Trial over his son's progress

It was just the start of a graceful morning, yet at Jianyu Sect's arena, the atmosphere was so damn heavy like a great devastating tornado was about to occur. The father and son duo stood in the middle, facing and eyeing each other with some dark aura surrounding them as though one was confronting his arch-enemy.

Other disciples did not even have the guts to let out a sound of breath lest they should implicate in this battle of father and son. At first, the arena had only six or so disciples practising their combatial skill. But somehow within a period of half an hour, it had gone bulging with hundreds of disciples which was nearly half the number of Jianyu Sect's members with the culprits of those little six disciples.

Once they learnt the reason their master and this prestigious genius guy came to this little place startling the hell out of them was because the two were going to engage in a fight to test the improvement of their master's son during the past six months, they had gone dashing leaving behind no dust only to come back with these massive amount of audience. After all, to witness the fight between this father and son duo was one in a life time opportunity.

But now they regretted it like hell. They should have just suppressed their godforsaken urge and have been going to morning classes yawning drowsily with half of their sense at their dreamland, earning some beats and scoldings from their masters in the progress.

No use in lamenting now because they were already assigned to play the role of innocent during the battle by their master, immortal Wang, with a punishment of "whoever dare to ran away from the arena without his consent would have to climb up and down the emerald jade mountain for at least ten times, no complaints were allowed! "

The whole audience was dead silent with the only exception of mistress Wang who just could not stop making noises to cheer up her dear son, feeding her poor husband constant vinegar.

At this situation, Wang Li Jie would have been having an urge to laugh if he were his usual self, but right now because of something his father said right before they came to the arena, he was taking this fight for a life and death battle with his attention fully focused on his father's next move.

" If you fail this trial, then you have to cultivate and train constantly with no holidays in the next six months." This line kept echoing in his mind. He was always like this, a very carefree and unruly type. There was not much he cared, in fact, there was only one thing he cared- his freedom. Don't implicate his freedom, otherwise he would not bear.

He avoided a series of fire balls coming his way, not forgetting to protect the audience in the process. To pass this trial, he needed to complete two requirements, first- he had to endure and not give in till his father confirmed the trial was over, second-no harm must befall the audience, if one of the audience got injured in their fighting ,then he would be considered as failed. And there, disciples were not to use their own power to defend themselves either. If they did, then some kinds of specific punishments were awaiting them as well.

Immortal Wang swept his gaze over this seemingly exhausted son of his. It had been almost an hour since they started duelling and he was truly satisfied with his son's progress. If it were before, he could easily subdue this so-called genius son with two or three of his deadly moves. But now, he himself was already this worn out, yet Wang Li Jie was still standing, waiting for his next attack. He could not just tell that these dramatic changes in his son's skills were because he himself had already become an old man or because of his son's progress, but one thing for sure - this son did live up to his expectations.

He knew he over-punished Wang Li Jie concerning the matter of him sneaking to a brothel. But what could he do when he just could not stop himself from worrying for his son? He knew these traits and bad habits of Wang Li Jie came from his beloved wife ,and how difficult it was to change him. But as long as he was alive, he still hoped to see the best version of his son and felt he was responsible to reprimand this unruly son. After all, not having the authority to scold his wife did not mean he couldn't reprimand his son as well.

"Use lightening fury," he commanded Wang Li Jie with a stern voice as his own sword, fire phoenix, was also unshielded. The sword glinted with a hue of bright orange as though it was going to get burnt and melted just in a matter of seconds, deceiving one's eyes, but it didn't happen. It was his most treasured sword or could be said the very special gift or a love token from his beloved, even it's name represented his wife though no one knew how the name "fire phoenix" related to mistress Wang.

All of a sudden, fire phoenix was raised mid-air with no one's support. Wang Like Jie had a bad premonition about this.

"If father's thinking what I'm thinking, then could it be..."

And right at that moment, he saw a smirk on his father's face which meant his intuition was absolutely right. In a flash, fire phoenix was multiplied into thousands of swords which sent shivers down the disciples who were seated right behind Wang Li Jie. On impulse, they flinched and lifted their butts preparing to scurry up once those flaming swords came dashing their way.

Wang Li Jie set up a barrier around the two, not letting any of the swords get out. But he knew it was not enough. He knew exactly how "thousand flames" worked and if he was not fortunate enough, the situation might even get out of his hand, leading to the only possible result- failure.

No, he would not let it happen. No one could take away his holidays from him, not even his father! Wang Li Jie lept up avoiding the blazing weapons and stabbed lightening fury into the ground as soon as he landed. With a deafening roar, the earth beneath their feet shook just before rows of giant rocks with the height of at least five meters came bursting through the earth surface with currents of electricity flowing over.

Flaming swords stopped as they met the lofty rocks and some which could surpass it were disintegrated by Wang Li Jie. Everything happened in a flash and no one didn't know how this guy could even manage to control all these.

Soon "thousand flames" were all stopped with no one getting harmed. Immortal Wang eyed at disciples ,who had gone rushing towards other directions, in anger as he scolded "Cowards! ", making his disciples shrink into themselves.

The trial was yet to over but the arena of Jianyu Sect was almost turned into dust after a couple of exchanges between this father and son duo. Tomorrow, a new arena had to be renovated again. The remaining audience could just prayed inwardly not to suffer the same fate like this poor arena. After all, the great tornado still had a long way to go.