Wang Li Jie under Mount Everest

"So, father..... did I pass? "asked Wang Li Jie putting on a pitiful face, peeping out of the hundred layers of quilt he was covered in. Don't get the wrong idea like he was a nerd with cryophobia or something. It was just the special care of his mom for him. So what could he do other than letting himself get buried happily under these suffocating layers?

Mistress Wang ,who was preparing to get some more quilts for her son, glowered at her husband. No need to be baffled. Immortal Wang instantly got his wife's signal which meant not to make her precious son more depressed.

He cleared his throat and answered in a deep voice, " Half pass, half fail, " as he watched helplessly this unfortunate son of his getting buried alive under second Mount Everest of the world personally built up by his dear wife.

Now, the question was how did this youth who was fighting with his father just an hour ago end up like this? It was obvious. There was only one possibility. He got injured. In the trial, he was wounded in the arm by his father's treasured fire phoenix. Nevertheless, it was treated right at the arena just in a minute by physician Chen who was also part of the audience.

He repeatedly told his mom that he was okay, nothing was serious but the final outcome did not change. At last, he got dragged by his over-worried mother from the arena to the chamber of white lotus, marking the end of the trial.

But his mother was something else. She seemed to have very little knowledge about body functions of humans. The reason was clear because as soon as they arrived at his chamber, his mom started covering her injured son with layers upon layers of quilts.

Immortal Wang heaved a sighed inwardly to himself for possessing such a healthy body, otherwise he did not dare to imagine the scene of him dying not because of illness but because of suffocating in bed.

"What do you mean, father?" Wang Li Jie asked with his brows furrowed. It couldn't be that he had to serve half of the punishment as well, right? If his freedom was confined for the next three months, then how could he even endure it?

"It means you will get punished, but not as I said before. Another different type...." Immortal Wang responded which reassured his son instantly.

" Sigh...., I had to do better next time. "

Wang Little Jie put on a gloomy facade but within his inner mind, he was already grinning from ear to ear. No problem at all !.... as long as his holidays were left untouched. But not for long, soon he would have to take back these words of his with great remorse.

Immortal Wang, who failed to realize his son's little trick again, was already musing on how to punish him. Before, in the arena, he moved very swiftly and injured Wang Li Jie. Now that he gave it a thought, it seemed like his son's sword skill was still lacking a lot compared to Li Zian. He had been practising with that youth these days and had to admit that his own sword techniques had improved to a great extent from that.

That youth was always a genius when it came to handling swords but after his recovery from the curse, immortal Wang recognized that his skill advanced to a whole new level miraculously. He even considered the possibility of this youth practising his sword even in his dreams or something which was utterly impossible to begin with.

"Daddy, physician Chen said he had something urgent to tell you." This familiar yet pleasant voice of his daughter came out of no where intercepting his thoughts.

It seemed like the girl came to check in on her brother. Once she had finished relaying those words to her father, Wang Li mei averted her eyes towards her brother only to let out a loud exclamation, "Ahhh, gege! .... Mom! " startling mistress Wang who was finally satisfied with her work.

Finally, my little savior had arrived. No doubt, my sister is the best.....

Wang Li Jie reassured at the sight of his sister as he remained silent and waited for her to come and rescue him.

"Mom.... you're trying to suffocate him! " The girl scolded her mother as she destroyed the mount Everest. "What are you doing, Li mei? This way, he will get better in next to no time, Li mei.... "

Immortal Wang quietly left the room and there as expected, physician Chen was waiting for him just from the outside. He seemed to be hesitant to just walk into the room directly and join the mess.

"It seemed like my special cream works perfectly, " Physician Chen said in an amused tone which make immortal Wang flinched and slightly embarrassed. But as thick-skinned as he was, immortal Wang coughed and replied as though it was nothing. "I must appreciate physician Chen for his great skill."

It was like that. This morning, as soon as he finished telling his four disciples about their missions, he literally ran off to physician Chen's place asking for something to hide his dark circles. He was not someone beauty conscious but in front of his wife, how could he have breakfast with such ugly panda eyes?

Physician Chen was the absolute epitome of a clinophile and didn't answer until the number of knocks on his door practically reached a thousandth time. Afraid that with this rate his door would get crushed by this immortal, he had no choice but to get off from his beloved bed and answered. That was how this esteemed immortal got that special cream and managed to hide his dark circles.

"Anyway, what's that urgent matter? " Immortal Wang quickly changed the topic as he could not bear to be stared up by those snickering eyes of this physician.

"Ah.... right! Wait.... what is that about? I forgot again... damn my bad memory..... aha... I remembered! "

Raising an eyebrow, Immortal Wang shot an impatient glance at this physician who was performing an old man act. Apparently, this physician here had a reputation for his unbeatable intelligence. Who was he trying to fool?

"It was about the death of cursed patients. I just got a message from Guiren that villagers were demanding a proper reason. He said the situation is really bad. "

"That..... , " Immortal Wang touched his chin seemingly being in deep thoughts. "Send elder Yang to explain the circumstances." Immortal Wang answered finally but this came as a surprise to physician Chen. He thought immortal Wang was personally going to explain. Nonetheless, he did not give it much thoughts and complied.

"Okay then, ... ahh..... by the way, don't be too depressed. You know what? Moms always say they love their children more than their husbands which was absolutely nonsense. In truth, they love their husbands a hundred times more. "

Patting immortal Wang's shoulder, the physician attempted to cheer him up with this practical logic of his as though he was a royal adviser or something.

Immortal Wang forced a smile and let out an "okay" although this did not help him even a bit. Mind you, this physician was single, so how could he believe these words? Next time when you wanted to give this immortal advices about family matters, make sure you were already a married man.