked out the entrance and watched Kyle grab the swinging swing I had left. Now that it was moving they didn't have to try flying to it. He made it look too easy, stupid perfectionist.

A few moments later he landed in a drop roll and used his shoulders to roll back to his feet. He was closely followed by Noah.

Lilly though, I watched as she was holding the two swings. She hadn't moved onto the last one yet. What was taking her so long? She said earlier she didn't like swings, but she seemed fine with heights. What was that called? Pendulaphobia or something? Here I thought that was just made up but she seemed legit frozen.

"Lilly you coming?" Kyle called over.

"Yeah we are going to leave you behind if you don't jump." Noah added. "Or the flames will get you first."

She finally stumbled onto the last swing and began moving. Then she let go and started to fly.

Kyle cursed and jumped forward just barely catching her arm as she missed the opening and dangled off the side. He tottered for a moment and I walked over and grabbed the back of his shirt to make sure he didn't get dragged out.

"Saving the murderer." I stated, "You would make a terrible superhero, your villain would never die properly."

He glared at me, "Not everyone should die for one mistake." He replied icily.

Right I'd almost forgotten his morals were to save everyone instead of do what's efficient for long term success.

He pulled Lilly into the tunnel and we started to head back where it sloped upward a tad then back down. I paused and looked behind us.

"Curses! Run!" I took off jogging down the path.

"What! Seeker!" I heard Noah and Kyle yelling at me before also starting to run with a confused Lilly in tow.

"The tunnel, I didn't notice because it originally slopped upward, but it's not up enough, the lava water is going to flow down here." I continued running while trying to look for any side paths that might go upward, but there was only the main tunnel. "The first game wasn't tag, this one is."

I kept running for a solid minute before glancing back over my shoulder. The others were keeping up and I could see the start to a pile of flames rolling down after us. Up ahead the tunnel finally sloped upwards. We just had to cover another hundred feet.

I shot across the tunnel, the flat floor was easy to run on. I sprinted the last bit and up the incline before looking back once I was out of range of how high the flames would go. Funny the ground changed color here as well, had they flooded it before? Testing stage?

"This had better be the last part you flea brains!" I yelled loudly.

Kyle and Noah arrived panting.

"Are you really insulting space cats?" Noah asked, "Is that a good idea?"

"No but I'm done with this nonsense." I replied, "I've gotten a bit hungry."

"Somehow I don't think they care." Lilly said as she climbed up past Noah and Kyle and sat on the ground. "What's next? Another chasm of death?"

"Please don't joke about it, you'll curse us." Noah whispered.

I walked over the lip to find another pool of water. I stared at it and felt my blood boil. It was only a small rectangle, and no sharks. Why was this here? Then again if it's not extremely dangerous do I care? Maybe it was full of acid?

I stuck the very tip of a pinky into the water and examined it. Nope, just normal water. Behind it was a wall that was slick with no hand holds. I looked up not seeing anything, what were we supposed to do now?

I walked back over to the others to discuss the find. The not lava had reached the base of the incline and was now slowly rising below us. It wouldn't be able to go past that weird line though, I felt oddly relieved by that fact. I had, had enough fire for a lifetime before this even started.

I walked back to the group. Kyle was examining the slowly rising flames while Noah and Lilly were sitting further up.

"Would you get away from those." Noah muttered. "Come up here."

"What are you his mother?" Lilly scoffed, "The flames have been tamed."

She rose and walked over to where Kyle was and I joined them.

"They look so much nicer when we aren't running from them." Lilly said as the flame's shadow danced in her eyes.

Then the flames hit the line and stopped rising, but there was a large cracking sound of a chemical reaction as sparks went everywhere.

Kyle pushed Lilly forward and out of the way then he looked at me and my eyes met his.

"Shoot!" I hissed as sparks landed on both of us.

Flames shot up all over and started to burn at every inch of my skin.

"Hot!" I yelped as I reached over and grabbed Kyle wrist.

I dragged him with me toward the pool then shoved him in before following as I shoved us both under the water. I really hope we don't have much of the gasoline still on us.