Ingrassia and Yuuki - NE

Along the way to Ingrassia, I made sure to take pictures and send them to Shuna. A few special pictures were included as requested. I also made sure to tell her that her virginity is mine, and she better not break her Hymen by accident. It would kinda suck if my now, while accidental, wife lost her virginity while playing to my picture. I think I would literally cry. Over the past month, I had received two C vouchers and an R voucher for completing certain events. Literally helping an old lady and arm wrestling Milim, oh and did I mention WINNING. Yeah, that rewarded me with an R voucher.

When I accepted the confession and confessed in return, I received a fucking S voucher for that, probably because it's tied to my fate. I think I understand a few of the tiers now. C is for completing miscellaneous tasks, R is related to power in the story, S is related to fate, SS and EX are probably related to story completion.

Anyways, I selected the vouchers and in summary, received self-regeneration, analysis, and basic elemental resistance for the C, shapeshifting for the R, and finally Perfect Magicule Control for the S.

Raphael made sure to direct me in their usages and was able to upgrade elemental resistance with Perfect Control as a basis and received Advanced Resistance, as I apparently had a hidden pain resistance skill, they merged.

Using Perfect Magicule Control, I was able to control my forms, allowing me to reveal my wings and fly without practically stripping into my battle mode. It's not that bad as it uses anime and video game logic with bikini armor, so it's actually better than knight's armor, but it's still annoying seeing Rimuru leer at me. One time I even gave him a death stare and even that wasn't enough.

So after five days of travel, we arrived at Lura, Ingrassia's capital, and went through the gates, which required an ID Rimuru forgot to prepare for me. Luckily Raphael and Creation are there for me. 'I am so mentioning that to Shuna later.' Rimuru and I traveled around the city where he fanboyed over their level of technology. It wasn't that surprising for me. Over the last month, I also created drones that SAPHIS controlled and piloted to gain information, which included that this was one of the more advanced civilizations on this continent.

[Come on Rimuru, focus up. We're heading to the guild first. After all, we need permission to mess with those kids.] Nodding, Rimuru focuses up and turns serious, traveling towards the guild building.

(A/N: Remembered a small plothole I formed by accident regarding Rimuru's mask. It's blocking his monster traits from being revealed, so what about the now named Akane? Her headband, simply put. While it no longer limited her biologically, she did rework it to suppress and rework her aura to look human, but slightly bigger. Pretty much its a disguiser)

Once we reached the guild building, he once again was shocked by the freaking building's doors. 'This guy gets too shocked too easily. Just wait until he sees the lab I'm having SAPHIS build with 'Golems'. Yes, I said it like that on purpose, after all, they are actually robots being controlled by SAPHIS, and no, she can't pull an Ultron. She has limiters that can literally not be removed without destroying herself. This includes the direct or indirect creation of a new AI to do it. So yeah, no Ultron or Terminator or Hal.'

We walk up to the desk where a nice secretary is present. [Welcome, how can I help you today.] I'm standing behind Rimuru with a poker face, acting as a secretary/bodyguard as that's what I filled out on the form when entering the city. 'This place is an info center, after all, don't want to mess up.' And just like that, I pull a letter out from nowhere and pass it to the secretary. Her poker face even twitches for a moment. 'Hah, I'm the superior.' Also, in case you're wondering, I had Rimuru give me anything he may need to use that a secretary would have, just in case.

The secretary reviews the letter, then sends it up to the Grandmaster's office. Once she receives a signal, she then directs us upstairs. [Please, follow me. The Grandmaster has approved your visit based on your letter of recommendation.] We follow her toward a teleportation pad shaped like an elevator and then guide us to a small office. After a minute of waiting, a knock is heard from the door, and then a guy looking around his early 20's enters.

[Thank you for waiting. Nice to meet you. I'm the Grandmaster here, Yuuki Kagurazaka.] Said exactly the way it's said in the English dub, including the shock upon seeing Shizue's mask.

(A/N: Yes, if you don't like the line, blame the official dubbers)

He then looks a bit annoyed but still seemingly patient.

[Nice to meet you, my name is Rimuru Tempest, leader of the Jura Tempest Federation, a land of monsters in the Jura forest. This is Akane Imamura, my compatriot and, currently, acting secretary.]

A wave a bit with a small smile. [Well, that is an act as I'm a queen, but leaving that aside...]

[That's Shizue's mask, why do you have it?]

I look at Rimuru and as he's about to speak, I speak first because I know he's about to piss this little dipshit off. [This man here is actually a slime that can mimic what he eats, but in this...] This guy had bigger anger issues than expected and jumped at us. Instead of the cool kick thing from the anime, I just grab his ankle and hulk smash him into the ground.

[Now, now. Instead of being annoying, let me finish.] After seeing him sit up and nod while still looking pissed, I explain the situation around Shizue's death, cause I know this slime isn't going to do it right. Finally, I say the line I said when I introduced myself to Rimuru and he widened his eyes in shock. [Man that game was old. It's a bit of a shame they discontinued it when the company shut down.] I guess I hadn't mentioned it to Rimuru either as they both widened their eyes in sadness and shock. [Yeah, they got up to like 19 before they finally stopped. Every game after 15 became a bit repetitive and stupid.]

We then continue on like the storyline until we get to the classroom. I also gave them some mangas from after they died/left. Yeah, I came from like 2130 where technology has advanced but society hadn't. Anyways, Rimuru and I are standing outside the door, but I tell Rimuru to enter behind me. He doesn't understand why but I haven't lead him wrong yet so he does so.

(Cliffhanger-kun says hello, even if we already know what's about to happen)