Being cheated by one's own son


The smell stinks. Don't tell me that hell is such a damn stinky place.

With a grimace, the clean freak Zhang Long wei cursed internally once his consciousness came back to the earth. Just while he was trying to open his lids, a different whiff of strong and nauseating smell came again, probably that of chinese medicine which broke his last bit of sanity instantly, making him curse out loud, "Damn these smells."

His eyes swapped open with anger, but then his head started aching like crazy. His view not clear yet, just a fuzzy view but nothing could be made out of it. He attempted to shifted his line of vision to the side dizzily.

His head felt so heavy that he even wondered if ten more heads had grown over his shoulders. At last, he could see something, it really looked like a corpse though, a corpse?!

Zhang Long wei sprang and sat up immediately, so dizzy that for a moment, he was even convinced the whole world was rotating centering his head.

Where is he, at some graveyard waiting to get buried?

Ah, who would even bother to bury this brutal demon king?

Strangely, this fact reassured poor demon king. Now that he took one more glance at the thing, it was more likely to be a patient rather than a corpse. And when his vision lengthened to the whole room he was in, his could only react with one word. "fuckkk.."

There were more than ten or so patients like the one ealier in the infirmary. Some of them, he could not even differentiate dead or alive. Even if they were alive now, just from a glance, he could tell none of them had a chance to survive.

He rubbed the place between his brows to calm himself down, but then again, that stinky smell from before came attacking his nostrils. Disgusted, he scowled, the smell appeared to be emerging from these patients including himself. It was such sort of smell that would came out when you don't bathe for months.

He glanced down at his own hands, they were so pale and small, obviously he knew they were not his. He succeeded. He had succeeded in using the forbidden technique of possessing a dead body. This boy seemed to have died just in this infirmary.

Now taking a thorough inspection, this body seemed like that of a teenage boy. Indeed, he could not control which body to possess or use. The great demon king was not satisfied with his current achievement yet. He still needed a lot to improve and cultivate harder. But right now, he was no where near to think about doing such things, first, there were many problems to solve at the moment. He needed to know the boy's name, where he was or, how to avoid possible suspicions.

He made an effort to recall the boy's memories, nevertheless, all of them were just so blurry and hazy, some more time might be required for him to recollect all fragments of this body's memories.


Someone shrieked out in fright. Zhang Long wei was also unprepared but he stayed calm. The scream seemed to come out from a corner of the room. He didn't noticed there was someone earlier.

"Li Zian! You've gained your consciousness back, great, great!" A loud voice was let out as a boy stood up from the corner, his eyes somewhat dreamy, maybe he was taking a nap there. But how come he could even fall asleep at such a smelly place?

The boy, seeing his junior disciple remain silent, prepared to go out in a rash. "Wait, just stay put and wait here, I'm calling our master and physician Chen ."

Zhang Long wei only responded with silence. Then, the door to the infirmary was closed with a loud bang only to open it again in a second. A head slipped in and reminded him once more, "Don't get out of your bed, stay put."


Everything got quiet and went back to normal.

Ah.. so noisy. His headache was coming back again. Massaging around his temple, he mused. The original owner of this body might be a disciple, if he was not wrong, he might even belonged to a certain sect. Even so, what's with this current condition? Something abnormal must had happened to these people. They didn't looked like some normal patients.

Just then he remembered the most important thing to do right now, checking out the boy's meridians. Zhang Long wei closed his eyes and tried focusing on the boy's inner core, but before he even got to the next step, the door was pulled open and three figures came in.

One of the men looked rather old, all his hair had already turned grey, his appearance decent and the character amiable . Another figure following this elder quite rang a bell to him, he had engaged with this middle-aged man in a battle or two, his cultivational level really high, his skill could be considered not so bad as well. This was the prestigious immortal Wang of Jiangyu sect.

"Thank you, master, for coming to take a look at this disciple. I've given you a lot troubles."

Zhang Long wei paid respects like regular disciples and just stayed as natural as possible, after all, going with the flow was not something hard. Immortal Wang slightly nodded and gestured for physician Chen to start checking.

