A kind-hearted junior

The atmosphere was tensed in here and this little room could barely hold the tension. The manager was nowhere to be seen right now. . He had long fled from this danger zone not caring about his boss's property or whatsoever. After all, nothing was more important than his own life.

Of course...Zhang Long Wei and prince Rong didn't use their cultivational power. Normal weapons were everything it took to start a fight between them. But it made the fight even much scarier in the manager's eyes.

Prince Rong couldn't make his escape in time. So, right at the moment, he was trapped in a battle with this fierce junior. His little Qing was still on the back, swaying left and right until his head couldn't take the dizziness anymore.

A sabre for prince Rong and a dagger for Zhang Long wei with a pretty beauty getting cornered in the room. She was shuddering from fright, shrinking into herself everytime their weapons made contact.

The girl seemed to have no guts even to make her way to the exit or that was how Zhang Long wei thought. Little did he know the seductive here was waiting for a chance to help his buddies. Wang Li Jie had planned to get into the fight with prince Rong at first when he saw how superb this junior skills were.

But the prince gave a signal not to interrupt. Wang Li Jie instantly saw through what was in the prince's head. That bastard wanted him to play the role of a pitiful beauty. Despite being unwilling, he had no choice. After all, the prince didn't seem to be an equal of this junior.

Truly shameful.... if Wang Li Jie had to make a fair judge and not bias, the boy here was indeed impressive with his own swordsmanship. As expected of his father's disciple, geniuses were no rare ones to encounter around here.

If this kept on, with none of them breaking the rules and not using their power, his buddy was bound to be the loser here. And with that heavy boulder on the back, Prince Rong will be at his limit so soon.

The fight was intense with noises of metal hitting metal, echoing against the inner walls of the room. Zhang Long wei eyed the senior prince before him with some grudge.

"Don't follow us lest you are dead meat. "

This line which was uttered by this senior just a minute ago kept echoing in his ears. Those words might be nothing strange or enraging for others. But it was different for him. For Zhang Long wei, there were some forbidden words one shouldn't use before him.

"Don't follow me.. don't even think about following me. This cage is the place you belong to... a place which suit a bastard like you the most.....

So my son... you get it?...don't follow me...don't follow your mom.... and stay where you belonged to...just stay in that cage and follow them....hahahaha

Old man, you see now? this bastard son of yours finally found a place for him....And he look really good in there too....hahaha.... Old man, will you care to come and take a look at this?.... hahaha..... "

His eyes grew reddish, every inch of his nerves throbbing with anger. This was bad. He knew he was starting to lose control of himself. At this rate, he might even injure this senior very badly. He knew how brutal he could be every single time this version of his popped out.

Even if it was a different body, his original demonic power could be transported into it through his furious soul. This senior had no clue over what he was facing at the moment. Last time when this happened, burst of demonic energy occurred and it did a terrible damage to the imperial city.

This time, it wouldn't be that horrible. Zhang Long wei was yet to cultivate demonic art in his current body. But still, he couldn't guarantee that very same incident wouldn't happen again.

Zhang Long wei couldn't deny his origin. The demon blood was not in his body anymore. Even so, as long as his soul was still in existence, his origin wouldn't go dispelled. He would always be a piece of shit....as evil as his father.... as brutal as his mom. That was his fate.

After a round of exchanging some moves with the boy, prince Rong also came to a mind blowing realization. He was no match for this boy in the field of swordsmanship.The room had become a complete mess. There were broken pieces of liquor jar and dishes all over the floor.

Prince Rong had become exhausted. His back also got drenched from all strugglings and fightings. He first thought of asking Wang Li Jie for help but discarded the idea after recalling his buddy had not brought lighting fury for the sake of disguising.

And that was when he thought of another useful idea. Counterattacking the boy's move, prince Rong came closer to the corner where the beauty was. And there, he grabbed the beauty by her arm and pushed her onto the floor where all the smashed fragments were litttering.

Wang Li Jie was taken aback and got very little time to react. And as soon as he betted in his heart that tonight he would be going back to the peak with several injuries, the junior caught him from behind with his hand under his waist.

Goodness...the boy was a kind-hearted one....

Wang Li Jie thought in great relief as he let himself pulled into a certain direction. He and Zhang Long Wei collapsed onto the floor, losing their balance in the process.

Zhang Long Wei protected the beauty from getting hurt and let her fall on top of himself. Their lips would have already made contact if it were not for the beauty's hands which supported herself in time.

By the time Wang Li Jie knew what had just happened and regained his sense, he was already on top of the youth with his hands spreading on each side of the junior's face.

He had no words left for argument. Wang Li Jie felt guilty and blamed himself for everything. Not only did he take advantage of this junior's good will by pretending to be an innocent beauty, he also pressed him with his weight.

Embarrassed, he sat up right away. Wang Li Jie brushed a strand of his hair aside before asking the boy in a worried tone.

"You alright? "

Zhang Long wei was still lying on the floor, his mind in choas. And at her words of concern, he gazed into the beauty's eyes. The two made eye contact followed by a loud thump of his heart.

Swallowing his saliva to calm himself down, the demon sat up with the beauty's support. He didn't need any help in fact. But Zhang Long wei found himself not being able to utter a word of refusal, finding joy at the feel of her touch on his arms.

"Ahem.... ahem.... I'm... I'm al... alright. "

Zhang Long wei answered in a stammer. Something was terribbly wrong with himself. And this girl too.. something was really off with the girl too.

Creasing his brows and removing the beauty's hands off of him with caution, Zhang Long wei made up his mind. Muttering this line to himself in the heart, he stared into those bright and alluring eyes of the beauty who was looking back at him in concern.

Whatever... from now on, it would be the best just to keep his distance from this maiden....