
I Hate Rich People

I stood by the open window of my apartment. They won't notice right? I got in a mock fight with Ryan over a broken dish. I felt a little bad I used a small bit of ice to break it and blame it on her. My Favorite dish was now in the garbage and I had grumbled about going to my room for the night, and for them to text me if they found the cats while I'd work from my computer. 

I double checked that I had locked my door along with telling them the room was sound proof and to use text messages. I can't believe they bought that. Of course the room isn't sound proof, its rented, as of a week ago basically!

Well all the better, I grew white fur and jumped out the window before bounding into the shadows. I glanced behind me half worried I'd see Cal or Camo staring at me, but there was no one. Nodding in satisfaction I disappeared through the alleys toward destroys next meeting place. Pride had texted it earlier, and the tracker was still working. I'm surprised he hasn't found and destroyed it yet. It was kind of obviously placed on the back of his jacket collar. He must still be wearing it.

I arrived at the torn up dump on the outskirts of the city. Imagine that, it was a few hops away from the solar facility for the ranches.

I wrinkled my cat nose as I approached where Dart was waiting.

"Great meeting spot huh?" Dart asked.

I nodded in reply and scanned the piles of trash. Smelly, but I bet I can find lots of blackmail material in these bags if I wanted to. However I can also do that from my nice clean computer so, yeah, trash is an outdated method for the most part.

"Eww, Eww, Eww, can we leave yet?" Lilly came prancing over placing each foot with and extreme amount of facial feather movement and care. "I'm going to ruin my nails!"

"Your claws?" Dart asked.

"Yeah that, both!" Lilly grimaced and perched on top of an old refrigerator that was somewhat cleaner. "If we are supposed to make this our new base, I'm out!"

"So much dedication." Came a purr and Lilly grimaced.

"He's behind me isn't he." She whispered.

I don't know why she whispered when Pride was the closest to her.

"Don't fret, no this will not be our new base. In fact we aren't even staying. Come." Pride began stalking off again.

I trotted after him while Lilly seemed content to jump from clean-ish item to clean-ish item. It vaguely reminded me of the kid game, the floor is lava, which is now ruined for me forever. Thanks cats!

I was correct all right. We trotted for a bit and reached the edge of the dump before leaving it for a small farm building in the distance. Beyond it rows and rows of solar panels stretched out. The land by the dump smelled too much for people, but the solar panels didn't care. I however, wrinkled my nose again. At least over here, the smell was better, cat senses aren't all rosy and great. 

"Why!!!!" Lilly grimaced as we entered a marsh. "I give up." She stuck her feet into the muck.

I couldn't help grinning internally. Her human Lilly didn't seem like the type for that, which meant oddly enough it was a cat trait. Pride was ignoring her, so he must already be aware that Lyra didn't like mud much. I wonder if I can somehow used that against her at some point.

Well not that its currently relevant. I trotted back onto dry land and watched Pride claw up the farm house door. It was big, not some tiny one horse stall barn, oh no. The thing must have once been a large horse breeding facility or something. There were multiple buildings each with several rows and a few levels.

Wait. I frowned, don't tell me this was also some dumb rich person's abandon project?

Nope, definitely was. I hate billionaires. The entire place screams I have too much money. The layout of the panels also makes sense given the fence layout. These stalls are practically hotels. I'd rent one if the place didn't smell. Heck the lower level ones even come with yards! You can't beat that!

"So what are we looking for here?" Lilly asked, "The sooner we find it, the sooner we can leave."

"This building has the mainframe for the solar farm." Pride purred, "One of these other buildings houses the backup batteries. Its simple, we are taking all of it."

"All?" I glanced at him.

"Wait even the buildings?" Lilly asked, "I don't think I can carry a building."

"No brainless." Dart muttered, "We are taking the technology stuff."

Technology stuff? That's a weird way of calling it. I glanced at it then a smile played on my lips. These cats really know nothing about our technology do they?

"Get all these wire things." Pride sliced through a board with a panel, "Dart give me a portal."

"Rodger!" Dart swirled a paw and a black portal started to form.

On the other side of it was the same abandon building that was our previous base. Pride didn't change it? The save team knows the location now.

I had to resist the urge to grimace as various parts started being tossed into the portal. Oh this should be great, watching them try to build something with wires, but I feel bad for the technology. They just ruined so many perfectly good things by tossing them in. Will they even have something that still works by the end of this? Well not that I care too much, lets throw some super expensive hard drives with cat power! and hope nothing breaks? or hope everything breaks.

I glance around, let's see, what should I start with. That looks expensive. I tore my claws through some wires. And now its worthless, into the portal it goes!