Eliminating the demon king

"Mr.demon king, giving up already?" An amused and sarcastic tone echoed against the inner walls of the grand throne room of the black palace. The voice was clearly that of a teenage boy as youthfulness and wildness reflected in the tone.

A man with a ghastly pale complexion lying beneath the youth's leather boots, his state nothing better than that of a lifeless corpse. It was the infamous puppet general of the demon king being slain right at the hand of this immature teenager.

And there was the demon king sitting on his majestic yet creepy black throne gazing into the youth's alluring green eyes with no emotion other than great interest. Regardless of this facade, his own condition was as dreadful as his puppet general, if not more so.

Apart from the trio, there were currently another three people in the dark hall, a girl and two boys to be exact, all of them just around the age of the youth.

The girl in her pinky robe was taking occasional peeks at the demon king as she blushed profusely by his striking looks, one of the boy sent scolding glances at the girl, the other boy guarding the entrance carefreely not forgetting to be cautious for random unexpected intrusions.

Each and every single characters of these youths didn't miss deep purple eyes of Zhang Long wei. Different dispositions with diverse talents, such kids had capacity to defeat him, it still felt like unreal. 

"Care to tell me how you kids managed to defeat this old man?" Finally, a husky yet magnetic and manly voice came out, nobody would think this man was being poisoned at the moment just from his tone alone.

Wang Li Jie was amused by how he addressed them and himself. They were not that young and the demon king not that old either. But the query had his eyes sparkled somewhat, just like a child who wanted to repeatedly narrate how he got the first prize to his parents, Wang Li Jie approved to recount their amazing plan.

"Gladly, of course" The youth in his snow-white robe told the whole story pacing back and fourth in the hall, at least poor general had been spared from the rebellious youth's firm and solid boots.

In fact, their little team was made up various genius cultivators: master of disguise art, master of poisons, cultivator of fire spiritual root and another of thunder spiritual root. Nothing unusual, however with their united combination and under the guide of an expert captain, their scheme had worked wonderfully.

Zhang Long wei sensed something amiss in his explanation, yet just ignored as his mind was all on the tempting youth before him, others four utterly thrown to the background as well. The demon king knew he got not much time left, even so he found himself extremely calm and relaxed, and about the youth, instead of resentment or something alike, his frame of mind simply filled with pure curiosity and interest. He was really astonished by himself.

"Sigh, I started regretting it. We shouldn't have poisoned such an adonis" The girl softly muttered under her breath which enraged the boy next to her, "Then, why not go accompany him to death?" The girl only responded the noisy boy with a fierce glare, successfully shutting his mouth just for a second.

"A bunch of juvenile kids" Zhang Long wei concluded inwardly. "That's right. This old man need a company. How could the great demon king die lonely?" Just as he finished this line, his way of gaze changed towards the youth who was stopping the ruckus between two violent peers of his.

"What? You want one of us to follow you till the gate of hell, huh, you disdainful beast! " The already irritated boy hissed back at the demon king, not realizing he was digging his own grave.


From out of nowhere, a dagger of purple crystal flew towards a certain direction which then pierced through the boy's left chest, crimson blood came gushing out of it. Everybody was caught off guard the moment their buddy collapsed to the ground. The other two came rashing towards the boy. Wang Li Jie swiftly unshielded his sword, lightning fury, from the scabbard , the sword's tip already overflowing with currents of electricity, ready to start a battle once the demon king made his next move.

Zhang Long wei smirked at the youth's behaviour, not initiating a fight recklessly even after he did harmed his bro, anyway the youth seemed to be a considerate type for the weak. Well, he himself was not that powerless to describe as someone weak though. Just then, Zhang Long wei realized the effect of poison in his body getting worse, his heart beat become slower, hard to breathe that it almost felt like suffocating, the pain in his chest grew unbearable.

"Not a lethal wound" There came the voice of young cultivator guarding the entrance earlier after checking out his buddy's condition thoroughly. But the boy had gone fainted. The three cultivators looked at the demon king with wary eyes. Wang Li Jie somewhat noticed the demon's terrible condition. At last, the poison was starting to show its amazing effect.

The youth swayed lightning fury towards the demon king emotionlessly. "Mr. Demon King, want me to just finish you quickly? The poison was brutal, it won't go easy on you if you wait it to take your life"

"Then, I should appreciate your advice" The corners of Zhang Long wei's pale lips lifted up at his next sentence. "But, instead of this, can this old man bother you for my last wish?"

