World Information and Departure - NE

After the meeting, I met with Rimuru and spoke with him about Veldora. He was put on guard by that, but I told him that I may be able to assist with his seal. I spent two days unsealing Veldora and then questioned him about the Klaxosapiens. Apparently, my race had the same fate as the dinosaurs, which was also what introduced magicules into the world, creating Veldora and his siblings.

I then spent the next month wandering Tempest, meeting people, practicing with my Magicules, and figuring out where I got plopped down into this timeline. I found out that Charybdis had just occurred, so Rimuru hadn't met Ramiris or Shizu's students yet. I also worked on getting closer with Shuna and, I must say, we've already become close friends. Her possessiveness has started to show after the Charybdis banquet, which Rimuru invited me to. When I outwardly showed my possessiveness, she seemed happy, and then confused, which made sense to me as she still isn't doing most of this consciously. She also stopped carrying Rimuru when I pulled the scary Z2 which seemed to scare the living shit out of everybody in that meeting.

I also discovered that, similar to Milim, I have a battle form, although mine is simply a more Klaxosapien-like appearance and I joined Rimuru's cabinet as his Technology officer.

(A/N: This form is the one on the cover, but she has two wings and the skin is a deeper pink. Her foot scales also reach up to mid-calf and the shorts are closer to the length of bike shorts.)

We haven't started most of the tech reforms, but I have introduced some technology from the industrial era and created an AI I called S.A.P.H.I.S which was to assist me in piloting and handling the Strelizia as well as handle information alongside Raphael.

After the month passed, Rimuru held his meeting, stating his plan to travel to the kingdom of Ingrassia and help his students. Milim decided to stay with the others and help protect Tempest as well as get along with her new, very lazy uncle. Yes, I revealed their relationship. Apparently, neither Veldora nor she was aware of it. I'm not sure if they were aware in the original timeline, but they definitely weren't in this one. This caused Milim to move into Tempest as well as officially ally her faction with the Jura Tempest Federation as well.

I decided to travel with him under the guise of seeing this world and acting as a bodyguard. Shuna wanted to go as well, but I didn't let her. I learned how to retract my horns into their smaller form and equipped my famous headband, which no longer acted as a power limiter. So my appearance was closer to a cosplaying weirdo than that of a monster. I also got a new casual wear outfit and a new suit for combat. Of course, Shuna made these, and I gave her materials using creation.

(A/N: The suit has pink lighting instead of blue)

You might ask, why didn't I just use creation, because Shuna wants me to look my best, so having her make clothes means that they'll look perfect on me. Do remember, I used to be a dude and an Otaku at that. In other words, ZERO fashion sense.

The combat suit utilized a string version of the metal used to create Strelizia and the casual wear was simply reinforced with Rimuru's steel threads and used a cotton-wool mesh as the fabric. Yes, I created a fabric because I didn't want more than three outfits. I have no fashion sense, so I left it to Shuna, and she really knows how to accentuate this body. The other two outfits weren't ready by the time Rimuru and I left, but I said we'd visit soon.

Ironically, after a month of hard work, the breaking point for Shuna was us leaving. On our way out, as Rimuru was off to the side talking with the others, Shuna dragged me over into the forest, leaving everybody looking at us with knowing looks.

After reaching the forest, I decided to play unknown. [What's wrong Shuna? Is everything okay?] I put on a worried expression. It made sense, her expression was conflicted and nervous like she was constipated for a week.

[N-N-N-N-Nothing. I-I just wanted t-to say s-something before you left.]

'Damn, she was getting better near the end but I should maybe calm her down.' [Slow down, take a deep breath. Whatever you want to say can wait until you've calmed down.]

She looked at me with a grateful expression and started taking slow and deep breaths. And yes, I was staring at her lips as they opened and closed.

(Author: Really? What happened to Mr. Apathy?

MC: He literally died and merged with a semi-perverted dino-girl and then met somebody his Yandere was HEAVILY triggered by.

Author: *Rolls Eyes* Sure... whatever. It wasn't a month of character development at all

MC: ...Shut up and go back to writing)

After about a minute of her calming down and even me rubbing her back to help, she was finally able to speak out about what she wanted to say. [Z2, I know we haven't known each other for long, and I know this may sound crazy, but I don't know what else this is. After talking to Shion, Milim, even a few other girls around town, I finally was able to process and accept it. I thought I was in love with Rimuru-sama, but this feeling is different. After the talks and processing, I know what these feelings are. I only feel admiration towards Rimuru-sama for naming us and saving us, but he isn't somebody I could love.] She shakes her head smiling self-deprecatingly for realizing how wrong she had mislabeled her feelings and how she almost made a few mistakes due to that mislabeling.

[I know my feelings for you are true, at least to a certain extent. ZeroTwo, I think I may be in love with you. Before you go, I need to know what you think of me.]

(A/N: Yes, I made that so cringy even my body hurts from the practical stroke I had. But it was still cute and after a month, this is the only thing she would be able to do as the princess of a clan she is)

She looked at me with pleading and worry in her eyes, but I didn't want to answer in the normal way. It just wouldn't be me. I'm a fucking Yandere, after all, an incredibly possessive one at that. So of course I have something prepared for this.

I gave her two things in response, one was a cell phone that I built with SAPHIS and Raphael's help and a bracelet with two stones made from my horns in it.

'No matter how hot I think a choker would look on her, I think that's a gift I'll give her for her birthday in two months.'

