Banana smoothie



my eyes snapped open and I jumped off the bed in high alert, ready to annihilate any intruder. Not when I was finally happy would someone or something try to jeopardize it.

"Relax, it's just the doorbell... I called my brother and he is probably here" I felt womanhood grow hot and moist when I heard him speak.

"huh...ahhh" I squeezed my legs shut and he smiled, shaking his head.


"come here" he waved me over and I wobbled over to him. "It's my voice, isn't it" he grinned when I nodded "I seem to have that effect on ladies that spend the night... I shouldn't have said that" his face turned red.

"how many women have you had relations with?" I queried but he didn't respond but instead threw the blanket over me.

A moan escaped me. His fingers were rubbing my entrance. He planted kisses on my stomach up to my neck and only stopped short to look at me. I was blushing hard.


He slipped his fingers inside me and began to thrust "but I am still sore!" I whined but that soon turned into loud moans "what about your brother?"

"He can wait..." he giggled. "My goddess needs me" he pumped harder. His tongue circled my nipples, sending a jolt through my body. I shivered in pleasure. He leaned down and kissed me. "It doesn't matter how many I've slept with, Kaos. what matters is that, we met and we've come this far" he planted a kiss on my forehead and left me there, quivering.

I watched him throw on his pants and listened as his footsteps faded down the stairs. That little adventure had me spent so I just rolled over and shut my eyes.


I washed my hands in the kitchen sink and headed out to meet my brother. He looked furious when I opened the door, punching my bad shoulder slightly.

"the fuck is wrong with you?" he pushed past me and stopped "did you fuck someone last night?" he saw how messy the living room was.

"That doesn't seem to be your business" I rolled my eyes.

"Oh yeah, she's outside by the way...she insisted on coming" my eyes widen and i rushed to pick up the clothes strewn about.

"If you fucking squeak about this to her, I'll cut off your tongue" I warned.

"That's a very odd threat" he snickered

"you don't seem to take me seriously when I threaten to kill you" I shrugged, he really didn't.

"yeah yeah, whatever" he plopped down on the couch "I'm just relieved you are safe...after everything you told makes it difficult to trust people"

"Yeah, Yara really surprised me—" I was knocked to the ground

"my loveeeeeee" the girl tackled me. Her wild red hair bounced as she moved, her green eyes roved all over me. "I heard you talking yesterday to your brother and I realized how much I missed you"

"yeahhh, got it. Please get off me" I pleaded. I pulled myself up and she hugged me again.

"I brought some stuff you need, groceries, clothes for you and your guest...where is he?" She was already upstairs before I could make a peep out. I ran after her.

I grabbed the door knob before she could and blocked her. "Downstairs! now!" I growled and she withdrew in fear. what the heck? I cleared my throat " sorry... I meant, she's not really okay right I suggest you let her sleep for now?"

"A she?" I ushered her back "But Dhiji told me you had a friend who is...ohhhh!" the realization hit her "I hope she can manage"

"yeah, Neema" I replied curtly. "let's get the stuff, I'm starved"

Neema is my little brother's best friend, she grew on me when I met her and we started to hangout. But one little mistake happened and by mistake, I meant sex, we were drunk so none of could really blame the other. She took it as a cue to confess her feelings but I wasn't interested in her, I mean she my brother's best friend; if he found out, he'd hate me. She's a cool girl, beautiful even but no.

"my love," she started "who's she? the girl upstairs"

"Someone I met on an expedition?" I didn't want to give away anything that would jeopardize her safety. "One of the locals"

"Where?" she was too curious.

"She's one of the few left of the Wesi civilization" I didn't lie. The people who worshipped her were Wesi, a very old civilization.

"I see. And you brought her with you why?" she asked, sounding defensive

"of what use is this information to you?" She was getting nosy now.

"sorry, I don't want you to get hurt. Look how Yara turned out" I stopped in my tracks. She had a point but not strong enough to convince me not to trust Kaos after risking her existence to save me time and time again.

"Sorry but all Yara did was steal my lunch and betray me. This woman saved my life multiple times so forgive me if I trust her enough to bring her home" I walked off.


I was relieved when I saw my brother. I couldn't believe Yara would try to kill him because of some treasure. It must have been really important for her to turn on him like that. But then...I needed to see what the treasure was, my curiosity was killing me.

I snuck upstairs when they left to get groceries. I opened the door as quietly as I could and slipped in. There was nothing out of the ordinary except for the messy bed. The girl he slept with Myst have, that's not right.

Something cold coiled around my neck, cutting off my air supply. I slapped it repeatedly, trying to get it off. I fell on the bed, thrashing around unable to hit or see my attacker. My vision blurred as hot tears clouded my eyes.

"who are you?" my attacker asked, tightening their grip. The door burst open and they let go.

"Naga!" Dhara burst in, stopping the unfortunate encounter. I sprung up from the bed to my brother.

"What the actual fuck, bro! chica here was trying to kill me!!!"

"No she was just caught off guard, you came in without permission. Are you okay?" he examined my reddened neck before moving to the girl. A sense of dread filled me when our eyes locked. Her eye and hair color were unusual but it complimented her well.

"who the fuck is the psycho? Your bitch?" Dhara pushed me back, blocking the slap that was meant for me.

"I made Banana smoothie—" the tray dropped to the floor and Neema grabbed the girl by the hair and she reacted by grabbing Neema by the neck, lifting her like she weighed nothing.

"Naga!" Dhara bellowed. Neema dropped to the floor.

"She tried to kill me!" Neema and I chorused.

"THIS IS JUST ONE BIG FUCKING MISUNDERSTANDING! FUCK!" he was at his wits end and I was starting to rethink why I was here. "if you hadn't been so impatient to come up here without knocking like a creep, Dhiji, she wouldn't have tried to kill you! And Neema...get out! the two of you! I'll explain when I come downstairs" he pushed us out.

Whoever she is, my brother sure is protective of her. Neema was outside before I could get a word out. Man, that girl runs fast!

Dhara was probably right, This was all a big motherfucking misunderstanding.


"He snuck into the room and I did not know he was friend or foe so I had no choice but to protect myself and I am sorry hit you, I going to hit that disrespectful child" I frowned when I remembered what he said "he called me a bitch! and then the rowdy lady grabbed my hair, I was this close to killing that one—" he cut me off with a warm kiss.

"I'm sorry. I should have explained to them in detail. That's my brother, Dhiji and the lady is friend we share, Neema."

"And I almost killed him too" I shivered at the thought of hurting the humans Dhara cared about. "I am sorry"

"You didn't. come on..." he kissed my forehead and then led me downstairs.