"What is it?" Wang Li Jie replied indifferently without even thinking. After what just happened, the demon king was treated with this cold face of the youth making him feel a sense of loss.

"Accompany this old man by chatting with me" The youth raised a brow at the Demon King, seemingly intrigued by this so-called wish. "Anyway, I'm gonna die. Do you want me ending up being a lonesome ghost?" Zhang Long wei tried making a pitiful expression. The youth suppressed his urge to laugh.

"Be careful, he might be scheming something evil" His buddies gave the youth a warning which had the demon king frowned. "My request only applied to you, what do you say?" Zhang Longwei had no specifical reason for behaving like this, he would simply do whatever he felt like it, and this was also one of such occasions.

"Okay", Wang Li Jie let out a sly grin as he answered. After a while, his two peers left the hall carrying the unconscious boy, repeatedly reminding this unruly buddy to be cautious of the demon.

"So, Mr.grandpa, what should we talk about?About you, about me, or how about some bed time story?"The youth placed himself at the nearby seat of purple crystal. Zhang Long wei was extremely pleased with the youth's manner, the cold mask towards him was melted off finally.

"Mr.grandpa? Do I look that aged?" Zhang Long wei initiated a conversation with this "already- knew- the- answer" question.

"Someone described himself as 'this old man' a moment ago, and now came asking if he was that aged. How should I answer, Mr. Grandpa?"

"Mmm, just say that he was stupid."

"Haha, then it would be stupid Mr.grandpa."

Wang Li Jie was buffled by his own action, too. In front of this inhumane demon king, he found himself smiling and laughing as though meeting his old acquaintance. Nonetheless, he didn't want to put on a long face even as a deception, the demon was at his last moment anyway.

"So, which bed time story do you have in mind to let this adonis have a good sleep?"

Wang Li Jie was amused by how the demon king changed the way he mentioned himself from 'this old man' to 'this adonis', but after hearing the part of 'have a good sleep', the youth was slightly sorry for him because it meant nothing other than 'have a peaceful death'.

The youth seemed to be thinking something seriously before an exclamation of determination rang out.

"I knew what to tell!"

"The story is about a wolf and a sheep."

Contented, the demon king just remained silent as he listened to the youth's pleasant voice with his eyes closed, his back leaning against the throne.

"Once upon a time, there was a black wolf that enjoyed doing bad things. He liked it so much that he can't even fall asleep nor eat if he do nothing bad for the day.

And one day, the wolf caught a white sheep which appeared to be the most delicious one he ever captured.

The wolf didn't gobbled him up instantly and played with it quite a while, letting the little sheep run away, then capturing back again.

Yet, the wolf didn't like the reaction of little sheep that was not even bothered to tremble and shiver under his constant teasing.

"It's not fun playing with you, I'm gonna eat you now" The wolf scared the sheep wishing to see a glimpse of little sheep's feared expression.

But, the sheep didn't get frightened, instead, he calmly offered, "You've always been a lonely and creepy wolf, why not just spare me and let me be a friend of you?"

The wolf that was looking for some kind of excitement immediately agreed to the offer.

From then on, the two became close friends."

Wang Li Jie glanced at the demon king who seemed to be having a hard time to breathe though he also noticed the demon was trying his best not to show it while continuing the story.

" But, the wolf that stopped hunting sheeps since they've been friends desired to have a taste of little sheep more and more with time. His friend also recognized it, so one day, little sheep bluntly asked him," Do you want to eat me? " The black wolf nodded, "Mmm, I wanna devour you like crazy." Little sheep who really like his new friend didn't even ponder, "Then just eat me." The black wolf gulped nervously.

"But, give me a time to get ready, will you?"Little sheep asked. And thus, they made an appointment to meet at the black wolf's cave after three days. Then.... "

" What happened next? "

A barely audible whisper asked the question.

" I don't know... "

" Mmm? "

"I 'd always fall asleep by this part."

"Isn' t it just a made-up story?"


"I thought that black wolf and little sheep were me and you."

"Of course not! That's one of my favorite stories mom told me."

The demon king's voice grew muffled and slower.

"Then, introduce me to her one day and ask its ending for me."

"You won't have a chance."

"Who knows? Maybe it might not be netherworld that is waiting for me after death."

The youth frowned and stood up.

"What do you mean?"

Zhang Long wei only replied with a sly smile, then shut his eyelids, never to open them again. The youth checked his breath, the demon king had passed away, nonetheless he still felt uneasy for the demon king's last sentence.