(A/N: wiki didn't have it and I don't remember reading about one, so I gave her one. Every other monster can get fucked though, they don't get birthdays unless the comments decide them. Obviously, the one with the most votes gets to be the character's birthday)

She looks terrified like this was simply a gift in response for turning her down, and after assuring her it's not and that she would understand after seeing what they are, she calmed down. I then explain how to turn the phone on, the first thing she sees is the wallpaper. It's a picture of the two of us at the festival, she somehow got drunk and passed out, and before I brought her back to her room, I took a selfie with me kissing her cheek. There was some text in the corner with a simple statement but written as if it was a law. As she read it, I said it aloud, [You are mine and mine alone.]

Seeing some tears in her eyes, I'm assuming because she's happy and relieved, I wipe them away and then literally sweep her in that one motion where you dip them downward, and give her an extremely deep kiss. At first, she was stunned, but then she wraps her arms around my neck and responds, allowing my tongue entrance, then our tongues dance through each other's mouths. I was a little shocked at her aggressiveness but then remember our marks. They are probably on par with an aphrodisiac when we're kissing or doing an intimate action.

'I'm not going to take this one too far. I won't go further than kissing for now, even if she is literally groping my breast right now. it's still too early for that. Even the mark can't take how important that is away.'

After a minute of very deep kissing and her non-stop fondling while I play defensive on my other areas, we release. Both breathing very hard with flushed faces. I was carrying her in my arms, her legs wrapped around my waist and arms around my neck, while our foreheads were leaning on each other, horns clicking a bit. We were each staring into the other's eyes with small smiles dancing on our slightly swollen lips.

A detail I noticed that caused my smile to deepen even further was a light in her eyes, one that I recognize well because it existed in my own. 'Well shit, she's a beast in disguise. She has the same level of possessiveness as I do and I'm sure that she's a Yandere as well. Is that why she was always violent about Rimuru, even if it was just admiration?'

[So does this mean you accept and we're a couple now?] she asked with curiosity and actual worry in her eyes.

I couldn't help but not laugh in response to this question. 'Does she really think I would do that with anybody else. Maybe I should play with her a bit.' [Well, I suppose doing this with Shion would be fine if this wasn't an acceptance.] That clearly triggered her. She got pissed at the thought of me doing that kind of kiss with Shion, even if I wouldn't. Then the second part of the statement was finally processed and the biggest smile I had ever seen formed on her lips and it made my heart stop for a solid three seconds. She pecked my lips again before I pointed out the bracelet. I had changed it a bit with Creation once I saw the light in her eyes.

[Look on the inside.]

She looked inside and actually started to cry a little. It read 'For my destined one, the one that knows the same level of possessiveness and love as I'

After her saying and repeating she wanted to get something for me, I made an offer.

I made a choker using the metal-fabric weave and showed her it. It read 'Property of Shuna' on the inside. Yes it sounds fast, but in regards to my feelings, I don't mind, I'm mainly doing the slow part for her. Otherwise, I would've accepted and we would've had our first time in this forest.

Crying a little more, she put the choker on me which had a small gem, made from my horn, of course, and had a small white orb in its center. This was literally made with pieces of Shuna's horn. She tried to give me some and I offered this counter, since this was painless and everything. One of her horns was now slightly smaller, only by a bit, but it was noticeable.

After a few more moments of silence, while contemplating all of the work over the past month, I decided on something kind of major. [Shuna, I want you to give me a new name.] She looked at me dumbfounded and I can't blame her, but I can't be going around calling myself ZeroTwo or Z2.

She thought for a solid ten minutes before deciding, and yes, I created a Magicule channel, just in case this counted as a naming. [Akane, Your new name will be Akane Imamura. The Ogre culture taught that Akane was like the color of your hair, but like a name, and Imamura supposedly meant something similar to a new home. Something I would call perfect for you.]

Smiling, I peck her lips and then say playfully, [Then this might just make you the future Mrs. Imamura, now doesn't it?] Little did I realize, that counted as naming and titling. I felt my Magicules drop for a moment, while Shuna suddenly felt something click and then just gawked at me, then hitting me very hard on my shoulder.

[Umm, I legitimately didn't expect that. That was supposed to be a joke.]

[Well now it's not.] She said a little pissed. She then smiled a little while drawing some circles on my back with her hand while leaning on my should and whispered into my ear, [You're going to take responsibility when you get back.]

A nod with a glorious smile and my face in response to her most spine-shiveringly glorious request.

After a little small talk and cuddling in each other's embrace, we rejoined the group. Shuna was now distracted, fiddling with the bracelet while I was saying goodbye. A noticeable thing was when Shuna said goodbye to Rimuru, it still had some admiration, but it was nowhere near as energetic as it was in the past. It made me smirk with an 'I win, HAHAHA' face.

She deadpanned seeing it and dragged me back into the forest. Ten minutes later we came back out, her smiling, me panting and blushing heavily. No, I am not an M, nor an S. I think it's more of a switch type with only Shuna. Same with Shuna, I think Yandere types may be switches when it comes to love, luckily it's only light. I don't think either of us wants to whip or receive a whip from the other.

Seeing the smirks and chuckles, my blush deepens while her face shows pride. If not for the fact that Ranga was becoming impatient, I think I would've returned the favor to Shuna. So Rimuru and I finally departed on our five-day journey to Ingrassia.