One might asked why such a supreme demon king was not hesitant at all to pay respects and call someone master. Were all his pride and arrogance thrown out of the window after he died ? No, he didn't considered what he was doing right now as letting go of all his pride or something, he was just doing what he was supposed to do.

He had already gone through a life lower than animal before the powerful demon king Zhang Long wei had not existed, no one knew the logic of life better than him, if you want something, then you have to lose something. Sometimes even if you lose or abandon something, you might not even get what you want.

He wanted to survive. There was no need to give a reason for why one would want to survive. Right now, he was as a young cultivator who was nothing more than a patient, to cover reality and survive, he would not hesitate to be a humble disciple. After all, this was far better than his original lowly life. All he had to do right now was letting the old man check his condition, hanging in there and hoping for the best.

"How's his health?" Finally, immortal Wang questioned, breaking the awkward silence reigning over the little room." He looked completely fine and normal abnormally." A response from Physician Chen came out, bringing the awkward silence back to the earth. Physician Chen seemed to be in deep thoughts as he pondered upon the most probable cases.

He calculated and told them that there were three possibilities. First one, this youth might have survived the curse because of his considerably high cultivation unlike other cursed ones who were nothing more than average people and had no cultivation. Second one, something unusual might have happened to the youth recently, resulting in a turn of events. The last but not least, this boy might had the luck of heaven. Anyway, a good luck could change everything which immortal Wang utterly refused to take into consideration.

They had experimented every possible sort of methods and remedies, yet such special outcomes only occurred to this young cultivator.

"Something unusual?" Immortal Wang muttered to himself, which made Zhang Long Wei's heart skipped a beat, before he started interrogating his disciple, Guiren, who was assigned to look after these patients for today.

"Did you notice any irregular symptoms in the boy today?"

"No, master. His health didn't get any better this whole morning. Just like other patients, he sweated a lot, occasionally screamed out loud due to pain, all medications I gave him were as physician Chen prescribed yesterday."

" Then how did he gain consciousness?"

"That.... It was.... this disciple also didn't know. I was just taking a nap after giving them a clean-up. But there really was nothing irregular happened to him till before I fell asleep. I apologize master. Please punish this useless disciple." Guiren knelt down and confessed his fault.

" Never mind, get up "

Immortal Wang's attention was now focused on the boy." So, how are you feeling now, Li Zian? "

Zhang Long wei who was wrestling with his headache was bothered to salute and respond back. "Everywhere is uncomfortable and aching, master, but the worst thing is....the smell."

They had been coming here frequently, and got accustomed to the smell already that they totally forgot about the reek of patients. "Oh, that's right. Guiren, send him back to his original place at disciple's living quarters."

"Yes, master."

" Go wash yourself up and rest for a day or two. Physician Chen would come to your place from time to time. About other stuff, let's talk about them after you get better."

Zhang Long wei was puzzled by what meaned with other stuff. Not until those two elders got out of the room did Guiren burst out laughing.

What's with this sudden laughter? Zhang Long wei glanced at him with questioning look but it just had this crazy senior disciple of his in stitches.

"Zian, it seems like you don't understand that 'other stuff'. It means nothing other than punishment. Hahaha.... didn't you sneak away to butterfly village during your mission and get cursed?" Zhang Long wei could only frown upon his own bad luck.

"Pray to have to do only a thousand dishes or some at our sect's grand kitchen, haha.... I can't wait to see this diligent and obedient disciple getting punished by our master for the very first time."

Talk about getting punished even before you became a disciple.


Immortal Wang was showing his disciples a new sword technique when a voice transmission was sent to him.

" Father, situations in the capital has calmed down a lot. Days in here are pretty boring, can I come back to our sect by the end of this month?"

"Repeat one more round."

Immortal Wang commanded to his disciples with his deep voice loud and clear before touching his temple and sending one back.

"Just stay there and listen to your uncle. Be assiduous in your training. Don't think about coming back until next two months."


"No but!"

"Yes....., father."

A depressed tone came from the other side.

Satisfied, immortal Wang went back to coach his disciples, not knowing he was just tricked by his own mischievous son.